Sunday, July 10, 2022

An Amusing Assortment

Just to start things out, I'd like to wish our friend Andrew a very Happy Birthday! I hope you have all kinds of fun today, with no clowns involved in any way. Here's a delicious chocolate cake for you, from a scan from one of the Junior Gorillas (I think you can guess who)!

And, since Andrew is a musical prodigy, Sue B. thought it would be fun to share two photos of the American College Marching Band, from September, 1971. Their outfits remind me of Dick Van Dyke's "Jolly Holiday" costume. 

I wonder if  the American College Marching Band played versions of much more recent songs (as opposed to the classic marches and Disney songs that the Disneyland Band played)? I hope Andrew sees a marching band when he goes to the park!

Being a Sunday, I ordinarily share photos that are not so great. But I can't do that to Andrew! So instead I am sharing three more scans from photos taken by Lou Perry, shared with us by Sue B. (what would we do without her?). Hey, it's the Flying Sorcerers! From April, 1963.

In spite of the many operational issues that plagued the Saucers, it sure made for some great picture. The white spacecraft with the "International Orange" accents looked especially striking against that vast blue air hockey table. It is the exact same blue as Neptune. COINCIDENCE? 

Even though the saucers were powered by Element 322, there is still wear on the blue surface. Due to micro-meteors and dust storms, most likely. Disneyland prided itself on being pristine, so why did they let this part get so shabby? Then I learned that real flying saucer paint, developed by DuPont right after WWII, cost $1000 a gallon in 1963 dollars. TRUE STORY.

Right in the middle of  this photo, there is a woman and a cute little girl (you can see her red bangs from here) on one of the saucers.  Who could they be??

Whoo-hoo, that woman is working that saucer with MAD SKILLZ (as my rapper friends say), I hope that she doesn't accidentally overcome the bonds of gravity and fly up into space. I like how the mystery girl is leaning into it too. She has Saucer Mania!

Many thanks to Lou and Sue!


  1. Major-
    Saucer Mania... Saucer Palooza - no matter what it's called, it's a rare skill, indeed.

    Oh, that birthday celebration... is that a giant tureen of chocolate [or hot fudge] sauce-? Tummy aches ahead. (And do I spy a Tupperware Servalier Astro Bowl behind the birthday cake-?)

    Happy Birthday, Andrew. And thanks to Sue.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Andrew!! Cake sounds good….

    I think the All American College Marching Band always played popular tunes of the day and not Disney. The other day we watched the 2022 AACMB perform at the base of the Main Street station steps and in the street between the station and town square… all their selections were “modern” but ironically many 70’s tunes like GET READY ……their uniforms were now more like cheerleader outfits … or track running suits .

  3. Weren't there any female members of the All-American College Marching Band? It was 1971, after all. I guess Billie Jean King hadn't beaten Bobby Riggs in tennis, yet.

    In the second "saucer" pic, we can see someone walking around backstage, through an open doorway in the wall.

    I demand to know who that mystery lady and little girl are! ;-)

    Happy Birthday, Andrew!!!

    Thank you for these, Lou, Sue, and Major!

  4. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Happy Birthday, Andrew!

    In case some of you Jr. Gorillas didn’t pick-up on Andrew’s comment the other day about the Blue Bayou—he’s now ‘at Disneyland.’ I envy you, Andrew!!!


  5. Our Andrew is growing up before our eyes! [JB wipes a tear, hoping no one notices.] Hey! You can play "Happy Birthday" to yourself on your fiddle! [Marvin the Martian voice], "Won't that be lovely?". Enjoy your day Andrew. First time at Disneyland! Yayyy!

    #1: Yet another celebration with all disposable goods. Except the tableware, which is stainless steel. I guess that's vanilla ice cream in the (paper) bowl nearest us. Although it has a strange sort of texture. The cake was baked in a tube pan, like an angel food cake (note the hole in the center), only this appears to be a devil's food cake. Why do we have cakes for angels and devils? And I'm not sure what's in that double boiler pan (?) closest to us. Homemade chocolate syrup? Boysenberry sauce?

    In #2, what are those buildings we see in the background? Are they inside the park? I can see the park's EXIT letters closer to us, so I guess the buildings are outside.

    In the third pic, we can see part of a Disneyland train going by (upper left corner). I suppose the rest of the train is going by as well, but now we'll never know for sure.

    In #4 & #5, hmmm, who could it be?... My guess is Shari Lewis and Lambchop. ;-)

    In the last photo, I like how the Rocket to the Moon dome adds a neat sci-fi backdrop to the scene.

    Have a good time at Disneyland, Andrew. And thank you, Sue and Major.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Andrew! Hope you enjoy your day.

    The pics are wonderful as usual. Thanks Sue & Lou.

  7. Aw, thanks Major and Sue. And I appreciate the kind words, Nanook, Mike, TM!, JB, and Ken. I'll share some general thoughts about my trip when I come back.

