Sunday, July 14, 2024


It's time for more BLURZLES™ - a very specific sort of Snoozle, though not rare (unfortunately). Today's examples are particularly heartbreaking because the photos could have been so good otherwise. 

From *sometime in the 1960s* comes this photo, taken from the Monorail as it zoomed to the Disneyland Hotel; while I am disappointed that it is a little bit blurry, at least it is understandable - the Monorail was traveling at near light speed. The sky diffuses the sunlight so that we get no harsh shadows, and we should be able to observe some good details from up here. BUT... no such luck.

This next one (from the 1950s) is even more frustrating - an action-packed scene from Frontierland, with Black Bart (that cowardly scoundrel!) firing his pistol. Who is he shooting at? Perhaps Sheriff Lucky is out of frame to our left, but it almost looks like he's going to take out that young fella with the camera. The guests are fun to observe - at first I thought the two boys in red (with Keppy Kaps) were cast members. The person to the right with the striped shirt and shorts looks like "Young Mr. Smee" (hey, Disney+, there's a series idea for you). Behind the people is a cloth shade above a souvenir stand that I've never seen before - one of the items on display is the souvenir fan that I shared not too long ago. Casa de Fritos is to our right.


  1. Major-
    I tried rubbing my eyes to clear-up the condition: no soap. I DO like your idea for using a "Young Mr. Smee" in some film/streaming property. It could be paired on a double bill with "Young Mr. Lincoln: The Log Cabin Years."

    Thanks, Major.

  2. You know a pic is gonna be blurry when even the thumbnail looks blurry.

    I forgive a blurry photo if the blurriness is caused by a speeding Monorail. It looks like the Matterhorn has a stuffed up nose; both nostrils are clogged! And somebody hung a big yeller kleenex underneath.
    The parking lot lights are on. Judging from the large size of the crowd entering the Park, and what little shadows we can see, this must be early morning, not late afternoon. And probably during a solar eclipse as well.

    When I saw the second photo, the first thing I noticed was Gilligan standing there with his hands on his hips (one of Major's two red-shirted CMs). Oh dear, Black Bart's vest is unbuttoned! But he's "Black Bart", he is expected to break the rules. (Avert your eyes, Bu!) I like the Cone Head ladies; very colorful.

    Entertaining Blurzles, Major. Thanks.

  3. In the second pic, isn't that an awfully small camera the kid is using to take a picture of Black Bart? I wonder if it was one of those "spy cameras" that used to be advertised in comic books?

    Thanks for a Blurzley Sunday, Major!

  4. @ TM!-
    "In the second pic, isn't that an awfully small camera the kid is using to take a picture of Black Bart?" Perhaps it's a Brownie Holiday Camera - LOOK HERE.

  5. Black Bart kind of creeps me out...including the unbuttoned vest: which in this case is a "character choice"...and it seems like this character, with his illegal facial hair and unbuttoned vest, would be characterized in a way that implies and idicates "unbuttoned vest is OK.". This particular view of Frontierland with it's "Assay Office" and "Information and Souvenirs" is unfamiliar to me...the Disneyland pennants are great: in Disneyland Gold color. If the printing was in blue that would make it better, but I'm happy to see them anyway. It's a rather interesting collection of guests shirts, and construction caps...keppy caps...Smee...and that kid from "Modern Family" (transported back in time)...lady with Mexican looking skirt (employee?) and guy with see-through T shirt, with undershirt underneath shielding eyes...granny with white hat...there is a LOT going on in this photo! Any photo of the parking lot is A-Ok with me, despite blurzling. It's nice to see a RTD bus there...but it looks more like early 70's...and the little picket fence...or cone fence...very interesting...what a great time to drive alllllll the way up to the main gate, and I am glad that it's in my experience to remember first hand. This area would decades later become "the mall" with the trams dropping off at the end of wasn't very pretty, but symbolically was red concrete to denote: "you are all VIP's and here is your red carpet". (Then we put a car display on top of it...) ....and basically temp buildings that looked like trailers, because they were...not really putting our best foot forward, thank you "post '84 regimes." Happy Blurzle (tm) day to all. Thanks Major.

  6. My favorite paper hats! I didn’t realize they came in various colors. There are some fun characters in the crowd. How about plugging-ears kid with the almost genie-like shoes. And Camera Boy’s giant watch (or silver cuff bracelet?). This scene reminds me of the Simpsons episode when they went to a ghost town and the actors were shooting prop guns inches away from and at the audience and everyone just smiled while they watched. Thanks, Major.

  7. Nanook, there should be a scene in which Smee meets a young lawyer from Kentucky; maybe they could go on a wacky adventure.

    JB, I can’t really tell from the thumbnails that these are blurry (just like when I held the slides up to the light and thought that they were fine). You must have eaten some irradiated carrots and now your eyesight is spectacular. The Matterhorn could close its nostrils, much like a whale can. I learned all about it in whale/mountain class. I did notice those lights, it made me wonder if they were on all day? Seems like a waste of electricity, something a whale would never allow. Black Bart can unbutton his vest, he’s a killer!

    TokyoMagic!, I guess that is a small camera for the day, though I don’t remember “spy cameras” advertised in comic books. I mostly remember X-Ray Spex. Amazing that kids could buy such advanced technology!

