Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Beauties From Lou and Sue, September 1971

It's time for some Lou and Sue photos (pictures taken by Lou Perry, and scanned and shared with us by his daughter Sue B.), from September, 1971.

Let's start with this view from just outside the French Market. Being early afternoon, many guests are ready to eat lunch, or at least rest their weary feet. As most of you know, the French Market closed forever (on February 16, 2023), to be transformed into "Tiana's Palace". I suppose it makes sense to make changes to the park so that "Tiana's Bayou Adventure" (formerly "Splash Mountain") feels more in theme with the rest of the nearby land. I only hope that the restaurant looks a whole lot better than the concept art that was released online.

The Plaza was busy busy busy, I wonder if this was the last weekend before kids had to return to school? It looks like a beautiful day though, warm and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. Check out those awesome 70s fashions!

More Plaza fun, with a man who might be a Disneyland cast member near the middle of the picture. He is heading toward Tomorrowland, but looks more "Main Street" or even "Frontierland". Speaking of Frontierland, the girl to the extreme left in the long pink dress looks like she could be Becky Thatcher (well, except that Becky was blond). I love the splash of color from the balloons, and the Omnibus loading up with passengers.

THANK YOU, Lou and Sue!


  1. What? Only one trashcan in the first photo? Why, I'm so angry, I'm going to go to Guest Relations and tell Bu that HE personally ruined my Disneyland visit!
    The lady in the blue pantsuit (which looks rather snazzy) seems to have lost her husband. She doesn't realize that he's right next to her, bending over in the plaid pants, stealing an orange Mickey balloon from some kid.
    The fashion award goes to the guy in the purple pants with pink shirt.

    2) Hmm, not a very good photo for Dent sightings, but at least it has two trashcans. The guests seem to be Lou's focus of attention in today's photos, since they are featured prominently.

    3) Another "you are there" photo, just taking in the Disneyland ambience. "A Day At Disneyland Park", by Lou Perry.

    Thanks to Lou & Sue & Major.

  2. I have no problem with Splash Mountain's theme being changed to "The Princess and the Frog," but I don't think they should be turning New Orleans Square into "Tiana Land." The French Market has been there since 1966, and has had the same name since then. Why change it now, after 57 years? Doesn't anyone in that company care about park history?

    I think that's Laura Ingalls Wilder, in the last pic. And she is "stalking" her future husband, Almanzo Wilder....the guy in the western garb.

    What are that man and woman looking/pointing at, in the last pic? Did they just spot one of the animatronic exploding ducks?

    Thanks for the cool seventies pics, Lou, Sue, and Major, too!

  3. Tokyo!, they just discovered the remains of the Killer Swans' lunch... Hard facts.

  4. JB, oh yeah! I think the lady is pointing to a bloody necktie, lying on the grass and saying, "Hey Harry, don't you have a tie just like that one?"

  5. Stu295737:03 AM

    As someone who took a geology class as an undergrad (hey, I got cred, baby!), I can say that what bugs me the most about this whole Bayou Adenture Thingy is that there ain't no stinkin' mountains in the bayou!!!! No waterfalls either! Heck, pretty much all you get there is Spanish moss, rotting logs stagnant water, gators and bugs! Aaaaaargh!
    Ok, I'm better...a little.
    Anyway, Lou is the absolute master at giving us "you are there" pictures! The only frustrating part is that I can't run off to the next ride, leaving my cares behind! (I've tried. Didn't work.) Still, I can bask in the glory of these split srconds of Disneyland greatness, and that's enough.
    Thanks, Lou and Sue (and Major too) from Stu!

  6. Pretty sure we can be confident that the current management will not do anything with the class and ambience of the original. It’s a shame they are wrecking the French Market. My Dads favorite restaurant in the Park, lots of happy memories of summer evening dinners listening to the Delta Ramblers.

    JB, that’s the yellow X pattern can, used all along the Esplanade until the dark gray pattern takes over. Two cans (not toucans) in photo 2 and four (!) in photo 3. No excuses for dropping trash in the Hub!

    Wish we could all go there today. I’ll go get some banana peels for the DeLorean.


  7. We always loved the French Market. Had the best Mickey Mouse shaped beignets smothered in powdered sugar many times with a cup of coffee. Made your hair stand on end and got you ready for the day.
    Thanks Lou and Sue. To happy times.

  8. Major-
    In the 3rd image, I can't figure out what the be-hatted gentleman is grabbing in his left hand: A camera lens; a fire hose nozzle (stand back); a Pet Rock-?

    @ JG / TM!-
    "Pretty sure we can be confident that the current management will not do anything with the class and ambience of the original".
    Oh, ya think-??!!

    "Doesn't anyone in that company care about park history?".
    Sorry, it's all about the IP and the almighty $. Regrettably, I'm afraid you'll have to 'bring along your own' "class" and "park history".

    Thanks to Lou and Sue.

