Sunday, September 01, 2024


Snoozle Time! It's like Miller Time, only with less beer. Both of today's scans go way back, we saw this nice lady on GDB many years ago. Both slides are from September, 1964, and I probably skipped them because I didn't think they were that good. But here they are.

Here's our redhead, she stopped to admire the dent in the castle's conical spire thingy (sorry to get so technical). "As dents go, it's a lulu!". She's a connoisseur of such things. Like TokyoMagic's grandmother, Red has smuggled a whole roast chicken into the park, using the genius idea of putting it in a large Disneyland shopping bag. And as long as she takes bites with her head in the bag, nobody will hassle her.

Well, after all that chicken, Red is feeling ready for a nap. I guess a shady bench next to the Red Wagon Inn will have to do - but MAN, the temptation to lay down is powerful!



  1. Awwww! Now I'm missing my great-grandmother's fried chicken. AND my great-grandmother!

    Thanks for the Snoozles, Major! And thanks for the shout-out to my great-grandmother.

  2. Major-
    'Red' at the Red Wagon Inn-! How apropos. Actually, 'Red' is waiting for the changeover to the Plaza Inn - but she's got about 10 months to go. (I hope that 'smuggled' whole roasted chicken is a BIG one-!)

    Thanks, Major.

  3. By the way, in addition to the slightly visible, it looks like there is also a chip on the roof to the left of the turret with the dent.

  4. Or maybe it's bird droppings?

  5. I've finally solved the mystery of how The Dent got there! Notice how the Castle is sinking into the Moat, causing it to lean to the right? Well, that tiltification caused the finial atop a neighboring "conical spire thingy" to fall off and hit the other "conical spire thingy" smack dab where we see The Dent. Ta-daaa!!! (It's so obvious once you figure it out!)
    The redheaded chicken smuggler reminds me of Shelley Winters, circa "The Poseidon Adventure". This photo was taken when the Castle was suffering from a bad case of "5 O'Clock Ivy Shadow".

    Another "lean to the right" photo. I guess the photographer had a heavy shutter-finger which caused the camera to dip down to the right every time he took a picture. This is an especially nice photo with the bright umbrellas, the gingerbread and lights on the red Wagon Inn, the flowers, and all the greenery.

    Tokyo!, now we have to look for The Chip in addition to The Dent when perusing Major's photos!

    These are way to good to be Snoozles, Major. Thanks.

  6. ^ "way too good". [sigh]

  7. TM!, I think that’s a missing shingle. Tink might have dropped her wand on one of her fly-bys.

    There are also cables festooned all over the Dented Tower. I guess Rapunzel had to have something to watch while waiting all those years for Flynn Ryder to come along.

  8. Major, you’re right, these are pleasant, soporific photos. Perfect for Sunday Morning. Thank you.

    I think we have established that those conical roofs were made of sheet metal, which would dent easily, much like Norwegian Blue Parrots, which stun easily. Actually, neither of those things have anything to do with one another. It is odd that The Dent isn’t more obvious in this view.

    Imagine having a whole bench to yourself in the Plaza. Truly a picture of the Old Park. That chicken is full of tryptophan or melatonin or something, a nap is practically a requirement. In 1964 maybe there would be a quiet corner in the Indian Village where we could nod off for a bit.


  9. TokyoMagic!, sorry, it was your GREAT grandmother, not your grandmother. How many people got to know their great grandma? Not me.

    Nanook, Red won’t go hungry, there is tons of food at Disneyland, she’ll just have to fork over some cold hard cash. Life is tough.

    TokyoMagic!, how could the roof get chipped? I guess the same way it could get dented.

    TokyoMagic!, the dent was caused by bird droppings!

    JB, listen, we all have theories, like my chemtrail theory. But it’s not a theory, it’s a fact! I do notice that some photographers tend to list one way or the other, I think I do too, sometimes. I guess I can see the Shelly Winters resemblance, though that seems unkind. She personally reminds me of my kindergarten teacher, who I loved. I had to lighten photo #2 up a LOT, Red was almost lost in the dark shadows, but now we can see her and smile at her.

    JB, oh man, I was about to phone the Spelling Police! But you saved it at the last second.

    Chuck, I did not think that the “shingles” were actual individual shingles, but I can’t say for certain. I think I’ve seen some of those roof elements on the ground when the castle was being built, and the shingles were already in place. Who knows! Rapunzel particularly liked Cinemax.

    JG, did we establish that the conical roofs were sheet metal? If so I forgot. I thought that they were fiberglass, to be honest. However, fiberglass is tough, and not prone to denting, so I realize that my theory might not make sense. Looking at recent photos of the crowds at the park, photos like these are like heaven. We should do a poll: Where is the best place to nap in the park?
