Wednesday, August 07, 2024

A Pair From the 1960s

Here are two pix from different undated batches. Maybe that makes them "randos", but I refuse to pay to have them officially certified.

At first I thought that this first one might be from the 1960s, and it could be, but somehow the fashions on some of the guests feel a bit later than that to me, now that I really look. What do you think? A Tyrolean band performs somewhere... that "stonework" makes me think that they are near the castle, but I can't quite place it. Maybe they are near the Matterhorn? Behind the two clarinetists is a groupie! 

Another "probably from the 1960s" scan is this unusual angle on the Mark Twain as it waited at the dock. There are flags aplenty! The boy to our left is sporting a hat with a purple ostrich blue, and if you look carefully, you can see a red plume and a yellow plume. I guess there were a lot of featherless ostriches walking around somewhere?


  1. If you follow that stone wall /bench to the right you’ll reach the ALICE IN WONDERLAND restrooms … the band is facing Tomorrowland /Alpine Gardens . This wall in along MATTERHORN Way .

  2. @ MIKE-
    Thank you for the ID. I was thinking that was the location - but not absolutely certain.

    Major, I think the 1st image is probably late 60's-early 70's; and the second image is probably late 50's-early 60's.

    Thanks, Major.

  3. I say that we start a GoFundMe so Major can have these photos certified as Randos. Surely we all agree that it's a worthy cause? Any leftover funds could be used to buy more e-ink and a large supply of Golden Gorilla statuettes.

    Hmm, I have no idea where the oompah-pah band is playing, but the fact that it IS an oompah-pah band makes me think that it's somewhere around the foothills of the mighty Matterhorn, like Major suggested. It looks like the ground behind the rock wall does slope upward a bit. Or maybe this isn't Disneyland at all! Maybe it's Switzerland! (Pay no attention to that Disneyland trashcan. It's fake, to throw us off.) I would guess this is in the first half of the '70s.

    I'm still astounded that Disney found multi-colored ostriches somewhere, for their hats. I mean, I've never seen purple, red, blue, or yellow ostriches; have you? The short haircuts on the guys, plus the baggy pants on the teen closest to us makes me think this might be the late 1980s? Although, it could be the '60s like you said. Still...

    I see that Mike and Nanook have placed the first photo at the base of the Matterhorn, though I'm still not clear exactly where.

    Nanook, 1950s? Hmm, I guess trousers were pretty baggy then, but I still get a late '80s, grunge era vibe.

    Thanks for the uncertified Randos, Major.

  4. Here's the general area of where that first one was taken. There appears to be a curve to the bench seating in the vintage photo, but the bench curves in two places, so it's difficult to pinpoint the exact spot. If that tree were still there today, it would make it easier.,-117.9184105,3a,60y,313.57h,92.71t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVVn99bLMoncs4_Br3mqvCQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205410&entry=ttu

  5. Pic #1: Early '70's, Pic #2 Early/Mid 60's. In the 60's, boys got "crazy" with their hair and these three are still rather well maintained for their age before the "ragamuffinization" swinging 60's set in. I was part of that group too- the I can say that. We all got so defiant with our hair, while my parents and grandparents said that I should have a "proper boys haircut!". (Yes...with an exclamation point.) I was like: "people...PEOPLE!" "I get bullied enough NOW...and you want me to get a CREW CUT?!" I've never seen an "Ooompa pa band" before: and it's nice to see them now. I'm wondering if it was just some members of the Disneyland Band in different costumes (?). The location is correct: as you head toward the Matterhorn, past the "Kidney Boy" trees on the right: this bench is to the left. I vote that it is a wee further down closer to the "Prince and Princess" restrooms...and thanks TM for the 2024 view...looks like the benches changed just a touch: I the base...but the light standards remain. I really like those lamps! So very ornate, in a place where really very few people will notice them. The Mark Twain loses it's scale when the photo is taken directly in front of the dock: don't you think? I can ALMOST see an unbuttoned vest: the Ticket Taker...there with the Supervisor in "Supervisor Pose". You would often see these guys hovering just like this. I'm not sure I've seen one in a long time. In the 80's they would jump in and help where needed to expedite crowds, etc. Now, I see randoms walking through the park with metal "pick up claws" pick up random trash. It's unsettling to me in some way. I guess bending over is "hard" or people are afraid of germs or something. I just don't know how you can be in service to your people with that thing in your hands. Bring back Ostrich Feather hats please. They sell Ostrich meat, and have Ostrich why not? I think those hats would be an easy thing to make..maybe this is an idea for an Etsy site: "Disneyland Ostrich Feather Hats". Just please don't put ears on them. Can there be one thing without ears? Please? I'm not a huge fan of new "Mouseka-Ears"...they look too feminine and "hair clippy" to me...I guess that's the point. Bring on the Roy Williams ears. Thanks for the Rando's today Major!

