Thursday, April 27, 2023

Rejects... UNREJECTED!

Are you ready? Ready for some rejects... UNREJECTED?? Please wear protective eyewear. 

Here's a slide scan dated "July 12, 1958". As you probably know, I always love it when we have an exact date, because I can refer to "Jason's Disneyland Almanac" for some fun info. For instance, July 12 was a Saturday, and a "Date Nite". The park was open from 9:00 AM until 1:00 AM, and the high temperature was a balmy 81 degrees. Attendance was 32,679. Thanks, Jason's Disneyland Almanac!

This scene probably mystified me when I first viewed the slide many years ago, but now I know that the waterfall and mysterious bridge are one of the first things you might see from the Rainbow Caverns Mine Train.

As you can see from this screen grab from the 1956 featurette, "Disneyland U.S.A.", the brave and crunchy little mine train is just emerging from the tunnel (Rainbow Ridge was at the other end). We can see Pack Mules crossing that bridge too. Notice how scraggly everything looks in 1956 compared to the first photo, which is a mere two years later!

Next is this scan from October, 1962. At first I thought this showed part of the building that housed the Enchanted Tiki Room, but that attraction did not debut for another eight months or so. Which means that I am discombobulated. And I much prefer to be bobulated. It's a pretty scene though, don't you think?

And finally, here's a photo sure to strike terror into the heart of some GDB readers. Sorry, JB! Those swans may look harmless, and maybe even delicious, but WE KNOW THE TRUTH. You know how nervous you get when you are transporting a cargo of nitroglycerine to South America? Well that's how I feel just looking at this photo. My phone just rang, and I jumped about two feet in the air and let out a shriek.The calm water and beautiful flowers don't fool me.

I hope you have enjoyed today's rejects... UNREJECTED!


  1. Major-
    Three cheers for the Rainbow Caverns Mine Train-!

    That 'mystery' image is definitely the Tahitian Terrace; I'm just uncertain exactly which direction we're looking; but... I believe the entrance (and signage) is to the far right.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. 1) OK, I'm still stumped. I don't know what we're looking at here. Is that 'bridge' the water trough making its way to the Old Mill?

    2) Oh... nevermind. Please disregard the above musings. Clearly, whoever wrote that was under the influence of the Confundus spell.

    3) Hmmm, that looks like a covered bridge going over that slow-moving, pea soup-colored water. Could this be the bridge that goes over to the Tahitian Terrace? It was never covered, though, was it?

    4) [shudder!] It's the black swans you have to be really wary of because they're harder to see! They can be right on top of you before you know it!
    This is an especially nice photo, Major. What were you thinking when you initially rejected it?!?! Even the (scaleless) tree is in bloom. I'm saving this one.

    I see that Nanook also thinks the mystery photo is the Tahitian Terrace location. But where, exactly?

    I LOVE unrejected rejects! Thanks, Major.

  3. That IS The Tahitian Terrace entry bridge and that is what will be the Enchanted Tiki Room to left. The exit has not been constructed yet … early on there was a narrow bridge that also led guests to the “terrace” . The tiki room exit and Tahitian Terrace entry have had several iterations and variants over time. The jungle cruise is to the far right of the image. The original jungle cruise boat house was dismantled in 1960.

  4. In the first pic, I think that is the side of the Enchanted Tiki Room on the left and the entrance to the Tahitian Terrace in the center of the pic. Since the Tiki Room was still eight months away from opening, could it be that they hadn't built the stairs at the exit yet? Or was the exit ever in a different location from where it is today?

    I love that last pic of Snow White's grotto, minus the grotto and Snow White.

  5. Ooops, I meant the third pic (not the first) for the Tiki Room/Tahitian Terrace view. But Mike beat me anyway, by 4 minutes!

  6. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Nice catch on the bridge pic! Yep, that's it alright! Yep...yep...

    Few people realize that the Tahitian Terrace used to roam freely around Disneyland, which mean that that picture could have been taken ANYWHERE! Later, they figured out that wandering buildings made the maps pretty useless, so they calmed things down and had the structures stay put. Hey, you can't find these kind of facts just anywhere!

    Swans....if not ducks, it's swans...THE HORROR!!! Now I won't be able to sleep at all at my desk!

    Thanks, Major!

  7. Major, I’m glad you unrejected these, good info here.

    Anything from Natures Wonderland is worth having, ditto for the Tiki Room, and that is a lovely pic to boot.

