Sunday, June 18, 2023


It's Father's Day! And I have some fun photos to commemorate the occasion.

Like this first one, from Ken S! He said it's a picture of me and my Dad taken Christmas time 2017. It was taken by the Main Admissions Supervisor whom I knew from the 1970s and is the wife of a former coworker who is President of the ORH no less.  She still is at the Park and has some 53 years of service. Such a wonderful photo! I wish I had a picture of me and my dad at the park.

Here's a non-Disneyland photo of me with my Dad, I think this might be from when we lived in Illinois. My Dad is playing the part of a human jungle gym. My older brother is to the right, while I am probably seconds away from kicking my dad in the head with my sneakered foot. But I sure look happy!


  1. Major-
    Happy Father's Day to all of you out there. (No kicking, Major-!)

    Thanks, Major.

  2. I LOVE these pictures! Look at the big smiles. What priceless memories of happy times spent with your dads. Thank you for sharing these, Ken and Little Major!

    Happy Father's Day, everyone!


  3. So, the photo with Ken S. and his dad was taken in the area that used to be the parking lot, near the Disneyland entrance? Is that called the Esplanade? And it separates DL proper from DCA? I haven't been there since 1975 so I've never seen it like this in person. Really nice photo. Perfect Disneyland photo! I wonder if they went on the Jungle cruise? And did KS help the Skipper with the spiel? How about the Canoes?

    Yes, Major is looking very happy here. These were the carefree days before he started doing this blog. ;-) Another very nice photo. Though, I'm wondering why it's in black and white? Was it originally in color, but faded too much to salvage?

    Wonderful photos of sons and their dads. Thanks, Ken and Major.

  4. Fun Father "Fotos" today, Major! It's nice to see current-day Ken, and also young Major, with their dads. Thanks to the both of you, for sharing these with us!

    And happy Father's Day, to all of the father's out there!

  5. By the way Major, I hope when your family moved, they took those drapes with them! And also that interestingly-shaped doorway!

  6. Happy Father’s Day, everyone! I love these pictures, and yes, as Sue said, it evokes many happy memories. Thank you both for sharing!

  7. Happy day to the Daddy's, Dads, Papi's, Abuelos, Daddy-o's, Fathers, Fahthas (as we say in the UK), etc et al. Great pics today! The Main Entrance: the best ride in the whole park. We don't need banners...we need attraction posters. We don't need sparkly over built ticket booths either, but when the interwebs finally collapses under it's own weight...we just might need them back...who knows! Dave and brother look like they are having a marvelous time...and Dad...well...I dunno...might be thinking "please don't throw up on me again kids..." I love the drapes, lampshade and front door is especially nice. My home had this front door on it when it was built, and then they changed it to something else in the 50's...I want this old one back now please. Anything is possible...with money. I can't say much about my dad, but I thank him for giving me life, and the spirit of independence! He was quite the handsome charmer with a Viking vibe, and hopefully I inherited some of that too. Happy Father's Day: even to those who may have four legged offspring instead of the more traditional 2 legs. I'll end it there! Thanks Major!

  8. Happy Fathers Day to all who celebrate. Just kidding, everyone have a Happy Fathers Day, whether a Father or a Child. Being either is reason enough to celebrate.

    KS, what a great moment. I wish I had a picture of my Dad and me at Disneyland.

    Major, that’s such a fun picture. I remember similar moments. Lucky you have a brother.


  9. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Major...what a surprise to see me and Dad at the top of the blog today! Thanks for posting. It was a very quick and fun filled day for the two of us. And how lucky I was to have done it with him. We only went on a couple sedate the Train. But we were greeted by so many CMs thanking Dad for his service in WWII. We just enjoyed the Park's ambiance and entertainment. And you know, it really filled the time. Haven't been back since.

    And look at you and your brother corralling your Dad. All you needed was to saddle him up!

    Had I jumped onto the JC, the spiel may have come back to me. More likely I would have sat back and provided a critique at the end. LOL I've done that before.

    An interesting sidebar tho....we were talking with a CM who just left the unload area for a break and when I mentioned my tenure in the 70s, he said: "Oh you were back when the ride was longer and did the FULL spiel". Why, yes I did. It was a great conversation and at the time I left the Park thinking that the CMs were still maintaining the standards that we had back then.

    Happy Father's Day to all! KS

  10. Nanook, I hope I didn’t kick my dad!

    Lou and Sue, happy memories indeed. Give Lou a hug for all of us!

    JB, yes, Ken’s photo was taken in what is now the Esplanade. Wow, I somehow didn’t know that you haven’t been to Disneyland since 1975. You’ve probably mentioned it before. The place has changed a little bit! I’ll bet they did go on the Jungle Cruise. Was there a time when I wasn’t doing this blog? It feels like I have always been doing it!

    TokyoMagic!, I was only a Second Lieutenant back then.

    TokyoMagic!, it’s funny, I looked at the few items that you can see in that photo, expecting that my mom still had something (like that framed thing), but nothing looks familiar.

    Chuck, glad you liked these!

    Bu, I like to say “pa pa”. But not like “PA-pa”, but “pa-PA”. “Oh pa-PA, you are so droll! Let’s go to the park and get an iced lolly!”. It goes with my whole top hat look. The ticket booths don’t offend me, even if they are not necessary anymore. I assume that they are put to some unknown use, just because they are there. Churro storage? I think my brother and I were long past the “unexpected barfing” stage, but who knows. I remember my brother throwing up in the back of the station wagon during a long road trip. Looking at that house, we moved a lot at that time, so I am wondering how much of that stuff came with us, and how much stayed behind. Every year or two we packed up and went to another State. Then at some point it became more like every three or four years.

    JG, I do feel lucky to have siblings, I get along with them all, though my older brother and I are so different in many ways. He’s a good guy but I feel like he’s been through some stuff that has permanently affected him, politically and philosophically. But it could be worse.

    KS, ha ha, I figured that by now you’d probably almost forgotten that you’d sent me that photo! Like I said, I wish I had one photo of me and my dad at Disneyland. For as many times as we went, there is not one snapshot. I’ll bet the Jungle Cruise spiel would have come right back to you, though as that CM pointed out, the ride has changed somewhat. I like the Indy ride, but always was bothered that it forced the Jungle Cruise to be reduced somewhat.

  11. Dean Finder7:05 PM

    Happy Father's Day to all of the Junior Gorillas.