  6. Stu295736:10 AM

    Yeah, I was going to say "around the Matterhorn somewhere" but Mike got a wee bit more specific.
    Fun Fact: The kid in the purple plume hat began recording music and later was know by his professional name: Prince! (His first instrument was a clarinette)

  7. I’m in general agreement with the locations noted, this is definitely Matterhorn Avenue between Screaming Kid Tree and the restrooms by Alice. Can’t be sure which set of benches tho. It’s a nice obscure pic.

    Those bald ostriches go to the Solvang ostrich farm to recuperate. The colored feathers are created by diet supplements. This farm was the exclusive purveyor to Gypsy Rose Lee.

    Thanks Major!


  8. @ JB-
    "... but I still get a late '80s, grunge era vibe". I realize we're all clutching at straws here, as there's so little info for real reference but, nothing screams 1950's on guys than 'cuffed' short sleeve shirts; and that striped shirt feels as if it would be most-happy 'doing its thing' in the 1950's. BUT, still could be 1960's. And from little we can see on the surrounding folks, it ain't the 80's. BUT, AGAIN... is it possible the festoon bulbs on the Mark Twain have been retro-fitted with S-6 lamps from their original S-14 bulbs, as it's not clear from this image-?? Okay, I've talked myself into total confusion.

  9. Mike Cozart, thanks! So the Matterhorn would be right behind us?

    Nanook, OH YEAH? OK I admit you’re probably right.

    JB, any plan that involves money coming my way is OK by me. Money! Moolah! Cash! Ducats! Crypto! Yes, an oompah-pah band definitely gives off an Alpine vibe. They should be updated to be an electronica band, resembling Kraftwerk. Switzerland has put out many Disneyland style trashcans knowing that they cause guests to spend more. It’s psychological! I’ve always wondered if an ostrich had to die in order for its feathers to be used on hats. On the other hand, I’ve been told that ostrich meat is YUM-my. I couldn’t tell you. There used to be both an ostrich farm and a camel farm not too far from my mom’s house, but once the area started getting developed, those went away.

    TokyoMagic!, if only it was Kidney-stone Kid’s tree! Thanks for the link, I think you are right.

    Bu, did boys get crazy with their hair? I guess it’s all relative - the Beatles were mocked for their “long hair”, and in the early to mid-60s they look positively clean cut to our 2024 eyes. About the only thing I sometimes see in 60s photos is sideburns. True hippies don’t show up until way into the 70s, at which point that whole movement was on the wane, and punk and New Wave styles were coming. I think I’ve seen an oompah-pah band, but couldn’t tell you where. There used to be a German restaurant near us, I think they had live music. You couldn’t get enough of that tuba. An unbuttoned vest, wait until you see one of the Mysterious Benefactor’s photos (probably in a month or two), it blew my mind. You’ll see! I have no idea how large a genuine 1880s steamboat was, so it’s hard for me to know if the Mark Twain is scaled down or not. Modern steamboats like the ones people take for cruises down the Mississippi are pretty big, I believe, but those are quite different from the oldies. I’d like to try ostrich meat at least once, I’m told it’s like red meat. Ostrich burgers? Women LOVE the clippy mouse ears, you see zillions of them on a typical day at the park. A few men wear them too.

    Stu29573, wow, I did not expect Prince to look like that as a young lad, but you never know. I saw Prince live in concert, does that make me cool?

    JG, I realize that I am a soft city boy, but the thought of killing an ostrich makes me sad. Meanwhile, bring on the pork chops! My grandpa worked at a meat plant, and we took a tour when I was young. It was pretty traumatizing and I swore I’d never eat meat again. One day later I think I had hotdogs.

    Nanook, yes, I can safely say that neither of these is from the 80s! As we all remember, everyone had “Flock of Seagulls” hairdos in those days, even grandmas and grandpas. I love your “bulb-fu”, something nobody else can do.

  10. Correct: to the of the image is the Castle and The Plaza - to the right is the Alice in Wonderland restrooms … and behind us is the Matterhorn and circle vision building /alpine gardens . WHOA! BLOGGER is doing sobering weird making it hard to view what I’m typing … (????)

  11. Major, ostrich skin leather is highly sought after for western style boots etc. not my style, but I’ve seen it in shops.

    Another way of orienting to the picture location is that Snow White’s Grotto is behind those shrubs.


  12. I remember several Disney News articles regarding how throughout the day the Disneyland Band members would break up to create other bands around the park like The Main St. Town Band, the Fireman Band , the Bavarian Band and others etc… then regroup for Disneyland Band performances…

  13. There’s a late 60’s WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY with a 2pstt series called The Feather Farm …. All about two ranch hands who get a job on an ostrich farm in Arizona that supplies the lucrative hat feather industry at the turn-of-the last century. I think Gary Bussey plays one of the ranch hands.

  14. I’m checking very late today, but that looks like a 1960s shopping bag in the first pic on the far right by the seated woman. How long was that bag used? Thanks, Major.

  15. Kathy, good eye! That psychedelic bag was around from the late sixties, through the early seventies, but I'm not sure of the exact dates. Maybe someone else knows.
