Sunday, June 04, 2023

The Blursinski Family, December 1965

Today's Snoozles™ feature a family that you've seen before, but whoever took these pictures had the shakiest hands in the west, resulting in BLURITIS! It's a shame, because they would otherwise be pretty fun. Bunches of kids (hopefully not all siblings, otherwise poor mom needs a break) pose in front of the Mighty Matterhorn. We've got four souvenir hats, including two with magnificent red ostrich plumes. There's a Union Army kepi, and whatever the heck that kid with the vertical-striped shirt is wearing. 

Next, the two be-feathered gals in front of the Castle. The compass rose is there as of 1965... did we ever determine when it was added to the forecourt? 



  1. Major-
    Is that two Moms-? A Mom and her sister-? The mind reels. It's the perfect 'family' for a Maytag Washing Machine ad-!

    The compass rose appeared in 1965 - just exactly when in 1965 seems to be the unanswered question.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Yeah, I agree with Nanook about the compass appearing in 1965, the year of the park's Tencennial celebration.

    Is that Screaming Kidney Kid's family/group? If not, they are posing very close to "his" tree, even though it's not in the frame.

    Happy Snoozles™ Day, to all who celebrate it!

  3. I guess that should be, "screaming Kidney Stone Kid."

  4. Anonymous12:26 AM

    In that first picture, I’m expecting them to break out in Do-Re-Mi and dance around.


  5. Major, they do all seem to look a lot alike, so maybe they ARE all siblings. Little orphan Annie, chewing on her hand, doesn't resemble the other kids very much. Plus, she's got a boo-boo on her knee.
    Like Nanook, I think the two women in back might be sisters, although they don't look it; maybe sisters in law. That would make the kids cousins. Gotta love the stance of the kid in the questionable headgear. Him, and the hand-chewer, seem to be the mischief makers in the family.

    In the second photo, we can see one of the new Skyway gondolas on the right. We also get a pretty good view of The Dent. I think these two girls grew up to be Rockettes, although the one in the von Trapp sailor outfit hasn't had her growth spurt yet.

    Tokyo!, happy Snoozles day to you, too. I like mine deep-fried and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Oh wait, I'm thinking of Elephant Ears... or Churros.
    I can't remember what kidney stone kid looked like, but this kid here looks like a likely suspect. I can see him climbing a tree... or stomping on flowers... or falling into the Moat.

    Sue, my thoughts exactly!

    The Blursinski's aren't too blurry, major. Thanks for the photos.

  6. Sue: I totally thought the SAME thing as soon as I saw that image. The boy in the blue shirt in the first image ( I think it’s a boy…) looks like Amelia Earhart ….

  7. Anonymous3:33 AM

    JB, I can’t believe I missed The Dent!
    I blame it on my stupid phone.

    TokyoMagic, Amelia Earhart wasn’t in The Sound of Music.

    Thanks, Major.


  8. TokyoMagic, Amelia Earhart wasn’t in The Sound of Music.

    Sue, yes she was! She was also in Grease, select episodes of I Love Lucy, and appeared as a contestant on Match Game '73.

    By the way, I wasn't the one who made that original comment, Mike was. But now that he's mentioned it, the kid does look a little bit like Amelia Earhart. Maybe it's her long lost (no pun intended) grandson, Ernie Earhart.

  9. And the winners of the Salzburg festival are!: "THE VON TRAPP FAMILY SINGERS!"......"THE FAMILY VON TRAPP!"....."THEY'RE GONE!".....looks like they took that tunnel in Switzerland underneath the Matterhorn that goes directly to the REAL Matterhorn in Disneyland USA. Before people correct me on dates and such and the impossibility, please know...I know. "Ostrich Plume Girls" or OPG, seem to know only one pose, and I think we need to get Ginny on the phone here, and talk this one out. Ginny could certainly give them some tips: hat on, hat off...and ladies where are your cigarettes!? "KidneyLand"....a bridge of enchantment and pain to a land of Fantasy and Tomorrow! I think I do like KidneyLand more than DentLand or is it "Dent Land" or "DentopiaLand". Seeing the dent is somewhat like your taste coming back after Covid: sometimes you can taste, sometimes you can't. I SEE THE DENT today! For all things good and holy, please someone date the dent. It's not like when it got dented it wasn't a big deal...I mean...someone dented the most photographed building in the world! And we didn't document it? Who had the duty that day?! It so great to see Elmo from Sesame Street greeting guests on the drawbridge! Another time traveler. Seems also like today was "wear your dark slacks day" gents! I wear dark slacks always so I would fit right in. and....Just so I'm clear: we must never elude to a 50's Sitcom, a musicale film BASED in the 50's and now a Game Show based in the early 70's? I just want to be sure to mind my P's and Q's. Edelweiss...bless my homeland forever And to be clear, Edelweiss, does grow on/near the Matterhorn: (the Swiss one) further cementing it's connection to Disneyland along with a famous Governess. Happy Snoozers!

  10. ....and whatever the heck that kid with the vertical-striped shirt is wearing.

