Thursday, August 31, 2006

Artists, 1960

Artists have taken over Center Street! The smocks and berets are a dead giveaway. The famous Art Corner in Tomorrowland closed in 1966, but there was a short-lived Main Street location as well. I don't have much information about it, but I can only assume that this was part of it. Since the date of this slide is 1960, they must have coexisted for a while. Several years ago, Howard Lowery auctioned off the sign that hung outside the Main Street location, what a great item. Any info about "the other Art Corner" would be appreciated!

Business looks slow, doesn't anybody want their portrait drawn in genuine pastels? It's interesting to see what was being could buy large paintings of the Chicken of the Sea pirate ship, Fort Wilderness, an Indian brave, or the Flower Mart (which was still on West Center Street, I assume). They are not exactly great art! But I sure would love to find one of them in a thrift shop. You know they just have to be out there.


  1. Hey Major- the location was the Art Festival on Main Street. In one of my earlier posts is an image of the banner that hung over the street. And I have seen a couple of the paintings in an antique mall years and years ago and they were never priced (I don't think the seller wanted to sell them) so I gave up on trying to buy them.

    I like the beatnik with beard and cuffed Levis. How classic.

  2. great stuff! was it Tang that had some images similar to this or was it Patrick? hmmm...these little nooks in main st were so great. really helped in creating that "working Main Street" vibe as opposed to a bunch of random shops that have a veneer of turn of the century main st.

  3. now patrick...were the paintings you have of general art or the 'artistic renderings' of disneyland?

  4. Jordan- I was not able to purchase the paintings as the antique mall never put a price on them! The paintings were general artist paintings of the Chicken of the Sea boat and of the castle. I do own some really bad (good) amatuer paintings featuring Main Street and also the Matterhorn alongside the Rivers of America. They are definite thrift shop quality.

  5. Wonderful shot. Although it looks just like my art studio now! :P
