Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Skyway Station, October 1958

The Skyway isn't going anywhere in this photo, but I still like the bright, colorful buckets as they stretch towards Snow Mountain (or is it Holiday Hill?). Check out the attraction posters...two brand-new-for-1958 attractions (the Columbia and Alice in Wonderland) as well as the Mark Twain!

It also appears that there is a wall around the lagoon where the Phantom Boats used to overheat. The Autopia doesn't look especially busy, but I sure to do love the colors that they used on the cars back in the 50's.

This is an unusual angle, does anybody know where the photographer was standing? The Disneyland RR, or Tomorrowland Station?


  1. Thanks for posting some incredible photos! Am I the only one who can see but half of this photo, though? It loads only halfway down. Help! :D

  2. That's so strange! I thought that area was always the garage for the Autopia... When did that waiting area go in??? Patrick - any thoughts?

  3. Tanga- that is a good question for Gurr. I do not have much documentation on the skyway at this time period.