    Major, I think that's a Tyrolean-style hat. Maybe one of those many things on it relates to the Matterhorn, or Switzerland? I have an adult-size hat that looks very similar, which my dad bought when he was in the army and stationed in Europe. It has some small feathers, a pin in the shape of a mountain climber's "pick," and I believe a few other doodads on it, sort of like the hat in the photo.

  11. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Sorry about the mix-up, TM and Mike...I blame it on my stupid little phone and the fact that it was the middle of the night. ;op

    Amelia and Ernie also have another brother...Mickey Earhart.

    Today’s German lesson: The “w” in “edelweiss” is pronounced like a “v.”


  12. Amelia and Ernie also have another brother...Mickey Earhart.

    Sue, HA, HA! You win today's prize! The same one that Melissa won the other day for her "ReinCARNATION" joke. Major does give out physical prizes, right???

  13. Anonymous7:17 AM

    TM! Yes, Major gives out physical prizes. I’m pretty sure that’s how Mike got his PeopleMover and POTC boat. Possibly some posters, too.


  14. I can hear Leonard Nemoy now in his creepy IN SEARCH OFF voice saying “was Amelia Earhart seen at Disneyland 20 years AFTER her disappearance….???” ….. ( with creepy vintage synthesized music playing)

    Sue : that pirate boat and my PeopleMover were NO prized! I had to pay for them!! While my friends drove new cars bought Disneyland things and drove a clunker ( automobiles can be bought anytime -anywhere…. But a PeopleMover car and a pirates boat : not so much!!) and Sue : I haven’t had the pirate boat in a long time …I may have mentioned I “sold it” but it was traded for something else……. One day when the time is right I’ll share what that is.

  15. I had to keep changing “LEONARDO NEMO” back to Leonard Nemoy thanks to the brilliance of my phone - but didn’t catch that it turned IN SEARCH OFF ( the tv series) to IN SEARCH OFF.

    By the way - I think they hade pretty much determined through recent evidence the Japanese murdered Amelia Earhart and her copilot almost upon being captive when her plane landed fur repairs on - I forget which island.

    And during the 70’s 80’s game shows often gave away AMELIA EARHART luggage sets … would you name a high end luggage company after someone who had been missing for 30+ years ?? It implies your luggage will get lost by the airlines…

    …. NATALIE WOOD LIFE PRESERVERS & BUOYS…..ok : I went thru a stop sign.

  16. OMG ! It did it AGAIN!! “IN SEARCH OF”


  17. I’m imagining the cost of taking this brood to Disneyland today.

    It’s nice to see the Dent again. It’s been awhile.

    TM!, I agree that’s a Tyrolean style hat, similar to the one in Nanook’s avatar photo.

    Mike, that final traffic violation is going on your PERMANENT RECORD. Although you may get some leniency for referencing The Great Race or one of its stars two days in a row.

  18. Nanook, I’m guessing that the ladies are sisters, but it’s pretty hard to be sure. I wonder if the compass rose had been planned from the beginning, but they just didn’t get around to adding it until ’65?

    TokyoMagic!, yes, this is Kidney Stone Kid, he’s looking for a tree to scream in. As one does.

    TokyoMagic!, I knew what you meant!

    Sue, oh man, did you watch “Ted Lasso”? When the team sings, “So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, good-bye…”? So lame. That show really went downhill.

    JB, I’m still going for “a combination of siblings and cousins”. When the four kids in my family got together with my four cousins, people would remark on how we all looked “exactly alike”, which we never understood. I don’t see future Rockettes when I look at the sisters, but stranger things have happened. After all this time, I’m still not trained to look for the dent (or to count/consider trashcans). It’s shameful.

    Mike Cozart, funny, now that you point it out, that kid DOES look like Amelia Earhart!

    Sue, but Amelia Earhart was in “South Pacific”! She might still be there.

    TokyoMagic!, wow, I had no idea Amelia was such a popular actress. Especially in 1973. As a kid I used to wonder who the heck Brett Somers was, she looked like somebody my grandma would have known. To be honest I still don’t really know why she was famous. I should probably know who Ernie Earhart is, but I don’t.

    Bu, there aren’t enough “family singers” these days. Not to mention quintuplets. I guess that when a group is posing for an “important family portrait”, it’s understandable that some kids might stiffen up. You don’t want to be the one kid giving someone else “bunny ears”. “Way to go, Jill, you ruined the picture”. I think the dent might have been there since 1955, but don’t have time to research it now (I can’t believe there are 17 comments on these pictures). Elmo on the bridge, I had to look to see what the heck you meant! Elmo love Disneyland. Then again, Elmo is not too discriminating. When I was a kid we sang all of the songs from “Sound of Music” for visiting parents, so to this day I know the music fairly well. Even though I still have not seen the movie. So when I went to Salzburg, our tour pointed out all of the beloved locations that we all remember so well. I was bored. I want to see where Mozart learned to play pinball.

    TokyoMagic!, I think you’re right, but it looks like that hat has a lot of “flair” on it. Cool that you have a genuine example from when your dad was stationed in Europe. We used to laugh when we saw some that appeared to have something resembling an old-fashioned shaving brush on them. WHY?

