Sunday, August 14, 2022

Adventureland, July 1969

Sunday. Snoozers. GO! I recently scanned a small batch of slides, about half of which were taken in Adventureland. And most of those were so blurry that they were completely unusable. The two I'm sharing today have their issues, but I figured that at least they had something worth looking at.

This first one was taken up in the Swiss Family Treehouse, our photographer took a quick (too quick) shot of his daughter (?) as she walked along the catwalks and staircases of the treehouse. I think she is about to view the "pinball room", where the Swiss Family has manufactured a dozen different pinball machines out of old ship's parts. Just because they were marooned on an island didn't mean that they forgot about fun.

You knew that we were going to see a Jungle Cruise image, didn't you? Ever since you volunteered for those experiments in college, you've sometimes had premonitions of the future! Real Stephen King stuff. "Somewhere, somebody will soon be eating a peanut butter and bologna sandwich". Is this ability a blessing, or a curse? Anyway, somebody took a photo of the Skipper, but he is almost lost in shadow. 


  1. Let's hope someone can identify this Skipper! Maybe KS can??

    Thanks, Major. Any day on the JC is a good day.

  2. Major-
    Well, at least Sis is carrying her Instamatic Camera for when the need arises. It appears the gent behind her might be carrying a wall map - always handy for helping to get around the Park.

    Thanks, Major.

  3. Hmm. I'm trying mightily to muster up something good to say about the first photo... Well, it's nice to see the 'bamboo' railings leading to the different levels of the Treehouse. A "you are there" pic; after someone sneezed on the camera lens. Major, I hope you have several images of the "pinball room" to show us. It's always the highlight of the trek through the Treehouse! Well, that, and the video arcade.

    Yet another type of costume for the Jungle Cruise skippers. There must be several dozen! This one looks to be a safari shirt (or jacket) and a straw hat.
    I have premonitions all the time but they never come to pass. What does it all mean? I think the peyote gods are laughing at me. (I'm kinda sleepy tonight... can you tell?)

    Thanks for the Adventureland photos, Major. Truly riveting stuff! ;-p

  4. Someone's daughter? I think not. As all GDBers are aware, Disneyland is a haven for Russian spies and cold war shenanigans. Olga was about to photograph the decadent western bamboo pinball machines, when one of our agents caught her in the act. Her handler Boris, is visible in the upper left. It looks like Boris is on to our man from Adventureland, as he is known in Kremlin circles. Later, she was spotted recording the skipper's bad jokes, convinced they were coded messages to MI6 operatives hiding in the foliage. Spasiba Major!

  5. Where do pirates play pinball? In the arrrrr-cade.

    I think that first picture is pretty neat. There’s something very artistic about the girl looking at the camera being less blurry than the other figures. Like something out of a European art house film.

    If a boat captain is going to get lost in anything, shadow is the safest option.

  6. I’m with Melissa on these, first pic is pretty good if you extend the benefit of the doubt to say it was done that way on purpose, and the captains portrait is no worse than photos I’ve taken of the same subjects.

    Certain enough, “Lost in shadow” describes me most weeks.
    Thanks Major!


  7. Lou and Sue, I’d love it if we can ID that skipper, but he’s mostly a silhouette!

    Nanook, Instamatic Cameras were the finest in the world, with lenses made of the finest plastic. And yes! That man is definitely carrying a souvenir wall map! Love those things.

    JB, I think that there are lots of good things to say about these photos. They are lo-cal. They are non-toxic. They only offend one of the senses. I could go on and on! I wonder how the photographer felt when he got his slides back from the developer, and found that most of them were blurry? “If it wasn’t for the wind, my photographs would be brilliant”. If I wasn’t so lazy, I’ve always kind of wanted to try to keep track of all the Jungle Cruise costumes, they definitely changed more often than any other costume.

    Jonathan, she does look like an “Olga”, I have to admit. Wearing red was a bit obvious. And if she has a thermos of borscht in her purse, the jig is up! “No Mr. Toad for you, comrade!”. I’ll bet I’m the first person in history to say that sentence. In Russia, they make their pinball machines out of sturgeon bladders. I saw a whole TV show about it. Spasiba to you too, partner!

    Melissa, I am awarding you seven golden gorillas for that “arrrr-cade” pun! I do find that first photo interesting, it reminds me of… something. Vivan Maier photos? Not really. I’ll call you at 3 in the morning when I think of it. Can’t the boat captain get lost in the music of the Captain and Tennille?

    JG, I can’t extend the benefit of the doubt, since I had to reject so many other photos from the batch. And as you have seen, I will post some pretty lame photos.

  8. Major-
    "And if she has a thermos of borscht in her purse, the jig is up!" Make that: ... the jug is up! Get it - 'Thermos' - 'jug'-??!! Brilliant, I know.

