Friday, April 25, 2008

Tomorrowland, July 1961

Today's photos might look sort of familiar to you. If so, you are perspicacious! No no, that's a good thing. Because they are from the same bunch as the Astro Jet photos from a few days ago. Which is why the Jets are fairly prominent in two of today's images. This one shows the sleek blue Monorail waiting at the station... I dunno, it's just sort of cool.

Sorry about the blurriness, but that's what you get when your photos are taken by Percival L. McBlurry.

Here's a dramatic perspective of the Skyway, the buckets almost pop out at you in 3-D.


  1. Wow! I like that first shot. Action galore!

  2. Maybe they were taken by the Germans?

  3. Another batch of beauties. I want that Richfield eagle.

  4. Neat seeing the underside of the buckets! The sleek blue monorail sure does look shiny and new! Thanks!

  5. That first photo is AWESOME!
