Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Grandpa & Granddaughter, 1950s

Happy Birthday, Disneyland! It's hard to believe that you've been with us for 69 years. Today's photos aren't from 1955, but they are nice and vintage, which is good enough for me. 

A grandfather poses with his granddaughter in front of the Chickenoftheseapirateship (it's fun to say it like that, really fast. Try it!), They are standing at the port side - the side that does not face out  toward the rest of Fantasyland. The warm sunshine, rich color, and gleaming paint give me a kind of synesthesia. I may go into a trance, and if I do, just give me a piece of candy. In fact, give me a piece of candy anyway.

"Gramps and the Bobbysoxer", starring William Demarest and Luana Patten (probably). See it twice for the first time! They are at the Jungle Cruise dock, have they just returned from their journey? Also, what is gramps holding in his right hand? I like the girl's pinky-orange dress, an unusual hue for sure.


  1. Major-
    I think 'Gramps' is holding his high school diploma. Also - extra points are awarded for his fancy belt-! (I wonder if it was constructed from 'woven' gum wrappers-?)

    Thanks, Major.

  2. I actually knew what synesthesia was without looking it up! (But I did anyway just to make sure.) Sadly, or maybe gratefully, I don't think I have any form of it. But, like you, I'll take the candy anyway.

    Granddaughter looks like she could be a CM; Alice maybe, or a Storybook Canal Boat guide. We can see the heads of a few guests poking up over the side of the Ship. Soooo, what was stored in that 'treasure' chest? Empty tuna cans?

    Whatever is in Gramps' hand it sure is rolled up tight! You could pound nails with it! I see that Granddaughter went to the same modeling school as Ginny; with her feet just so.

    Nanook, Ha! I was wondering the same thing about Gramps' belt!

    Nice Grandpa & Granddaughter pics, Major. Will we be seeing more pics of them?

  3. I never noticed that lantern over the doorway to the Chicken of the Sea pirate ship. I wonder if it flashed when the tuna-filled donuts were fresh, and right out of the fryer?

  4. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Major- Actually we are seeing the starboard side of the ship which does face the rest of Fantasyland. Notice the anchor, on the right, which is at the front of the ship. This is an early shot though, before the side door was relocated more towards the rear of the ship (to the left of photo). I always enjoy seeing any pictures of the COTS ship. The Jungle Cruise dock pic is pretty neat as well. Thanks Major.


  5. @ TM!-
    I hadn't really noticed that lantern over the doorway, either. But images from 1955 show its presence then, remaining right up 'til the end.

  6. Nanook, I did a search, right after I left my comment. And there it was, in all of dthe photos, like you said! Who knew?

  7. That “treasure chest” is a 19th Century Steamer Trunk …… painted to look like a pirate chest … a steamer trunk would be a horrible choice to hide treasure in …. Being made of wood, brass, canvas or oilcloth , it would rot within a year of being buried or placed in a salty wet cave ….

    But “Anything is possible at Disneyland!….”

  8. Happy Birthday Disneyland! This has always been (in my mind) a national holiday, or a holiday of sorts. A day that the form of entertainment crossed over into the 3D world. And think of the billions of other dollars, Yen, etc etc etc...have been made, and all the people who have been employed: either directly or a result of July 17 1955...something to ponder, as you take a look at Walter Knott and his granddaughter here at Disneyland. The pirate ship seems as iconic as the castle: and soooo many photos were taken of it. Odd, or not so odd that it was I have posted before, there were many stories, and ultimately: it's enjoy the memories. Yet another Jungle Cruise costume: looks like the skipper is Mike (and Walt) said: anything is possible at Disneyland. Hope it's before Labor Day with those white trousers.....Thanks Major!

  9. These are so very appropriate for Disneyland’s birthday. Parents (and grandparents) taking the kids for a fun-filled day at the Park.

    Just perfect, Major, thank you.

    The treasure chest is placed there so you can donate to the Retired Pirates Fund on the way past.

    Gramps is clutching his slide rule, remember those? I still have mine.

    JC crew is straightening up the yellow cushions, searching for lost change for the Retired Captains Fund.

    Bu, you are right, there’s a lot of money in fun, and if you work it right, there’s a lot of fun in money. Walt did a lot of good for the World.


  10. Nanook, you never know when you’ll need proof of your graduation from high school! They asked me for mine when I went on the Haunted Mansion, and I was so embarrassed.

    JB, yes, always accept candy, no matter what the circumstances. Well, maybe not from somebody in a van. The granddaughter does have a wholesome “Disney” look! They stored FULL tuna cans in that chest, the sun got them nice and hot. I wonder if Gramps has one of those Mark Twain certificates in his hand? Though it appears to be held closed with a band of paper. No idea. I think there are two or three more photos of Gramps and the bobby soxer.

    TokyoMagic, mmmm, tuna filled donuts. The taste sensation that all the teens are making Tik Toks about!

    DW, I guess I musta bumped my head the day that I wrote that. I admit that the “gangplank” looks a lot more crooked than I remembered.

    Nanook, now I need that lantern (and only THAT lantern) in my collection.

    TokyoMagic!, like many Americans, you suffer from Lantern Blindness.

    Mike Cozart, I appreciate the creative use of a steamer trunk!

    Bu, I have learned that there are many who not only don’t like Disneyland, but hate that anybody else likes it. It’s weird. Don’t go if you don’t like it! And I will spend my kid’s college fund. DEAL? We’ve been told that the Pirate Ship was in rough shape when they tore it down, but so what? Fix it. Better than reducing it to rubble. I am sure that the sentiment at WDI is “Oh, they’ll complain for a while, and then everyone will forget”. NOPE.

    JG, I can’t donate to the Retired Pirates Fund (or RTF) because I never have any pieces of eight, or even dubloons. I have my dad’s slide rule, it is a quality item! There is certainly a lot of money in fun, and the Disney VPs are all trying to figure out more and more ways to squeeze every penny out of us!

  11. WHAT? No tompions? That's just poor naval seamanship, that is.

  12. Steve DeGaetano, this was during the great tampion shortage of 1956! Sailors were reduced to using rounds of bread.

  13. Had to look up "tampion". Now I know! Turns out, I actually made one once, for an organ pipe. I was experimenting with making a few organ pipes in preparation to (possibly) making a pipe organ, as a hobby... It never got finished.

  14. The little girl is a doll! She probably still remembers all the fun she had that day with her Grandfather...and maybe Grandmother, too...maybe she's taking the pictures??

    Happy Birthday, Disneyland!

    Thanks, Major.
