Monday, December 25, 2006

Plaza Gardens, 12-29-56

The Plaza Gardens looks busy in this photo from December, 1956. It must be lunch time, although the long shadows and bright crisp sunshine look more like morning to me. For those of you digging out of blizzards (!), take a look at that young photographer...he appears to be pretty comfortable in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt! If the Christmas tree wasn't in the picture, you'd never guess that it was almost January.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the readers of this blog for your support and interest...there wouldn't be any point in doing this if folks didn't care! And for those of you who comment regularly (you know who you are!), I offer a special thanks. I love learning more about the photos that are posted, and always appreciate the compliments. This blog will continue until I run out of slides worth sharing...I am hoping to make it to the one year mark, at least! But until then, be sure to keep checking in for more stuff. I plan on running a few more non-Disney images in the future, but never fear, it'll still be fun!

Have a safe and happy holiday, everyone!


  1. Very nice shot! And I am jealous of the person in their short sleeve shirt!

  2. Beautiful Pic!! Thats the exact location where the Christmas Bowl was held in 1955!! DD

  3. I am hoping you never run out of slides especially if they are as nice as todays.

  4. Oh my DO have a mushy side! Now where is this?

  5. “This blog will continue until I run out of slides worth sharing...I am hoping to make it to the one year mark, at least!”
    Major Pepperidge 12-25-2006 (about seven years ago).
    See, I told you you were funny
