Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Matterhorn & People, August 1965

I always liked being at Disneyland as the sun began to sink toward the horizon. The shadows got long, the light was extra warm (a nice contrast to those cool shadows) and I knew that it wouldn't be too long before the lights would come on.

This photo of the Matterhorn is pretty dramatic; sometimes the structure looks larger than usual, and that's the case here. Massive! No wonder that it has caused Anaheim to sink deeper into the Earth's mantle. Those fools have meddled in things that they were not meant to meddle in! I see no bobsleds, but you can't have everything I guess. Are those two servicemen from the Navy?

This one is amusing because it's pretty clear that the photographer was quite taken by Miss Yellow Pants (maybe Miss Pink Pants is her friend?). "I gotta get a picture of HER!". A little creepy, but no harm done.


  1. That really is a nice view of the Matterhorn. Like you said, the warm color of the sunlight, plus the angle of the light makes all the details stand out.
    Mr. Plaid Shorts, on the left edge, is conducting a coordination test. He's standing on one foot while simultaneously patting his head and singing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah". I think it's a ploy to draw peoples' attention away from his plaid shorts.

    Miss Yellow Pants is quite the fashion plate. With that skimpy top and flared pants she looks more like someone from the '70s. And she comes equipped with matching purse and hair bow. She definitely stands out from those around her.

    Thanks for the visit to 1965, Major.

  2. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Fun pictures, but very sad balloons. If there’s a quota, that poor balloon vendor ain’t gonna hit it.

    Thanks, Major.

    —Lou & Sue

  3. “Are those two servicemen from the Navy?“ They are Marines, which is part of the Department of the Navy, but it’s generally considered bad form to remind them of that.

    I spent a good deal of my Air Force career working in Joint-Service organizations and had a lot of exposure to other branches. In that sort of environment there’s a good deal of good-natured ribbing that goes on between the Services, but there are a few lines that you generally don’t cross because in the end we are all on the same team, you still have to work together and agitating your team mates doesn’t usually help with that. I remember sitting in an office cube one day and witnessing a Navy lieutenant commander who was annoyingly Service-proud and generally getting on everybody’s nerves reminding a Marine captain that his branch was part of the Department of the Navy. Without missing a beat, the Marine replied, “Yeah - the Men’s Department.” Our Navy compatriot turned pink and sort of slunk out of the cube after the room erupted in laughter.

  4. The two guys are extras from McHales Navy, they were doing some pick up shots around the subs because it made sense. One of them has time traveled to the 70's with Kim Richards Starcase from "Escape to Witch Mountain." Some of Kim's finest work before she became associated with that unsightly Hotel crowd. I want to hear the pitch about a flying Winnebago, because...it's perfect. Those movies were corny and perfect all at the same time. When they made the one about getting over the East German wall in a balloon...a little too serious..."Night Crossing" a lot of serious stuff.... bring on the Apple Dumpling Gang. I had to stare at picture #2 for a long long time. Not because of yellow bloomers, but the photo was not making sense to me. At first, I thought I was in the classic photo position of on Main St.- at the end...right side...right after Carefree Corner... when the Matterhorn appears. The pebbly side walk underfoot. However...street car is way to close to the curb, and facing the wrong way...as well as other horsy across the street facing wrong way...but the orientation of the Matterhorn with the House of the Future was telling another story. After many digressions into the forensics, I finally figured out it was taken on the Plaza directly in front of the Castle, where the street car stopped and has stopped for 60+ years. Glad that is over. Yellow drawers seems like she is trying to channel Priscilla Presley...looks like her style...however handbag and shoes are "iffy" . Pink pants is a bit more cohesive... Yellow is clearly rocking her mastery. I'm not sure if suit is with yellow. I think suit is an actual suit, and yellow is with pink top granny, who is in front of PDA couple also known as white socks +1. White socks #2 is there on the right. A teacher of mine in university made no bones about NO WHITE SOCKS EVER WITH BLACK SHOES AND BLACK TROUSERS!!! EVERRRRRRRR. "It cuts off your line!" "Do you want to look short and dumpy?!" Dance teachers. I wasn't in the service...I was in the order of A: Disneyland. Short hair, lots of rules, discipline, hard work. B: Performing Arts Conservatory: Disclipline. Hard work. A lot of it. No one cared how long your hair was, but don't wear white socks with black pants and black shoes. And hit your weight every day. Yes. We were weighed. Every day. I'd say it was a different time, but it was in the 90's....ok...it's 30 years ago, it was a different time. I can feel those pebbles under my feet looking at these photos. Are those pavers now too? They were kind of "slippy" I met the elusive Pris-Pres once at the Century City mall. She didn't speak. Her handler was the speaker. I had no idea until a credit card was presented. I don't think she was ever Ms. Friendly. She and her daughter look unhappy..all the time.."I'm Michael Jacksons Mother in Law" (?) Serious people. Maybe they enjoyed "Night Crossing".

  5. Madras sighting in pic one. Everybody had one in '65, even my mom. I agree with Major, the whole point of pic 2 is the banana lady. Although, the HOTF is visible in frame as well. It kinda looks like the back of a Sears Catalog shoot. Thanks Major.

  6. “Matterhorn Avenue” this was called on google maps for a while. Now it’s “Parade Route”. I think this is the “Presentation View” of the Matterhorn, the view intended as the introduction and meant to impress, even though all the renderings I’ve seen are from the lagoon side.

    I was always fascinated at how low to the ground the monorail tracks are here. I can hear the air horn in what remains of my mind.

    My, the fashion plates have a lot on their plates. Let’s be charitable and assume these were taken to illustrate the “you are there” sensation. Worth a second glance, I’m sure.

