Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sleeping Beauty Castle, 1958

Here's an especially nice photo of Sleeping Beauty Castle in 1958. Great color, and lots of activity on this busy day. Check out the guy (with his back to us) with upturned collar and "DA" haircut. Aaaaaaay! Not to mention the happy 50's familys headed towards the tunnel through the castle. The banners out front tell us to go see the new Alice In Wonderland dark ride in Fantasyland. Partially obscured to the right is the ice cream vendor, who was worthy of his own postcard in the early days.


  1. It is great how fresh and clean the Castle looks. I would love to own one of those banners. Very cool!

  2. Major
    As usual great pics. The kid in the DA is priceless.
    Your blog is great. The pictures you post are always about much more than Disneyland.

  3. Hey Bilge Rat- there was an auction recently by S/R labs that had the shields that are on the banner. Great graphics.
