Saturday, August 05, 2006

Tom Sawyer Island

This is a pretty nice image of two Indian War Canoes in the wake of the Mark Twain. But what's happening on Tom Sawyer Island? There are a bunch of trees boxed and waiting to be planted, as well as a cement mixer, and what appears to be a big generator. Near the red generator there is a pile of two-by-fours, and I think there is a structure being framed. Any idea what it could be?

Once again the slide is undated, but I know that Tom Sawyer Island did not open until June of 1956, so I am guessing that this is from before that date.


  1. I would say by the look of it, they are building Castle Rock.

  2. I would agree with matterhorn. It seems the be the right location.

  3. Yep - PJ & Matt are right - really neat shot! Man - I wish we could pool all of our collections & do a book...

  4. I think you guys should pool it and do a book! Daveland mentioned this one time... so stop talking and start doing! Oh and when can I buy it?

    I know what your thinking, “Easier said than done” but USC has it own publishing arm, Figueroa Press, and I’m good friends with the guy who operates it. And maybe with USC backing it we could get Dick Nunis to write a forward… just a thought.
