Friday, September 27, 2024

Parking Lot, June 1962

Views of the old parking lot are always popular. There's just something about vast stretches of asphalt painted with parking stripes and "populated" with cars that evokes smiles and happiness among all peoples of the World. If only every place could be a parking lot!

The June Gloom has hit hard, but it still hasn't dampened my spirits (though my hair has lost its curl). We're out in Lot C, that's "C" for Clarabelle Cow. Or Cruella de Ville. Or Cinderella. You get the idea! Look at that Monorail, it's like a straightened banana on one rail (I know, my metaphor needs work).  

I'll zoom in a little for you fans of classic cars. The Corvette to the left is nice, but not practical for my purposes. I'll take a station wagon, and have my eye on that two-tone cream and coral baby. 

Next we'll head over to Fantasyland, just outside of the "Alice in Wonderland" attraction. Alice herself is peering at us from her attraction poster. A flock of sailors is to the left, they are about to break into song, as sailors do. I hope it is not too naughty (but it can be nautical).  The man with the bowtie to the right seems to be introducing his toddler to three people. "This is Lurleen, she can lift a calf over her head!". Impressive, you must admit.


  1. Funny, but the man with the bow tie looks more like a ventriloquist, holding his dummy!

    I bet the sailors were about to start singing, "There's Nothing Like A Dame."

    Thanks for the sixties pics, Major!

  2. Somehow, the June Gloom really makes the Monorail and the cars stand out. Yay June Gloom!
    An especially nice assortment of vehicles on display here; different shapes and colors. And there's a family of electrical towers admiring the variety of cars, just like us! Question: How does one straighten out a banana without smushing it up? I don't have the answer, I just wanna know.

    "A flock of sailors". Since sailors are 'of-the-sea' perhaps they should be referred to as a pod of sailors. The sailor in the back is eating an ice cream bar (I think). Those "how do you do" people that you mentioned make me feel good.

    Thanks, Major.

  3. Major-
    You and your cars... That [impractical] Corvette appears to be a 1958 model, (probably) in Snowcrest [or] Arctic White. The (probably) Caribbean Blue Green 1955 Rambler station wagon, is sitting just behind it. The object of your desire really threw me for a loop. I first thought it was a Packard station wagon - but that was a bust. Luckily, it's a 2-door station wagon - but even that didn't help. I just lucked on a beautiful image on-line to provide the ID. It's a 1959 German Ford Taunus P2-! (You're really making me work for my Zinger-!) See another image of it HERE.

    In front of it is a 1959 Chevrolet station wagon (perhaps) in Highland Green and Snowcrest White. To its right is a pair of Fords: 1st, a 1956; then a 1955. Sandwiched between them is a 1955 Chevrolet (probably) in [believe-it-or-not] just plain Coral and India White-!

    I think those sailors need a couple of nuns to keep them company.

    Thanks, Major.

  4. Budblade5:15 AM

    No love for the 1960ish Cadillac fleetwood behind the corvette?

  5. Budblade5:18 AM

    And don’t forget the sad looking Nash station wagon

  6. Budblade, I thought that might have been a Nash. Thank you!

    Major, an apt simile for the Monorail Yellow, there’s probably a huge peel somewhere backstage. And a great view of the Power Lines! And the Happiest Parking Lot on Earth. Not even an exaggeration.

    A group of sailors is called a “fleet”, right? Chuck will see this post and explain it all.

    I thought Bow-Tie Bill was wearing suspenders, but it’s his camera strap. I like this photo 2, all the color and energy of Disneyland, people having fun in exotic surroundings.

    Thanks Major!


  7. Sailors and nuns: they used to be all over the place: now: not a nary one in sight: not that I've seen anyway: I suppose they are incognito. I thought back in my day that the discount at the ticket booths were given to those "in uniform", and out of uniform they would buy tickets "at the base." In today's world on some commercial air carriers, for priority boarding, it also used to be "active duty in uniform", and now "active duty". It seemed that the guys that would come into the park would stay in their "pods"....and it wasn't just one or two of them: it tended to be a larger gaggle of them. The foreign servicemen generally came in uniforms that were quite "exotic" to the Southern Californians, and there seemed to be many guests who would photograph them like Mickey Mouse, et al. I miss a good parking lot. You can still experience parking lots at Walt Disney World: which offers it's own experience: somewhat like arriving to a theatre before a show. It makes sense theatrically. I'm not sure "Mickey and Friends" compares: but that is just me being an old grouch. Love the T-Bird despite it's impracticality. The limo behind it is kind of cool too. Perhaps there was a crown head of state in the Park that day. You don't see a yellow Monorail that often: at least I don't. I can imagine that back when this photo was taken it was rather breath taking to see this machine whizz across on it's rail rather quietly...with a very specific sounding "whirrr". Thanks Major for the trip!