    Sue, I’m afraid that’s too many Earharts. Oh believe me, my class had to pronounce “Edelweiss” correctly. “You look happy to meet me!”. I still remember all the lyrics to that song. I don’t particularly like the song, but it’s in my noggin forever.

    TokyoMagic!, due to the high price of shipping, I no longer give out physical prizes.

    Sue, I now transfer one million Bitcoin to the winner’s Swiss bank account.

    Mike Cozart, once in a while a person will find an old piece of a shoe on a remote
    island, and they will claim that it is proof that Amelia Earhart lived out her last days there. I don’t think I’d heard that one theory is that she was captured and killed by Japanese soldiers. I always assumed that she crashed into the ocean. Was the “Amelia Earhart luggage” a gag gift? Don’t text and drive Mike!

    Mike Cozart, we all know the show you meant! Greatest show ever?

    Chuck, good point! Including the photographer, that makes 11 people. Depending on when they bought their tickets, and for which day, it could easily exceed $1,500. Not including parking, food, ostrich-plume hats, and so on. YIKES.

  19. Major: that is the funniest thing about what you said regarding Bret Sommers !!!!! When I was little I thought that Kitty Carlisle on TO TELL THE TRUTH was my grandparents neighbor!!! .. they had a neighbor that dressed in those caftans -house coat things … and well , looked like Kitty Carlisle!! We only ever saw her from a slight distance - usually in the front of her house as we were getting in or out of my parents car as we arriving or departing my grandparents house … “Kitty Carlisle” and my grandma would wave and call back a friendly salutation…. About the weather … their yard flowers … or general how are you doing inquiry.

  20. Incidentally my grandparents who lived next door to “Kitty Carlisle” were the same grandparents whose street had thr “it’s a small world” …. It was white with gold trim and a patio gate …. And the entry door was a light blue. It also had well trimmed hedges … similar to topiary. These grandparents were also the ones I thought their church was where the Lawrence Welk Show was filmed. We often watched that show with my grandparents - they loved it. Sometimes on holidays we would go to church with my Grandparents… there church grounds had a small mission revival chapel … where my parents were married … but sometime in the early 70’s a massive very modern “Walt Disney World Tomorrowland” like church was built …. And they often did big musical numbers at Easter and Christmas masses …. So my sister and I somehow concocted that the Lawrence Welk Show was coming from my grandparents church!

  21. Anonymous2:49 PM


  22. Mike Cozart, oh man, YES, Kitty Carlisle definitely looked like a few of the “high society” ladies that my grandma mingled with. The ones who would come over to play bridge and smoke 100 cigarettes. They often had the big fluffy perms, though Kitty used plenty of black hair dye to keep her looking young.

    Mike Cozart, I assume that the home that looked like IASW was merely coincidental? Funny that you thought that the Lawrence Welk show was filmed at their church! My grandparents in Minnesota loved Lawrence, but I’m not aware of my California grandparents listening to him or watching his show. They did like to dance in their younger days, I wonder if they ever saw him at the Aragon Ballroom? I kind of think not, but you never know. Is the “Walt Disney World” church that you are referring to the “Crystal Cathedral” in Garden Grove?

  23. I know the Lawrence Welk show film the longest at the paladium in LA before its big move to Lawrence Welk Village In Escondido …. I grew up about 20 miles away from “the village” I know my grandparents went there to se the show … my parents too.

    No that Small World house was probably like hundreds built in Southern California in the early 60’s … the white and gold was very very popular with residential architecture and a blue or orange door also popular. The house actually pre-dated but it’s a small world attraction at Disneyland.

    No my grandparents church was in an area between San Diego and La Mesa an area called San Carlos the church was very modern late 60s early 70s. Both my grandparents had their funerals there which was the times I was in that church … but if WDW’s tomorrowland needed a church … it would have been the perfect fit.

    A funny story about my grandparents kitty Carlisle neighbor was a memory. I have been a little and my grandmother talking to Kitty Carlisle out front and Katie Carlile, talking about her long, strong fingernails, and that she was taking or eating something with bonemeal in it. The lady has super long fingernails. Kind of creepy. One year my grandparents had an open house, Christmas Eve party, and some of the neighbors came by and kitty Carlisle neighbor came over with her husband and they brought this stuff that I learned later was peanut butter fudge me my sister, and one of my cousins thought that she had brought over a little blocks of bonemeal and and we thought if we ate it, our fingernails grow super long and strong just a weird memory. Lol.

  24. Major, I made up the name "Ernie Earhart." Since the kid was a boy, I tried to come up with a boy's name, but one that was also alliterative.

    As for Brett Somers, I think her primary claim to fame was "Match Game." However, she was married to Jack Klugman, and she had a recurring role as his ex-wife on "The Odd Couple." Nepotism? Probably. And if I remember correctly, the story goes that Jack Klugman was on Match Game in the first few weeks of the show, before she ever was. He supposedly recommended that they use his wife on the show, so she appeared a few times on and off, before becoming one of the "regular" panelists for 8 or 9 years. And that is the Brett Somers story.