  9. JB, I get it, I’m angry all the time, just like the Incredible Hulk. And for the same reasons (lack of trash cans). The lady in the blue pantsuit does look a bit confused, but it could just be a way to distract from her balloon-stealing husband. Nope, not a good angle for the dent, but we know it’s there. It is ALWAYS there. Well, not now. You know what I mean.

    TokyoMagic!, I just wish I liked “The Princess and the Frog” more as a movie. Tiana is nice, but much of the rest of the film is not to my taste (though I admit that I only watched it once). I especially didn’t care for Tiana’s man-crazy friend, who was very annoying. And I agree, I hate that they changed the French Market. Make it look like Tiana is somehow involved (“head chef” or whatever). Laura Wilder’s husband’s name was “Almanzo”?? I thought it was “Alonzo”. By the time you’ve spotted an AED, it is too late.

    JB, if the swans explode, there’s gonna be a mess.

    TokyoMagic!, are you saying that Harry isn’t really Harry? Is he a cyborg?

    Stu29573, geology?? Well, hello Mr. Scientist. La-di-da! Geologists have rocks in their heads. Oh man, I’m hilarious! I know what you mean about no mountains in the bayou, but I’m assuming that they will come up with some nutty explanation to cover that little problem. Also, you had me at “rotting logs”. I sure would love to step onto today’s pictures, just like Gumby stepped into picture books.

    JG, there must have been a way to incorporate Tiana into New Orleans Square without ruining the French Market, but I’m sure the executives know that only a relatively few people actually care that much. The rabid Disneyland fans will love anything they are given, no matter how noxious. No ecxuses for dropping trash? What if I’m just lazy?

    DrGoat, GREAT to hear from you!! So glad you commented. Mickey Mouse beignets, how could you not bite an ear first? It would be irresistible. And getting lots of powdered sugar all over your face and shirt will be required. Sugar + caffeine in the morning - it’s the American way!

    Nanook, hmm, what IS that thing, anyway?? A camera lens is a good guess, Lou could relate. Disneyland makes a big show about caring about their history, but I have it on good authority that knowing a lot about the park’s history is practically a liability at Imagineering.

  10. It's Girls in Overalls Day at Disneyland! I like the almost-matching peasant blouses on the girls in the first picture.

  11. DrGoat, it's great to see you on GDB!

    Since the French Market is currently under ruination (TRE), let's all meet at the Jolly Holiday Bakery in an hour. I know they have some delicious sweet treats - and hot coffee. See you there!

    Am enjoying all the comments, and will be back later...


  12. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Hi DrGoat, great to hear from you. Now I want a beignet!


  13. Melissa, overalls seem very 70s... when I move to Pennsylvania, I was amazed that all the kids in school wore overalls. I'd never had a pair in my life! Naturally I had my mom get some so that I did not get laughed at for my "normal" clothing.

    Lou and Sue, oh I wish I could meet everyone at Disneyland ASAP!! I'll have a Matterhorn Macaroon!

    JG, I was thrilled to hear from DrGoat, such a nice surprise.

  14. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Beautiful. The (people of the) world are a carrousel of colors…shapes, types, ages and sizes. Disneyland brings them together.

    Extra points for confidence rocking R,W&B patchwork hotpants with matching suspenders; guessing mom handmade those outfits too.


  15. Sue, I love "under ruination!"

  16. Hot pants will forever be in style, and I have a whole closet full! I will wear my "Star Spangled" ones on my next visit to the Park: it will be a big splash! (if they let me in). Ruination. A sub-sect of TRE. "When they TRE'd the French Market, the ruination commenced..." It is sad to see the French Market go. I have fond memories of "Family Dustin Hoffman" eating jello with their hands. I don't judge, but it seemed to be a messy experience overall. I don't remember actually consuming anything at the French Market except for a Mint Julep at the mint julep bar...but other than that...not nary a food memory. I remember blowing up hundreds of balloons for a balloon release (down, not up...) Those balloons were filled with nitrogen, not helium, and we put them in big net bags for some event...fuzzy memories, like the food. It seems that if a French Market update was needed, an obvious choice would be a partnership with Cafe Du Monde: even have it open 24/7 for the night shift team so it's like the original. I don't get IP, but I'm also not the target audience for anything IP, so I will never get such things as manufactured "authenticity", which isn't authentic at all. Princesses are awesome, and there is great real estate up the block in Fantasyland, where I wouldn't mind seeing Tiana and friends come to life. Pooh can join her as well. Who doesn't love Pooh!? I would just like Pooh in Fantasyland. New Orleans should look authentically like New Orleans. How about Lafitte's Blacksmith Bar? For a town FILLED with history relics that could be authentically created...Preservation Hall, etc. etc. I could go on...but I am already too late to the party. Thanks for the photos Lou and Sue, and note that the ice cream wagon in front of the Castle is not only in the same position, it looks the same as in 1957, as seen in a recent post....