  8. @ Budblade-
    I'll leave the ID-ing of that "Cadillac" to the experts. As for the "Nash" station wagon - if you're referring to the 1955 'Caribbean Blue Green Rambler' - well... is it a Hudson or a Nash Rambler-? We need to be able see the emblem on the front grill to make that determination. From this angle and resolution I couldn't make an accurate call, so a Rambler had to do. A-ha.

  9. @ Budblade-
    I should have also included the factoid that on May 1, 1954, Nash-Kelvinator merged with the Hudson Motor Car Company to form American Motors Corporation (AMC).

  10. TokyoMagic!, aw, his daughter’s no dummy! “There’s Nothing Like A Dame”, I guess I’m not up on my MGM musicals (I assume it’s from “On The Town”).

    JB, I suppose the lack of harsh shadows is a bonus. Sometimes. I almost always prefer nice sunlight (NOT backlit), and a nice blue sky. But you can’t have it all. Banana Straighteners can be purchased on Amazon, expect to pay $500 to $600 for a good one. A “pod” of sailors? That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard.

    Nanook, I admit that I would happily take that 1958 Corvette, even though I need something more practical. “Snowcrest”, the name of my Alpine chateau! Wowee, I am always impressed with your car ID abilities, but figuring out that German Ford station wagon is extremely impressive. How in the world did it end up in Anaheim? Thank you for all of that info!

    Budblade, a Cadillac is definitely my style!

    Budblade, so is that Nash station wagon!

    JG, what did they do when the yellow Monorail got those unsightly brown spots? Make Monorail bread? Power lines, I’m not sure they are beloved, but they are noticed, anyway. Hmmm, a “fleet”, I guess that makes sense. I thought that guy was wearing suspenders too!

    Bu, I have very few photos of nuns at the park. Sailors are much more common, or other military fellows. It’s always a good thing to find one of those scary nuns in their habits! Yes, to get the military discount, the guys (and gals) had to wear their uniforms. Why not just show their military ID? Seems a little odd. It makes sense that they would come in groups (or even pairs), I personally don’t really like going to the park solo. It’s OK, but nowhere near as fun as with a friend or two. I actually kind of like the Mickey and Friends parking structure, your car is in the shade, it’s relatively easy to reach, and relatively easy to get back on the freeway to go home. Yes I miss the old lot, but it’s not a total loss, especially now that they’ve improved DCA.

    Nanook, oh you car guys! I hope switchblades don’t come out.

    Nanook, hey, they sponsored CIRCARAMA!

  11. Major-
    There is Nothing Like a Dame is from South Pacific, and that film was either released by Magna Theatre Corporation for the 70mm Roadshow Release; or 2oth Century-Fox for the 35mm General Release "at Popular Prices". (Sorry, MGM is nowhere to be found for this musical).

    Being able to ID that German Ford was due to divine intervention. (Sometimes I'm blessed that way). But what WAS it doing in 'The Happiest Parking Lot on Earth"-??

    As for that Nash [or Hudson] Rambler station wagon - you can catch glimpses of it and similar models in images taken at the [original] CirCARama showroom; those [now] AMC vehicles 'nestled-in' amongst Kelvinator appliances.

  12. "Look at that Monorail, it's like a straightened banana on one rail (I know, my metaphor needs work)."
    Major, maybe you should stick with calling it by it's Latin name -- as explained by you in THIS PAST GDB POST.

  13. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Major- Thanks for the great photos today of the parking lot & Fantasyland. That's quite a variety of cars on display. The only explanation for the German Ford being there is- they took a wrong turn at Albuquerque... ;-)


  14. Dean Finder11:57 AM

    Bowtie guy looks like a huckster - maybe he is selling the baby... "What would you offer me for this 1960 girl?"

  15. Lou and Sue12:12 PM

    Blogger just ate my last comment, so I’ll try again…

    Dean, upon a closer look, that huckster resembles Gable…see those ears??

  16. Nanook, ah, I was thinking, “Sailors, must be ‘On The Town’”, not remembering South Pacific. Which I like, except for those awful color filters. I wish there was a way they could “undo” those filters! I’ve seen some old photos of the “showroom” inside CirCARama, as you say, Kelvinator appliances were there too, so crazy.

    Lou and Sue, oh yeah, my Latin is a little rusty lately. Speaking 15 languages fluently can be so confusing!

    DW, I’m glad you liked these, did you recognize the German Ford too? If so, kudos to you. Man, everyone turns the wrong way at Albuquerque!

    Dean Finder, oh gosh, I hope not!

    Lou and Sue, his ears are blurry because they are flapping, just like in old cartoons!

  17. Albuquerque needs better signage.

    Major, Disney should have Monorail Bread in the Jolly Holiday Bakery.


  18. That Ford Taunus probably came to the States with a returning Servicemember who had been stationed in Germany.

    JG, yes, indeed - those are sailors. I was thinking the same thing about Albuquerque.
