Wednesday, August 02, 2006

K7, Tomorrowland 1955

Years ago I bought a box of big glass-mounted slides, and was happy to find a few from Disneyland, 1955. They are from sometime within the first month of opening (the Chicken of the Sea pirate ship was not yet open). In spite of the fact that they were kind of a mess (magenta and splotchy), there were some great images.

Here is the intrepid spaceman known as K7. I hope his suit is climate-controlled, there's nothing like Anaheim in July/August. There's still a sense of innocent "gee whiz" fun in the Tomorrowland of the 1950's, and the feeling of a happy and exciting future for all of us. Say cheese, spaceman!


  1. One of the oft told stories is about a kid just like this one who meets the astronaut. The astronaut at the time was listening to an early transistor radio. The kid hears what the astronaut is listening to and excitedly tells his dad that the spaceman is a Dodgers fan as well.

    Great image and probably tough to scan. Thanks.

  2. Great one, Major! The retro spacesuit is so cool. I just got access to some cool internal bw photos from Convair: Retro Secretaries in Space Suits!

  3. What in the world is "Convair: Retro Secretaries In Space Suits"??

  4. Convair is/was a division of General Dynamics in San Diego - not Disney related. The built jets.

  5. Ooooohhhhh... that is a stellar image! We'd love to see the other glass slides...
