Sunday, July 21, 2024


You know it's time for Snoozles - because you have precognition. This first one is from June, 1962; the photographer wanted a nice shot of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship, but that turned out blurry. The lady in the foreground though? Clear as can be! I hope she was his wife, so it wasn't a total loss. I'm generally happy to see photos of the ship with the sails unfurled, since those seem to be less common.

Next, a scan from a slide dated "November 28, 1973". I initially labeled this file "Art Market", and I guess that's not incorrect, but it isn't the Art Market that was on East Center Street. Instead, it looks very New Orleans Square-ish, don't you think? An artist works on a double portrait (how long would that take?), while the smiling face of Anita Bryant keeps him safe from harm. Everyone loves Anita!


  1. I like the lady on the left with the purple rinse in her hair. I don't think it's due to the slide color fading over time; her hair is just that color. Too bad the Ship is blurry. Like you said, there aren't that many photos with the sails unfurled, and it looks so grand that way.

    Major, I concur about this being in NOS because of the wrought iron chair. And the green 5 gallon plastic bucket... New Orleans is known for it green 5 gallon plastic buckets. ;-) I hate to think that a portrait of Anita B. would be so prominently displayed. Thankfully, I believe that's Jackie O., instead. You can sure tell this is the '70s by the girl on the left with the farmer's overalls and long braided hair.

    Not bad at all for Snoozles. Thanks, Major.

  2. Major-
    My vote is for Jackie O, too - but she and Anita Bryant are practically interchangeable-!

    Thanks, Major.

  3. Major, after reading your commentary, but before reading JB and Nanook's comments, I thought, "Jackie O., with Anita Bryant hair." But it almost qualifies as "Ginger Grant hair."

    Happy Snoozle Sunday, to ya!

  4. I believe this is the wall and the shutters that we are seeing in the second image. They just moved the portrait artists a smidgen over to the left, to block one of the former entrances to the Court of Angels:,-117.921538,3a,75y,178.21h,89.69t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3ShrmUBZESB9DdxNhOWEnA!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205410&entry=ttu

    Jackie Onassis.

  6. JB, maybe I need a purple rinse in MY hair? I’ve heard of “blue-haired old ladies” but not “purple-haired old ladies”! I hope to someday go to the real New Orleans and see some green 5 gallon buckets. I’ll sit on one and eat a beignet! I don’t know, that big mane of auburn hair gives me Anita Bryant vibes, though I can sort of see Jackie O. a bit too.

    Nanook, until today I never thought about Jackie and Anita resembling one another!

    TokyoMagic!, I’ve never been in love with Jackie O. or Anita Bryant, but I was in love with Ginger Grant!

    TokyoMagic!, I think you are right.

    Mike Cozart, I still see Anita, but maybe that’s just my form of mental illness.

  7. OK. Confession: I rinse my hair in purple...purple neutralizes yellow...which is mostly caused by chlorine for me...and nicotine for experience is that it comes out "Santa White"...which is better than dirty white. Opinions may vary. Once I did dye my hair on purpose grey...and it came out purple...and I just left it to grow out...which it did. That was my "punk" phase. Quite possibly the second most photographed icon in Disneyland next to the castle. No: not the purple hair: but it's interesting that not ONE of the people in the photo are looking in exactly the same place...dig in. Pic #2 and New Orleans Square. That chair is known by some as a "peacock" chair, and to get these vintage is an expensive prospect. Generally they are a wee larger and more ornate, but this is a fine version and looks "oh so comfortable" for this street artist. Jackie O certainly has some embellished hairography: but I'll let it go... I can honestly say that as vain as I was in the 80's I had no interest in getting my portrait from a street artist. From a caricature artist: yes. I'm sure there is a niche market for these vintage portraits: would be interesting to see if they came with a branded "New Orleans Square" paper frame or not. That logo was particularly nice. Thanks for the snoozes Major, which are generally the most interesting to me of the photos of the week....

  8. I can hear Captain Hook shouting his orders to Young Mr. Smee “Mihrab! His Sails Unfurled!” Any version of the Pirate Ship is acceptable to me!

    Yes, this artist is in NOS, in the short stretch of walkway between the Court of Angels (now closed) and the restrooms. I think there were several artists in this area. Is that blue-gray thing a trash can, or a locker for art supplies?

    Clearly the sketch above the easel is Lee Radziwill. Why is the photographer taking a picture when he can get a sketch made?

    Thanks Major!


  9. Bu, at least you are not doing the Regis Philbin “weird red” dye job. Chlorine, are you a swimmer? My niece (in her 20s) dyed her hair gray, and I said maybe I’ll do the same thing. “Too late!” was her response. The little brat. I do wonder what the most photographed things at Disneyland are, in order? The castle has to be number one, but the train station, the Mark Twain… those have to be up there too. I really respect the artists who are good enough and brave enough to do their thing in front of an audience, and under a time crunch. What did they get, 15 minutes? I used to go out and do plein-air painting, and boy did I hate it when somebody would stand behind me and watch. Or worse, offer criticism.

    JG, “Mihrab”?? I feel like that sounds familiar but it isn’t coming to me. I can’t really tell what that blueish thing is. It doesn’t really look like the standard trashcan, but I wouldn’t think that it would be needed for art supplies. Lee Radziwill, I knew the name but had to look her up. Unfortunately the only photos I saw showed her as a very old woman so it’s hard to make the connection.

  10. Dean Finder10:16 AM

    Disney should offer their super VIP tours an option to have a sketch artist follow the group around and sketch the guests' day. Much classier than photographs.

  11. Major, the Mihrab quote is from Star Trek.


  12. Major-
    Let's not forget that image of Anita Bryant (from 1960) previously-seen on these pages... SEEN HERE with a more 'conservative' hairdo.

  13. Captain Picard meets the Tamarians, “The Children of Tamar”, whose entire language is composed of literary references to their great legends. Mihrab set forth on a great journey by setting sail.

    “Darmok and Jilad at Tanagra.”

    Lee Radziwill is Jacquelin Bouvier’s sister.


  14. Oddly, I was just reading about Anita Bryant this morning at breakfast (no, I didn’t have orange juice).

    JG, a bit late in getting to comment, but GDB, when the Snoozles came.

  15. Chuck, This is the Way.


  16. Dean Finder, imagine being a sketch artist, following a group of people (10 people? 15?) and having to draw them! Aieeee!

    JG, hmmm….

    Nanook, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen an actual Anita Bryant album cover!

    JG, oh yeah, I remember that one, with Paul Winfield. That was a strange one, I still don’t know how anybody could have figured out what the heck he was talking about! Did Lee look at lot like her sister when they were younger? I guess I’ll have to look it up.
