Sunday, September 03, 2023


Today's Snoozles™ are so bad that they sully the good name of Snoozles. So I have coined a new term: Barfles™. Don't think about it too much, it'll just end in tears. 

Both of these date from April, 1964, and both of them feature waterfalls. Schweitzer Falls, in this first example, though you can barely tell through the dark murk. You know it must have been a bright, sunny day, and yet... it looks like a "day for night" image from a movie. The naphtha launch can barely be seen. 

To be honest, I'm not sure where this little freshet was. The tropical-looking plants to the left make me think this is another Adventureland view, but I'm unaware of any little cascades there. Tom Sawyer Island had several small waterfalls rushing down the hillsides, maybe this was from TSI?


  1. Major-
    No doubt about it - the second image is definitely from Santa Cruz-! (Or is it Oxnard...)

    Thanks, major.

  2. We should take a moment to welcome "Barfles" to our GDB lexicon: "Hello, Barfles! Have you met our friend, "Snoozles"? Oh, you're cousins? I didn't know that. How nice."

    The first Barfle gives new meaning to "deep dark jungle". In a way, the darkness adds to the mystery and danger of the Cruise. Image how mysterious and fraught with danger the image would be if it was completely black!
    Upon zooming in, I can see that this boat has a red & white canopy; my favorite!

    In the second Barfle, I think your first impression that this is in Adventureland is correct, based on the tropical plants that you mentioned. Could it be from the base of the Robinson's Treehouse? Maybe Fritz just flushed the toilet.

    Nanook, hahaha!

    Thanks for the Barfles, Major. (Both, the pictures and the new word.)

  3. I think these Barfles were taken by Ferd Berfel. "Fine lookin' waterfalls you have there, Walt."

  4. No doubt about it - the second image is definitely from Santa Cruz-! (Or is it Oxnard...)

    Could it be from the base of the Robinson's Treehouse? Maybe Fritz just flushed the toilet.

    HA, HA! Thank you, Nanook and JB, for the good laughs this morning!

    Thanks for these, Major. And a happy Barfles™ Day, to all who celebrate!

  5. Glad they are Barfles™ and not bar flies. This is a family blog.

    “If you didn’t quite get the name of the falls, don’t worry about it - we’ll go over it later.”

    The second picture might be the little freshet that you encounter before the temple scene. I know there’s one on the left side of the river but not sure about the right side. And of course this feature may not be there anymore; the photos’ file names say 1974, which puts it before the 1976 rehab which added the gorilla camp scene and the 1994 rehab that altered the right side of the early parts of the river while Indy was added.

    Thanks, Major. These weren’t as retch-ed as you implyied.

  6. Major, I think you are too hard on these pics.

    While neither is objectively very good, they certainly don’t inspire nausea, in the same way, say, as the latest Imagineering concept art does.

    I’m content to admire them and recall my past trips, instead of visualizing damage to be done to future ones, if any.

    I agree with Chuck, there is/was a little stream running in the early scenes of the JC, maybe about where the Tiger is now. I’m not sure if on the right or left, and it may have moved around, in the way things in memory seem to do, but it looks familiar.

    Thanks for the look back, and a few laughs.


  7. I hereby move that Sunday Snoozles be renamed Berfel's Barfles!

  8. oh boy, more "you are there" pics. except #2 could be anywhere... I like the treehouse idea. it might even be Tahitian Terrace, but I wouldn't know because our family never went there -- I guess because that wasn't considered an Attraction (or even a "ride").

  9. Nanook, I think I can see the Hippodrome off to the side!

    JB, The English Oxford Dictionary has already been notified about Barfles™, and I am pretty sure I should get a check for a million dollars “for enriching mankind”. I do like the idea of a completely black Jungle Cruise. You’ll have to rely on your sense of smell and your hearing to know what’s going on. “It smells like an elephant is nearby!” (because of the peanut aroma, you understand). “Maybe Fritz just flushed the toilet”, ha ha! Also, “Ew!”.

    Melissa, Ferd Berfel? I wonder if he was friends with Frank Farkel (and the whole Frankel family)?

    TokyoMagic!, why would anybody NOT celebrate Barfles™?? They are for everyone, regardless of skin color, gender, creed, or… other stuff.

    Chuck, nope, no barflies here. Now that I am into hard drugs, I have stopped drinking entirely. I will take your word re: the little waterfall, since I have no clue. So is it still there (more or less) after all these years? I do like the various little freshets around Adventureland and Frontierland (and Critter Country), it would be cheaper to just not have them, so I appreciate that we can enjoy them.

    JG, don’t coddle these photos! They are bad and are going to spend a week in their rooms with no TV and no phones! Nice burn re: the latest Imagineering art, which really is horrible. I truly do not understand the reaction by the Disneyland evangelicals: “I’m so excited!”. “It looks great!”. I’m NOT excited and it DOESN’T look great.

    Scott Lane, does “Ferd Berfel” have significance outside of Melissa’s comment?? Maybe I’m not getting the whole picture.

    LTL, while I never went to the Tahitian Terrace either (sadly), I am not aware of a little waterfall like this one in that area. It seems like “somewhere along the jungle river” is about as close as we’re going to get.

    1. Major, no I just like the alliteration better. (but yes it brought to mind Fred Farkel and the whole Farkel family whose kids strongly resembled the neighbor man)

    2. Yes, Ferd Berfel was the neighbor all the Farkel children resembled.

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The first shot I can smell the river is a moody shot much like those long summer afternoons as a Skipper. As for #2, my immediate thought was that the little waterfall is off to the side of the Treehouse. Remember...what goes up...must come down... KS

  11. Anonymous2:42 PM

    No TT for you Maj? Seriously sorry to hear it. It was an adventure of its own! For reals…’exotic’ food, waterfalls, sarong dancers, fire-walking, fun for the whole family. Damn…when you’ve been to outer space, Storybookland, mine trains rides, haunted Mansions and seen Golden Horseshoes cancan, then finding yourself sitting there as that water cascade curtain parts to start the show, you really know you’ve been somewhere special that day.


  12. KS, that's at least two votes for the side of the Treehouse! It's not as romantic now that we know that Fritz flushed.

    MS, yeah, I still don't know how we missed shows like the Golden Horseshoe and the one at the Tahitian Terrace, they seem tailor-made for my dad. I guess he just didn't know what went on in them.
