Friday, December 15, 2006

Tomorrowland & Ken-L-Land, July 1962

Here are two more examples from a lot of damaged and discolored slides from July, 1962. First up is a nice view of Tomorrowland as seen from the Skyway. Holy smokes, look at the crowds! There's the Yacht Bar (for Disneydutchman), and the yellow Monorail is just nosing its way into the picture. There are a lot of people waiting to ride it!

Oh sure, you hear a lot about Tomorrowland, Frontierland, and Adventureland, but poor Ken-L-Land is forgotten by most (it's seen here, photographed from the Monorail)! This pet-boarding facility opened in 1958...according to a brochure from 1964, it cost a mere 25 cents to board your dog in style (this included a meal of Ken-L-Ration dog food) for the entire day (sorry, no pets can stay overnight). By 1977, the cost had risen to an outrageous 50 cents! Nowadays, the sponsor is Purina. The building is still there, though it looks considerably different. Oh, and the price is different too...$15 per day.


  1. I like the images today, especially the Ken L Land. In my collection I have some great Ken L Land paper including paperwork from when a dog would stay there. Ken L Rations would send a whole certificate along with coupons for Ken L Rations.

  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    a quick note. The Yellow Monorail is actually just leaving the picture. Those are the tail lights

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Our family dog stayed at Ken L Land in the 80's, and my dog stayed there in 2005. It 's nice to take a break in the middle of the day and spend some time with your four legged pal. Nowadays you get some strange looks standing in line for the tram with your dog. A lot of people don't know about the kennel.

  4. Anonymous1:33 AM

    What would they do with pets that *DID* get left in the Ken-L-Ration kennel overnight?... Disneyland's had tens of millions of guests, so you know it must have happened. I mean, would you leave your pet in the hands of a major corporation whose product boasted 100% pure meat content? Shades of Soylent Green.
