Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas Around the World, 1960 (part 2)

Today I am forcing you to enjoy the second installment of my backstage photos of the "Christmas Around the World" (a.k.a. "Christmas in Many Lands") parade! Folks are scurrying about, getting ready to dazzle a park full of guests. These young boys are happy to stop and show off their portable manger scene...and their stripey pants!

I spy an accordion, and that means a party is about to happen. I would love to know more about how this parade came to be. Were costumes provided by Disneyland, or did the kids bring their own? How often was the parade performed? There are quite a few children and teens, did they participate in every showing of this parade? I need answers!

I love these two rather scary figures! I wonder what country these are representing. Spain? Brazil? I'll have nightmares about being chased by these effigies! The image below shows the same figures actually in the parade, circa 1958. This photo was provided by a kind Disneyland fan who wishes to remain anonymous. Thanks, anonymous!


  1. This parade looks so interesting! I'd love to see a reincarnation of it. I wonder what music they had to it, if any. Very cool shots. Thanks!

  2. Hey Major- the groups supplied their own costumes as they were the country social groups here in the United States (like the Bhuddist group in Little Tokyo, the Polish fraternal society, the Greek Orthodox church group.) From what I have seen, the parade was held one day a year. If you look at Tikiranch blog, he has posted one flier that states the Parade of All Nations would happen on December 18. I believe that the reading of the Christmas Story and singing of Christmas songs took place of the parade.

  3. mind blowing! absolutely, mind blowing snaps!
