Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A Couple From July 1958

Here are a couple of nice slides from 1958! This first one is a classic view of the much-photographed Sleeping Beauty Castle... the photo resembles the covers of the guide books from '56 and '57. Even with the saturated Kodachrome colors, you can see the the castle itself has tastefully muted colors rather than the garish peach and turquoise of today. There's plenty of activity, with folks headed into Fantasyland, while others rest in the shade or stop for some ice cream. Signs announcing the opening of the Alice In Wonderland dark ride are visible on the banners!

Approaching the entrance to the park (with the V.I.P. entrance to our right), you can't help but notice the proliferation of colorful flowers everywhere. The park is only 3 years old, but already the barren look of the early years has vanished (for the most part). It was pretty enough for this photographer to stop and take a snapshot!


  1. Both Stunning photos! The second one looks so inviting I just want to run thru it! Thanks for these eye candies.

  2. Fantastic pictures Major. I love shots from the outside of the park.

  3. The second photo is amazing!

    Thanks for sharing.
