Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Pair From August, 1969

Here's a nice duo of 1969 slide scans for you! Starting with this shot in the Plaza, with the Pavillion in the background. The Saxophone Quartet serenades guests as they digest their burgers and fries... the low notes from the bass sax really help with things like red meat. 

Not only could these guys wail on their instruments, they were also duly-appointed peace officers, with all of the privileges and authority necessary in case they had to chase and arrest a long-haired perp. "I'm getting too old for this stuff!", says the guy with the alto sax. Luckily he is retiring in two days, and plans to spend his days with his wife and daughter sailing around Hawaii. Nothing can possibly go wrong.

Next is this sunny photo of a pretty lady as she steps through the Northwest Coast Plank House over at the Indian Village. What an impressive structure, I wonder what happened to it when the Indian Village closed just three years later? 


  1. Major, the low notes help with digestion of red meat?... You are wise in the ways of acoustics, and how they affect bodily functions! I guess that's why you have a world-famous blog, and I don't.

    I bet the Quartet is playing "Minnie's Yoo Hoo". Mainly because that's the only song I know that's part of their repertoire.

    In the Plank House shot, I wonder what that thing is on the right, just to the left of the totem pole? It looks like a dinosaur egg that's tied off at the top. Possibly a water jug? Maybe an extreme example of a papoose all bundled up, drying out in the sun.

    We haven't seen many photos of the Plank House (or the Saxophone Quartet), Major. Thanks.

  2. JB, Newt, (from the film, Aliens) is inside that egg/pod. They mostly come at night.....mostly.

  3. I’m afraid the Plank House (not to be confused with the Planck House) probably ended up in a landfill. Hopefully, it was there to greet the homes of the Stevens, the Nelsons, and the Partridges when they arrived at the Great Backlot in the Sky earlier this week,

    TM!, we’d better get back inside or it’s game over, man - GAME OVER!!

  4. The Plank House is new to me! What a cool structure. I've aid it before but it bears repeating: What a time to be alive, when we have unprecedented access to images of things we'll never get to see in real life. I think that lady is pretending to be Catwoman.

    There was a recent episode of Puppet History about the inventor of the saxophone. He was apparently quite a colorful character.

  5. I like the plank house pic, Chuck, my regard for it is Constant. Note the peeled pole railings with rawhide ties.

    How many totems can we identify? I think I see Raven, Kingfisher and a Beaver, but not sure…

    The policeman with the bass sax ran off to join the Rebel Alliance in Galaxy’s Edge, and then he played Rebel Bass.

    Rare views today, Major, like the roast beef at the pavilion.


  6. JB, I don’t want to brag, but I was in the AV club in Jr. High School! So I’m basically an expert in all things audio and visual. I agree, I always think of “Minnie’s Yoo Hoo”, I wonder what else the Saxophone Quartet played? I’m not sure what that thing is, I can’t tell if it is some sort of gourd, or what. I like the “dried up baby” theory though.

    TokyoMagic!, oh boy, that James Cameron dialog!

    Chuck, I wondered if the Plank House went to the Magic Kingdom? Or you’d think that some other institution would be interested in having it for display. I sure hope it didn’t get torn down like the Partridge Family house. Somehow it figures that Max Planck lived in a Bauhaus masterpiece.

    Melissa, did Catwoman like to be in Plank Houses? I never read many comic books! I’ll have to watch the Puppet History episode a bit later, it’s longer than I expected. As all Puppet History is.

    JG, you should see the house made out of tongue depressors, it is magnificent! Don’t worry, the depressors were cleaned first. Is the thing at the top of that one totem pole a human being? I am probably missing a joke with the “Rebel Bass” comment. As usual.

  7. Major-
    For a former member of 'AV Club', I'm surprised you failed to callout that Electro-Voice 848A Compound Diffraction Projector 'CDP' Outdoor Loudspeaker, seen in the first image 'hiding' in the trees. It doesn't appear to have anything to do with that live performance, but...

    Thanks, Major.

  8. Dean Finder9:59 AM

    That thing next to the totem pole is a sandbag. Maintenance crews filled the Indian Village structures with helium so they could vacuum under them, and the sandbags were needed to keep them from flying away.

  9. Chuck, cool, nice link to the Planck House -- doesn't look at all like The International House of Plancks where I sometimes eat.

    ok, for me now Planck Time is over. (it sure went by fast!)

  10. "JG, you should see the house made out of tongue depressors, it is magnificent!"

    Reminds me of that episode of M*A*S*H where they get an extra shipment of tongue depressors, and Hawkeye builds a tower out of them and then blows it up.

    Chuck, Max Planck was my first thought, too!

  11. Aren't Plancks what you wear when you want to look skinny? Too bad it's hard to breathe in them, or I'd wear my Plancks all the time. Catwoman is cool. I wonder what is inside that Cat-box she is emerging from...actually...I don't want to wonder, but she sure looks happy with what's she's most kitty cats are emerging from a box. The sax people might have played Me Old Bamboo...or Glow Worm. If Plaza Pavillion is open it's a busy day. We say "Pah-vee-on" where I am from. Some people add an "s" to Pavillion...which is a supermarket in So.Cal.: which went from simple Vons to the "upscale" Pavillions... to being owned by Albertsons...and to connect this spasm of dialouge: The Pavilions on Vine in Hollywood is across the Street from where Glow Worm was played on a saxophone on a soundstage by the unmentionable red head in the 50's. The stage is still there on Lillian Way, the red head is not. Thanks Major for the fun fotos!