    I saw the AACMB perform yesterday at the flag retreat ceremony with the Dapper Dans. They played the song for each branch of the armed forces and called up those who served in that branch to stand by the flagpole. After they played "God Bless America" at the end, I went and saw Mr. Lincoln.

  8. Nanook, what if you have Sauceritis? NO FUN. I do believe that the bowl is full of hot fudge, which is some sort of wonderful dream come true. Chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream WITH hot fudge! Wow.

    Mike Cozart, ha ha, now I have the song “Get Ready” stuck in my head. I am susceptible to “programming”. I’m amazed that the American College Marching Band is still a thing, and that they still perform at Disneyland. Sounds like their outfits got a serious downgrade.

    TokyoMagic!, women in a college marching band?? Not while I’m in charge! (What? I’m not in charge??). I noticed that person backstage too, looks like he is standing next to a parked car. I can’t identify the the woman or the little girl because they are watching. Always watching.

    Sue, I assume that Andrew won’t be seeing today’s post today (or maybe not at all) but hopefully he will feel some good vibes.

    JB, I play “Happy Birthday” to myself on a kazoo when I am all alone, sitting in a darkened room. With tears streaming down my face. I agree, the ice cream sort of looks like cottage cheese. Cheese… made for a cottage! It’s illegal to eat it in a shack or even a mansion. I make cakes for angels, devils, and monkeys. The building beyond the Flying Saucers is the huge Administration Building. And I like the idea of calling our mystery girl “Lambchop” for some reason! Notice that the Rocket to the Moon dome has been polished by millions of micrometeorites.

    K. Martinez, it’s pretty amazing to have this never-ending resource of cool photos from Lou and Sue!

    Andrew, wow, I’m astonished to hear from you. I hope you are having a wonderful day (still at Disneyland, yes?)! So cool that you actually saw the American College Marching Band (or is it “ALL-American”? No Swedes allowed!), amazing. Those photos were suggested by Sue of course. I can’t wait to see a trip report (or maybe several) on your blog!

  9. What a celebratory combination today!

    Happy Birthday Andrew, Many Happy Returns of the Day! A good day to go to Disneyland. Be sure to tell them as some benefits will accrue.

    Yes, we expect to read about your adventures in detail!

    Major, I recognized that cute couple saucering about, no need to identify. These are practically family pics now.

    The ice cream looks home-made, the best. Like every other family in America, we had one of those Tupperware bowls. Push the button in the center of the lid to unseal.

    Only one lone trash can today, in photo 2. The saucer gangways are eerily empty. I wonder if “open door” guy got scolded for bad show?

    Thanks Major, Lou and Sue.


  10. The first pic is backwards! (Note the birthday placemats/napkins) Eating the ice cream before the cake is even cut? What a topsy turvy world it was. Grandma’s bangs are very short. I can imagine the band playing. Their large white buttons are rather plain, do they just say AAMCB on them? More neat saucer photos, oh boy. I feel that the mystery riders had many more amazing adventures… Happy birthday Andrew, hope you’re enjoying some delicious food and exhilarating attractions! Thanks to Major and Lou and Sue.

  11. Happy Birthday Andrew! I know you're having a wonderful time at Disneyland. Remember, cherish every moment, hope you get a small crowd day and, of yeah, rubber snakes. I think there a quite a few (all) of us wish they were there with you.
    Great pics from Sue and Lou. Can't get enough Saucer Mania.
    Thanks Major, and I wish everyone well.

  12. Major-
    "Nanook, what if you have Sauceritis? NO FUN." Modern medical science to the rescue-! There's now a cream for that ailment. (Or is it a salve-??)

  13. Happy birthday Andrew! Hope you are enjoying your day in "This happy place called...Disneyland". I wrote medium size one today, and unfortunately it bounced off...without saving. Maybe I'll be back. Highlights were: Birthday, Cake, Men's Locker Room, rusted paint, My relation to the All American College Band (second cousin, twice removed), Women in a college band, and the price of cheese in China. Happy Birthday! And don't look a day over two in those photos! Thanks for the memories.

  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Kathy, you’re right about that flop. Again, the “H” is backwards, as TM would say. I hope Major doesn’t fire me.

    Hahaha, Bu, I am two in those.
    I hope you add back those deleted comments, later.

    I’ll be back, later.

  15. JG, Sue gets all of the credit for today’s photos! I think I had something else already in place when she suggested some birthday ideas. I love how we can clearly see those red bangs on the little girl, even from this far away! We did home-made ice cream a number of times when I was a kid - originally we had a wooden ice cream freezer that was hand-cranked. Man that was a lot of work! Our family was partial to peach ice cream, so we tended to break out the freezer when peaches were at their peak.

    Kathy!, Oh yeah! Now that kid will get one year younger instead of one year older. I wonder if grandma cut her own hair (ha ha)? I was curious about the buttons too, but can’t quite discern what they say. I don’t think they say “All American College Marching Band”, but… I can’t say for sure.

