Sunday, December 10, 2006

Canoes & Wooden Indian

For today's post I thought I'd post a couple of photos that are unrelated...I just wanted to put 'em up and this seemed to be as good a time as any! First up is a photo from 1968 at the loading area for the Canoes. At this point they were still called the Indian War Canoes (as they had been since they opened on July 4, 1956). In 1971 they were re-named Davy Crockett's Explorer Canoes. On busy summer days you can still sometimes see the canoes out on the river at Disneyland. Sadly, Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris, and Tokyo Disneyland have all removed their canoe attractions.

Next up is a photo of a guest making friends with the Tobacco Shop's famous wooden (or fiberglass?) Indian way back in 1957. I saw this very same fellow (the Indian, not the guest) at the park last month. Could he be the same figure that has been on display since 1955? Or has he been replaced with lookalikes over the years? This wooden warrior will not reveal his secrets, no matter how many hours I stand in front of him, talking and pleading (while wearing my tinfoil hat).


  1. Great shot. The Tabacconist is a long forgoten shop. The Main Street Magic Shop was just to its right...

  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I especially like the red and white stripes that warn people stepping onboard exactly where the edge of the boat is. It's a nice touch because it also can be interpreted as tribal decoration without being too intrusive. Today I suppose the lawyers would make them go with fluorescent Road-Safety Orange stripes and flasher lights mounted in the wood.

  3. The current canoes do not have the marking, but every employee who works the river has inflatible life vests and the kids under a certain age are required to wear life vests.

    And it is my understanding the Wooden Indian is the same. There was discussion around the 45th Anniversary about doing a big auction of Disneyland artifacts that was to include him, a carousel horse and other items, but it never happened.

  4. What amazes me is that there are no other guests on the street when the second photo was taken. You probably scared them away with your tinfoil hat...

  5. Hello! Does anyone happen to have any photos from this attraction (Davy Crockett Explorer Canoes) from the years 1978 to 1981? thanks!