  9. My knickers are in a twitch! I finally had some time this morning to actually have a good past life regression...and remembered some amazing things...I came back to see what I wrote...and it has vanished! Or I'm thinking: ...I pressed go...and assumed. Never assume. Ever. Here's the high level of the comments: Girl on Treehouse...nothing to say. Jungle Cruise: costumes, yes. aplenty. The costumes on the dock on the two gents look different. The skipper looks like he is having a blast. While waiting in line to get on a boat I would be cool about the experience: either it's SOP, or a creative expression of the comedic arts. I preferred to hear completely off-script, riddled with double entendres from the actual script with hand gestures and interesting pronunciation of words. So...if you got the joke, you got it. And if you didn' didn't get fired. When an SOP would be sailing into the dock, I would have to sigh. Not a good sigh. The guests enjoyed script just as much as I enjoyed off-script. Often times I would become part of the script. Red plaid is a target for jokes. There was an article written about some guy who wrote either a college thesis, or book or something about the "behind the scenes" and hierarchy of employees. He was quoted in the LA Times as saying "the Tour Guides never talk to the Jungle Cruise guys". Well...partly true. The ladies generally did not have interactions with the Jungle Cruise guys...however, the Jungle Cruise guys ALWAYS wanted to interact with the girls, as well as every other department and executive in the park. Generally the unwritten word was "untouchable". or "ne touche pas". However, one lass married a JC guy...albeit from WDW, and another married one...albeit a JC guy from the 70's and then went to work at WED. The Jungle Cruise guys was a fraternity, and with such fellows, the likes of me would not even be considered for entry...UNLESS...a pretty girl was attached to it. In Outdoor Vending we were all over...and knew people all over...and all those girls were fair game for the JC guys. "Banana Ball"...a non sanctioned event, much reviled among management due to the after effects the day after. Beer and plastic leis. Lots of beer. It was a thing. It deserved a reality show before reality shows. I forget most of the rest I was muttering about earlier, but if I remember, I'll return. Something about a comic strip called "Tessie Tour Guide" and her trip to space after being shot off the rocket jets....Thanks for the snooze!

  10. yes, these two photos are quite random yet also enjoyable. the second, I like the blue and white canopy of the boat behind, and I've *always* wondered if the skipper's mic cable was attached at the top, bottom, or middle of that support pole... now I know!

  11. Anonymous2:11 PM

    That's a real shame with the back light in the Skipper shot. Though I left June 77, I just might have recognized him. He's heading back to the dock as I see two CMs awaiting to unload the 'crew'. Could he be heading to lunch...a break...I don't see a smile. Must be another spiel in his near future. Everybody decided to pass on Trader Sam's offer...two of his for one of yours. KS

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    As for BU's WAS a fraternity. I kinda liked it that way. Much like the canoes where we had more of a swagger in our walk. But the ladies...the TGs in particular, got a phone number or two myself. For the shy types the Banana Ball was the place to be. And if you were scheduled the next day you had better show up. Most did quietly and all wore sun glasses to reduce the hangover pain. The day went like slow motion. Yep, we had fun but also one night I was fired upon nearly point blank by a guy (guest)with a blank gun which he pulled out of his jacket pocket as we were unloading. Talk about not liking the spiel. And he could have just filed a complaint. It was a poor choice on his part. But I digress. I also noticed the different costumes being worn by the unload guys. There was a time when we would be between season and could choose between summer and winter outfits. KS

  13. @ LTL-
    The skipper's microphone was plugged-into a right-angle Switchcraft #W3M jack, incorporated into the vertical pole. (Pretty classy-!) SEE HERE

    @ KS-
    A guest carrying a blank pistol-! That sounds more like behavior we'd see today (but, I guess metal detectors and bag inspections has put an end to that-??)

  14. Nanook, I DO get it!

    Bu, I’m telling ya, you have to write your comments in a separate document. At least if it’s going to be a long comment. That way you can just copy/paste it if it mysteriously vanishes (again, something I have no control over). Hard to tell much about those other costumes, since they are so blurry, but the guys are not wearing wide-brimmed straw hats at any rate. I do like the idea of skippers “going rogue”, as long as they don’t go too crazy. I’ve always felt bad when I ride the JC, because the other guests sit there like zombies. So I try to at least let the skipper know that I have heard their terrible puns, I do this by throwing them a single red rose for each joke. Why would the Tour Guides never talk to the Skippers? This sounds like some sort of classism. “Banana Ball”… there’s an ointment for that. I wish Disney+ would do a show about rambunctious Jungle Cruise skippers, only I don’t want it to be a reality show because I hate reality TV. Now you know.

    LTL, I miss the striped awnings… I understand that the weathered look is more appropriate, and yet I always loved the cheerful look. I’m glad we have solved your mic question!

    KS, maybe I’ll see if I can lighten up the photo and get any more details on the face of that Skipper. If so, I’ll email it to you. Hope you continue to heal and get back to 100%!

    KS, who wouldn’t enjoy a group of friends at work? I’ve heard so much about the lifelong friends that cast members made during those years, and of course there are the many CM marriages. When you say somebody fired a blank at close range, do you mean a guest?? That could have been really serious! People have died from blanks.

  15. Yeah, when the rest of the passengers are just sitting there like dead fish I feel the need to groan twice as loud. I should think anone who's ever had to speak in front of a group would have a little sympathy! The JC is great at night not just because of the added thrill of dramatic lighting, but because the skippers seem to go off-book a bit more. Maybe there are fewer little kids riding at that hour.

    "People have died from blanks."

    I know, right? My first thought when I read that was the tragic death of Jon-Erik Hexum.

  16. Nanook... thanks for the spec (and photo!).

    This blog always has the details!

  17. I know all new Jungle Cruise costumes were being designed in 1969/1970 with the intention of debuting at Walt Disney World …And many of the Florida designed costumes were tested at Disneyland …. And some even ended up being used pregnantly in Anaheim before WDW’s opening : a good example is the Its’s A Small World red,blue, gondolier costumes. In notes I have my my interviews with the 1968-1998 costume designers Tom Peirce mentioned they based the NEW WDW/DL Jungle Cruise skipper uniforms on costumes worn by two of the actors from the TV series “DAKTARI” …. They were a little concerned they were gonna get “business” for having what looked like duplicating the tv show costumes …. But by the time Walt Disney World opened , “DAKTARI” had already been canceled.

  18. Major, "“Banana Ball”… there’s an ointment for that."... Oh, gawwwwd.

    Mike, "And some even ended up being used pregnantly in Anaheim...". Ha! Autocorrect strikes again. Evidently, Disneyland was employing female JC skippers earlier than I thought.

  19. Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, Banana Ball
