Monday, April 14, 2008

Two Beauties From 1956!

Zowie! Just when you thought you didn't ever want to see another photo of the Mark Twain (oh, I'm only kidding)... well, feast your eyes on this baby. There's just something about it! The vivid color, the clarity, the unusual angle, and the great look at Fowler's Harbor all add up to one special photo. As is often the case in these early photographs, there is a guy messing about with a very un-frontierish motorboat in the harbor.

From the same lot comes this picture of the Fort on Tom Sawyer Island. Who would have ever thought that it would vanish? Near the shore you can just make out the two headstones that were there for only a short while. Yet another example of the "hard facts" mentioned in Walt Disney's opening day speech, evidence of which has been mostly removed these days.


  1. Is that a Christmas tree on the Mark Twain...?

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Notice the torches in the foreground too. I have vague memories of this. Was indeed a magical and more realistic place at night.

  3. Holy $#@% that shot of the fort is incredible!