    DrGoat, from what I understand, Andrew will have FOUR whole days at the park. He should have plenty of time to do everything he wants, multiple times! I wonder what else he will do while in California?? I also wonder if you can still get a nice rubber snake. Perfect for mom for Christmas.

    Nanook, I make my own liniment from turpentine, lard, axle grease, and unicorn blood. Works like a charm.

    Bu, I’m sorry your comment vanished… that sort of thing is beyond my control. I’m always kind of shocked by the worn paint on the Flying Saucers, and wonder how Walt could have been OK with that. Maybe he was already super busy with the upcoming World’s Fair? You’re not kidding, Sue is tiny! So cute.

    Sue, you are on “double secret probation”! I might have to reduce the amount that I pay you by half.

  16. Cool pics, Sue! As JG said, these are like family pics by this point.

    Happy birthday, Andrew! No surprise you checked in at least once - you have to do something while waiting in line to see Elsa. And that reminds me - I still owe you that Cedar Point trip report.

    Thanks again, Lou & Sue and Andrew, too!

    Back to yard work…

  17. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Happy birthday, Andrew!
    Saucer Sue rides again! Sounds like it could have been a late 60s Disney movie, alright!
    Everybody have a great Sunday!

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Oops! That was Stu...

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      And that “11:05 a.m.” Anonymous was me—Sue.

  18. Happy birthday, Andrew! What better place to spend your birthday then the happiest place on earth?

    I loved zooming in on the first marching band picture, and taking note of which musicians were looking straight ahead and which ones were sneaking a glance at the camera. We always used to joke that our high school didn’t have a marching band because the town was so small by the time they got to the end of the first song they’d have marched out of town.

  19. Andrew, so nice that you checked in here today. We're all expecting a trip report from you, when you get the time. Nothing fancy. Pound it out on a manual typewriter, single spaced. Be sure to use carbon paper so we all get a copy. OR... I suppose you could just type a comment or two here on GDB. That'll work, too.

    Major, Ha! Just for fun I googled "monkey food cake". Apparently there is no such thing. I know, hard to believe. I found a bunch of recipes on how to make a cake shaped like a monkey head. And one on how to make chilled monkey brain cakes, à la "Temple of Doom". They used cheesecake for the brains, tinted with red food coloring to make it look pinkish and bloody. YUM! Imagine setting one of those in front of each attendee at a 5 year old girl's party! Oh, the hilarity!

    JG, my thoughts exactly, seeing little Sue and her mom are like seeing our own family photos.

    Kathy!, wow, It IS backwards! Quick, Major, flip it! Or the Coriolis Effect will reverse and cats and dogs will start living together!

  20. That last image is the one I previously referred to (months ago) about how my mom would control the saucer and lean into the fast 'swoops' across that blue expanse, and I'm 'taking it all in.' So far, this is my favorite DL photo I've found in my dad's collection, as I have wonderful memories of riding this with my mom. You can even see that her hair is plastered back from that 'swoop.'

    Thanks for the nice comments - I read them to my dad, earlier. I also remembered to ask him about his DL helicopter ride. He said he did not know about the crashes, when he took the helicopter in September 1968. But, knowing my dad, that wouldn't have stopped him, anyway.

    I can't wait to hear what Andrew has to say about everything he does on his birthday trip!


  21. Chuck, I hope Andrew didn’t ignore his family just to check in on GDB (even though I appreciate that he got to see his birthday wishes)!

    Stu, I knew it was you!

    Sue, I knew that was you, too!

    Melissa, I never celebrated my birthday at Disneyland, though it surprises me to think about it. Why didn’t I beg and plead to go there? Maybe because of the cost, or just that it was a big production to get the whole family there. “OK, we can go look at that gross chewing gum wall again”. I wonder, did you like growing up in such a small town?

    JB, no, no, I want Andrew to do a fancy trip report! Multi-part, with plenty of photos! I am sort of surprised that nobody as of 2022 has come up with a Monkey Food Cake. But what would it consist of? Maybe I don’t want to think about it. It can’t have bananas because I wouldn’t like that. I’d happily eat one of those monkey brain cheesecakes, as a kid I would have been so thrilled if I’d had that at my party. Did somebody manage to find a cake mold that looked like a brain? Not sure how you’d achieve the proper look otherwise.

    Lou and Sue, you are so lucky to have those photos of you and your mom on the Flying Saucers! Especially that one that is your favorite. She must have been proficient, since many people complained about how hard it was to move at all. I’m hoping you’ll find more wonderful photos that bring back great memories for you!

  22. Dean Finder10:11 AM

    Happy Birthday (Belated) to Andrew!

    Major, we have an electric ice cream freezer (it was a wedding gift) and make our own through the fruit seasons. Totally worth the effort since it's hard to find ones in the store without gums and additives that make the texture consistent, but not quite right.
