Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tomorrowland & Helicopter, 1957

I seem to be on a Tomorrowland kick this week, though it is unintentional. I don't hear any complaints though! Today I am posting only about one half of a slide, since the other part was damaged (light leak in the camera?). But the remaining image is pretty cool. Taken from the Skyway, looking past all of the familiar vintage attractions, there is a helicopter coming in for a landing.

What a cool way to visit Disneyland! Just having the opportunity to hover over the park back in those early days would have been awesome. I know I'd take a few dozen pictures and feel mighty superior to those mere mortals below me!


  1. There is a seller on E-Bay right now selling prints of photos taken from the Helicopter. The seller also had some unpublished postcard photographs. The seller states they are in the process of building/opening a theme park museum in Orange County. I did not recognize the seller. Maybe the seller reads the blogs?

  2. I have an old map that shows the helicopter landing by the Hotel. I thought I'd also seen somewhere that it landed by Tomorrowland as shown in your picture. I wonder why and when they changed the landing location. From what I understand, service was discontinued after a second crash.

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    My friend and I worked at the park, and decided to take a trip to San Francisco. We took the helo (Los Angeles Air Lines) to LAX, and then a flight to S.F. The ticket cost $35 round trip. That was in 1960. They later moved because of the needed parking space.
