Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Two Leftuggies™

Leftuggies: sometimes they can be dry and flavorless. Or they can be... um... wet and flavorful? Well, that's not exactly what I mean, but I think you get the idea. This first scan is from July 1969 - a very nice look at the Plaza Pavillion on a warm Summer day. I wonder why that person wanted a picture taken there of all places? Maybe the food was just that good (wet and flavorful!). Those who are "in the know" (in other words, all GDB readers) are aware that the back side of this building is themed to work in Adventureland, with a thatched roof and bamboo.

This nice lady is probably familiar to regular readers, since we've seen her at  Universal Studios, and in Trenton, Ontario. Now she's at Disneyland, circa September 1966. The sun is sinking into the west, casting a rosy glow on everything, including her. The boy to our right seems to be enjoying the view!


  1. Forget trashcans, let's count strollers!... I see seven of 'em! I guess the intended focus of our attention is those two ladies in the center, posing for the photographer. But they're so small! Even if this slide were projected upon a screen you'd still need a magnifying glass to see them. Maybe they just came from Adventure Thru Inner Space and got shrunkified, and the effects haven't worn off yet.

    It's interesting how all three people on the right are looking at Ms. Wavy. Maybe they're family members? And a young Drew Barrymore is looking at us from behind Ms. Wavy's hand. The pattern on our subject's dress reminds me of the wall decor surrounding the Flying Saucers... sort of.

    It's rude of me to talk with my mouth full of tasty Leftuggies, but it can't be helped. It's Major's fault. (Thank you!)

  2. Stu295736:36 AM

    The photographer was obviously trying to get a great view of the Plaza, but has been warned to not waste film by taking pictures without family in them.
    On a diffetfnt note, I at first couldn't figure out the relationships of the "Stroller Family" in the forground, but then I spotted Mom on the far left, carrying the really important stuff- shopping bags and her purse! She knows what Disney is all about, by golly!
    Yeah, I think those folks in the second pic are related. In a relative way.
    Thanks, Major!

  3. Photo 1 is interesting, the photographer is trying to get the whole building in frame, at the expense of his family.

    I find the sign humorous, “PLAZA PAVILION” in big lighted letters and then above, in a small oval cartouche “Disneyland”, as if it could have been confused with anywhere else, since Plaza Pavilions are scattered across the nation with wild and reckless abandon.

    The family parade is cute too, mom is leading the pack, dad has run on ahead to get a table at Coke Corner. At first I thought the man in the shade might have been a CM, but his “name tag” is the wrong shape and I see it is just the upper edge of his ticket book showing out of his pocket in approved dad-fashion. Also, leaning on the rail is Bad Show.

    Photo 2 is somewhat odd. Makes sense to have a picture of this pretty lady, but a strange place to take one, staring into the sun, with wild eyed passers-by leering at her, or maybe at the popcorn cart that’s probably just out of frame.

    I am having trouble identifying the location, at first I thought the sub lagoon at the end of the sub queue, but the ramp and steps don’t seem right, and is that a sign outside the berm in the background? Maybe this is closer to the motor boats and Matterhorn near the 3 fences location? The railing looks like the original sub lagoon design. I’m stumped, but satisfied to enjoy the picture. I hope the young lady and her photographer beau had a long and happy life together.

    Thanks Major!


  4. I'm back!

    JB, I guess it makes sense that a real sit-down restaurant might have more strollers parked outside than most places, at least back then. You can bring the kiddos inside, but the strollers have to stay outside. I don’t know how those kids survived in those small, plain strollers, you’d think that they would get heat stroke, and probably get bitten by tsetse flies. I’m reasonably certain that the boys ogling the woman are not her family members, in all of the photos I’ve had of her (and I used to have a lot), there were never any kids or other family members, other than her husband.

    Stu29573, after years of taking my own bad photos, it is probably a good strategy to include family members or other people! So many of my old pix are pretty boring when viewed today. Whenever I see one of those big shopping bags in a Disneyland photo, I need to know what is inside! And yet, I’ll never know. Which is why I am crying as I write this.

    JB, the “cartouche” (good word!) used to say “Stouffers”, but I believe that they had pulled their sponsorship of various Disneyland restaurants in 1968. So I guess they were sort of stuck, they had to put something there. What’s wrong with “EATS”?? An empty table at a Disneyland eatery can be a rare thing, I don’t blame the dad for running to claim one. At “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter” (at Universal Studios Hollywood), “The Three Broomsticks” restaurant finds a table for you, which reduced stress a LOT, it was great. The pretty lady was the subject of many photos, I guess she was used to posing for her husband. The oglers are a weird touch, but they probably didn’t even notice them until they got the slides back from the developers.

  5. The lettering looks off-center in that "Disneyland" sign. "EATS" is a good one, Major. Or "GOOD FOOD".

    We're glad you finally returned, Major. You were missed.

  6. ^ I guess "GOOD FOOD" is better than "EAT HERE AND GET GAS", like you sometimes see on rest stop cafe signs. :-p

    Wait, Major was gone??? When did THIS happen? Had I known that the cat was away I would've engaged in mass quantities of shenanigans! ;-)
