Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Merlin's Magic Shop

From 1955 through 1983, Merlin's Magic Shop was the place to go for magic tricks, guide books (I have one from 1960 with a price sticker from the magic shop), gag gifts, and who knows what all. As kids my brother and I always wanted to go in and look at the rubber monster masks, and if we were lucky, my grandmother would buy us a gag gift such as a squirting plastic flower, disappearing ink, or a plastic dog that smoked little cigarettes and blew smoke rings.

I wish I could read what Tinker Bell is selling on that sign in the window. If I ever get a better scanner maybe it will become legible.

When Fantasyland underwent its renovation in 1983, Merlin's closed to become Mickey's Christmas Chalet. Snore!


  1. Great image. Now the building is the Castle Heraldry Shop where you can get a family crest....boring.

  2. Yeah, I saw the heraldry shop, what a bore! I'd rather have a cool Disneyland knick-knack any day. Thanks as always for your nice comments!

  3. I bet that tinkerbell sign is for one of her plastic glow-in-the-dark wands.... I'd love to have that sign!