    Nanook, I guess I thought the camera the kid held was smaller, but the way his hands are positioned, it could very well be a Brownie Holiday Camera.

    Bu, I think Black Bart is supposed to creep you out! Don’t forget all of the aces of spades that were popping out of every pocket, sleeve, and hatband. Not CM approved! I think the Assay Office became the Mineral Hall sponsored by the Blacklight Corporation of America - the most powerful corporation in the world! There were many different Disneyland pennants over the years, I’m glad I never got into collecting those. I’ve never owned a single example, and that’s OK. Maybe that first photo is from the early 1970s, I don’t know. Can Nanook ID any of the cars? I know somebody who actually won a car in that Gift Giver contest, he gave it to his girlfriend. I think it was one of the better cars too, not the cheaper ones.

    Kathy!, yeah, I think I’ve only seen one or two of those paper hats sold as a collectible all these years later, and they are always a kind of yellow-beige. No nice colors at all. Maybe plugging ears kid IS a genie? I’ll bet camera kid is wearing a watch, back then watches were gifts given to boys at a certain age, it made them feel all grown up. They checked the time constantly!

  8. These both had such potential, sigh.

    Photo 1 is like a golden dream of Disneyland, seen with my glasses off. Memory will fill in the details.

    I just realized I have never driven in the old Parking Lot. When visiting with my family, Dad always drove, with the high school, the bus driver drove of course, and on the couple of post-high school trips, my friend drove. Years later with our little ones, we walked in. Didn’t drive my own car till 2013 (?) and then it was DCA.

    Photo 2 is so strange to me, I wouldnt recognize it as in Disneyland except for GDB. Nothing here looks familiar, even the pavement is odd. I would have guessed KBF, or Calico, or maybe some other park. Still a fun pic and disappointing that the focus is off. I’m enjoying the kids having fun.

    Thank you, Major.


  9. Chuck can probably pinpoint the year, by that bus, I bet.

    "what a great time to drive alllllll the way up to the main gate, and I am glad that it's in my experience to remember first hand. "

    Bu, you were also fortunate to experience driving all around Disneyland Park! In a corvette (convertible?), if I remember correctly. I can only imagine how much fun that was! Plus, you drove around in Walt's personal vehicle, too, all around the property, too. How cool is that!!!

    The best thing about Sunday Snoozles and Blurzles - is the comments! Always fun.

    Thanks, Major.

  10. JG, I agree, it really was a bummer when I scanned both of these and saw that they were not WOWs I’d hoped for. I never drove the parking lot myself, though I do have memories of being in the station wagon with my family. The excitement of knowing that we were almost there! It’s funny to think that of all the family, I was clearly a LOT more excited than anybody else, even if they did enjoy going to the park. It just clicked with me, I’m assuming that everyone who reads this blog felt the same way. And yes, I have zero memory of Frontierland looking like photo #2, though I’ve looked at so many pictures that it feels familiar anyway.

    Lou and Sue, there must be no greater thrill for a Disneyland nerd than being able to drive all over and especially to see the areas that were off-limits to mere mortals. I’m assuming that those places became mundane and boring to folks who saw them all the time, but how fun would it be for the rest of us??

  11. Major-
    Mineral Hall is located in the 2-story building to the left of the Assay Office - which was 'always' there. (There's an additional Assay Office 'down the street' sandwiched between the Opera House and Miner's Hardware).

    As for using automobiles to help date the 1st image [although it is possible] - and even with the Blurzles™ - I can't make-out any vehicles that date from the 70's. I suspect the image is from the late 60's, as it appears there 'may' be a 1968 Oldsmobile on view along with a 1969 Chevrolet, and we can also see an AP for the Peoplemover.

  12. I concur with NANOOK: the parking lot image has to be 1967 or after … as there are Pirates of the Caribbean and PEOPLEMOVER attraction posters on display…… but I can see no evidence of a HAUNTED MANSION poster - at least visible .

  13. It’s possible there is evidence this is pre 1969 ….. the parking lot image shows to curves in the upper top corners — this is either the slide housing …. Or the curved windows the MARK II Monorails have …. The MARK III 1969 Monorails would not feature that with their larger “view-scape” windows that contained up and over onto the roof.

  14. Nanook & Major,

    I didn't realize those Brownie Holiday Cameras were that small. But Nanook is probably right, because I think those "Spy Cameras" are even smaller than what that kid is holding. Here's an example of the comic book ads I was thinking about. My brother had one of these cameras, but I don't think he ordered it. I think it was given to him by a friend. And I don't remember him ever using it.

  15. Major: the "fun" part was not seeing the normal backstage park was more being the reactions from the employees/2nd/3rd shift crews....seeing a prototype new silver Corvette with the engine, I like seeing backstage for nostalgia purposes, and certainly in WDW in the Keys to the Kingdom tour...most of it IS backstage...and even to mere mortals: seeing how these megalithic and complex facilities working can make all operational nerds hearts flutter. During an "Open House" event at Disneyland in the 80's...I brought a friend who worked in a small warehouse...and he was absolutely flabbergasted when he saw the provisions, and everything else in the GIANT warehouses backstage...I remember them as "aircraft hanger" size....with racks and racks and racks of everything imaginable. Disneyland is a just a "facility" of course, but operates as a small city...a small and extremely complex one...who's population changes every day.

  16. Harriet4:59 AM

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