    And I think the last photo is a rare glimpse of what is to become Snow White’s Grotto, before it was grottofied.


    Mmm, swans, I’m thinking of “beer can swan” now.


  8. My favorite Adventureland "bridge" was the group of steppingstones that formed a bridge in the water at the mouth of the Jungle Cruise where the Castle moat waters emptied into. I believe those are long gone. Does anyone know? While I always enjoyed looking at it, I've never seen a photo of those in-the-water steppingstones.

    Great images today. I especially like the photo of the mysterious bridge that was part of the Rainbow Caverns Mine Train landscape. Thanks, Major.

  9. Forgot to mention, that I've seen cast members walk on those steppingstones from time to time while I was on the Jungle Cruise. I wonder if any cast members fell into water when those existed.

  10. Great new angle on the Mine Train! Naturally I had to find out where this was using old reference aerial images of the Nature's Wonderland area, only to discover that you'd thoughtfully provided a follow up image taken from the "Disneyland USA" show. That'll teach me to be impatient.

    Very nice pics today! Thank you for your continued sharing.

  11. Anonymous9:35 AM

    @Ken Martinez, GDB regular KS made some comments about those stepping stones from his era as JC skipper. He mentioned not shining the boat spotlight up there to avoid blinding the TT performers who used the stones to enter or exit the TT stage.

    I remember seeing those stepping stones as a kid, then they were gone for a while. Now they are back (new ones of course) between what is now the Tropical Hideaway and the end of the JC dock. The new ones appear walkable, but can't be a regular path of travel even for CMs since they don't meet current building code. I think they were added back as a bit of nostalgia.

    We were all made of sterner stuff back in that day.

    Hoping KS will comment and tell us more later.


  12. Major, I'm pretty sure you've posted at least one photo of those stepping stones, probably taken from the JC dock looking toward the TT. I think there was a CM or two walking on them, or maybe the CMs (and the stepping stones) were just talked about in the comments, I can't remember.

  13. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Major, I just checked on Street View, the stepping stones are not visible since the view doesn't go into the patio, but this might be a link to a photo posted by a visitor.,-117.9198683,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOMyXKEeVqZv0Sv9Szyzh92f2Ia90Xxg8BJ4Y7e!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i3024!4m15!1m7!3m6!1s0x80dcd7d12b3b5e6b:0x2ef62f8418225cfa!2sDisneyland+Park!8m2!3d33.8120918!4d-117.9189742!16zL20vMDJmenM!3m6!1s0x80dcd76c53d456cf:0x85b25e3ce3c2f5d0!8m2!3d33.8115291!4d-117.9195946!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11gycwfvvc?hl=en

    Sorry about the giant URL, I don't know how to consolidate them.


  14. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Sorry folks. I've been working all day. Have to run out to the horses but have to return to see this and the comments! Interesting shot of the MT. KS

  15. Anonymous3:47 PM

    And quickly. I haven't seen what steps are there today. But the originals were just that...stepping stones. And they took us to backstage where the boat storage was behind the west side of Main Street. Did some fall in? Oh I suppose once in a while. ;) KS

  16. JB, jeez, I sure don’t remember any photo of the stepping stones, especially with CMs walking on them. BUT… I can’t remember all of my photos!

    JG, thank you for the link to that photo, I’m sure I have walked by those stones 50 times and never noticed them.

    KS, those horses can run themselves! ;-)

    KS, I just love that somebody even had the idea for the stepping stones. Make life more interesting!

  17. JB, JG an KS, thanks for the update of info on those steppingstones.

    JG, the new steppingstones are a nice homage to the original ones. Glad they brought it back in some form. One of the little details I loved about Disneyland.

  18. JG, thanks for that link to the stepping stones photo.

    JB, you're right about the black swans. I didn't even see them when I was looking at that image, earlier, on my cell phone. I only saw the white decoy.

    "Did some fall in? Oh I suppose once in a while." ;)

    KS, that winky face obviously means that some were pushed in. LOL!

    Major, thanks for today's Unrejects. Just as much fun as Snoozers on Sundays.

  19. Cheers all!

    Thanks to KS for spurring a thought in the moment.

    I’m sure those new steps will last until they can’t be Re-themed to the IP of the moment.

    Off to a tasty tasty swan dinner…

