Monday, January 07, 2008

Disneyland Entrance, circa 1957

Howsabout this fabulous photo of the entrance to the park? You've got to love that dramatic sky, contrasted with the brilliant sunny foreground...everything seems particularly bright and clear. The crowd adds a lot to the image, in their vintage mom's tomato-red coat, very nice. Mom and grandma are looking at something off-camera, what could it be?

Whooee, that's some selection of posters on display back there. This might be my only photo showing the "Satellite View of America" poster (more commonly seen as the "Space Station X-1" version), blurry and far away though it may be. Rocket to the Moon, 20,000 Leagues, Main Street Station...I call dibs on those!

Coxpilot, this one's for you! I zoomed in on the flight circle (from yesterday's photo), but it doesn't look like anybody's there at the time the picture was taken. Rats! It would be fun to find a slide that showed any one of you during a visit to the park (or in his case, working there). Anyway, I thought I'd put the zoomified detail up for fun.


  1. Thanks for the look-see at the old circle. I guess were were out goofing around (as usual). Shadows look like the shot was about noon-ish, so we were probably down at Carnation on Main St. getting a burger.

  2. Great shots, but that chain link fence ain't too purdy...

  3. Have you ever seen that Satellite View of America poster for sale? I haven't...

  4. Jed, I didn't even know that the "Satellite View of America" version existed until Patrick had a photo of one on his blog. So no, I have not ever seen one for sale. It makes me wonder how many other variations might have existed that we still aren't aware of.

  5. Anonymous1:34 PM

    That entrance shot really puts you into the picture--vivid colors, great lighting. And OH! those attraction posters!