    I can’t spot a single trash can in either photo, are you sure these are Disneyland, Major?


  7. 1965 was a good year...15 years old and not too many responsibilities or hang-ups yet.
    In the second pic, I see a guy in a surfer shirt on the right, in front of the Monsanto House. Very popular back then. And yeah, Madras was extremely "in". You were really cool if you had a pair of Madras slacks, not to be worn concurrently with a Madras shirt though. I guess miss pink pants would be the extra bonus the photographer was hoping for in his money shot. Also noticed one of the Marines is carrying what could be the plans for Mooseberry rocket fuel. Or a big transistor radio.
    Thanks Major, neat pics.

  8. The Lady with the Yellow Pants is married to Curious George's friend The Man with the Yellow Hat. Her straw purse is full of Purina Monkey Chow.

    The gents in uniform may be from McHale's Navy, or possibly from Ensign O'Toole. They heard that Dean Jones sold out to Old Man Disney and they're coming to drag him back to USS Appleby.

  9. Melissa, I think that Dean Jones’ defection to Disney was inevitable, considering that Ensign O’Toole was the lead-in program to Disney’s Wonderful World of Color from 1962-63.

  10. JB, gosh, I really had to look to find Mr. Plaid Shorts. He’s trying to be incognito by sticking to the shadows, walking with his back against walls, peeking out behind columns. “They’re following me. Always following me!”. Oh, AND he’s singing “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah”. To cover up any Russian signals. I’ve had other slides in the past in which the photographer snuck pictures of cute women nearby, it’s always kind of funny. Those yellow pants must have been particularly noticeable, as colors like that were just coming into fashion in ’65.

    Lou and Sue, maybe that balloon seller has already sold most of his supply!

    Chuck, Navy, Marines, what’s the difference? I only say that to drive them crazy, because it will. I think it’s amusing that the various armed forces have a mild contempt for one another. “The Air Force? Those flyboys? Gimme a break!”. Joint services, you mean like knees, elbows, etc? Ha ha, I’m hilarious. I said I’m hilarious! “The Men’s Department”, boy howdy. I admit that I am trying to think of a good comeback, even though I’m not even in that conversation. So far I’ve come up with “Oh yeah?!”. Pretty good, eh?

    Bu, someday, thanks to the magic of computers, we will be able to realize your dream of a mashup of McHale’s Navy with Kim Richards. And maybe we’ll throw in Mike Connors from “Mannix”, why the heck not. I remember when Disney was trying to make some serious movies, like “Night Crossing”, “Never Cry Wolf”, “Tex”, “Something Wicked This Way Comes”, and so on. It was a weird time, and yet I do appreciate that they were trying to do something out of their comfort zone, even if the results were not always great. I actually like “Never Cry Wolf” a lot. I have no criticism of Ms. Yellow Pants’ style, she looks great, even 50+ years later. Who even looks at the handbag! Strange when celebs like Priscilla can’t even be bothered to smile, or say “hello”, or act like a normal human. Then again, who knows what kind of weirdos she endured over the years.

    Jonathan, when styles like Madras shirts become a big thing, I always wonder if they became popular due to a TV or movie star, or maybe a musical act (like the way the Beach Boys made Pendleton a thing). The way the sunlight shines on Ms. Yellow Pants, it’s like she’s a significant character in a video game.

    JG, “Parade Route”, jeez, they weren’t even trying. We definitely see plenty of views of the Matterhorn from this angle. I’ve always liked the little stone bridge, probably built at least 200 years ago, so that the locals could take their flock of sheep to greener pastures. I’m not so sure about the photographer attempting to get a “you are there” feeling, since he took one or two other mildly creepy photos. This is from the era when they removed all trash cans from Disneyland. It was my idea!

    DrGoat, that surfer shirt reminds me of the “Hang Ten” shirts that I loved so much when I was a kid (just a few years after these photos), I’m not sure if that brand was popular everywhere, or just in Huntington Beach where I loved. I wish I could buy a few Hang Ten shirts today! Madras slacks, were they just as colorful as the shirts? I can’t imagine. Could that thing in the Marine’s hand be a movie camera? It doesn’t seem quite right, but I can’t think of what else it could be.

    Melissa, the best way to find a good mate is to look for someone wearing the same colors as you. It’s a known fact! If nothing else, you’ll always look good together. And a purse full of Monkey Chow… what else does anyone need? Ensign O’Toole never heard of it. Any relation to Plenty O’Toole?

    Chuck, was Ensign O'Toole sort of an "Operation Petticoat" sort of show? Or a lite version of "Mr. Roberts"?

  11. Yes indeed Major. a little too colorful.
    I remember only the rich kids from the foothills or jocks wore those things. The shirts were more for us middle-class kids.

  12. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Major, I think you have to post all of those photos, just to make sure.



  13. Dr. G....we still wear those trousers all over Cape Cod during Summer...also the ones with embroidered crabs or lobsters on them. That and a white polo. Top siders, and never socks. I am not that guy, but sometimes I am compelled by others to comply. All that is missing is a butter yellow sweater draped on shoulders and tied in front. It's a look. Thanks for reminding me to get them out of the closet. Yes...them...there are multiples in multiple shades, and shorts in multiple short lengths. I'm always too hot and sweaty for the sweater though. Everything was purchased second hand or has been handed down from generations. It's difficult to find authentic. Not a jock and not from the foothills... the jocks and fancy kids wore the Hang Ten things...I was grateful to have ONE OP shirt. I wanted to wear it inside out so people could see that it was real OP.

  14. DrGoat, man, those are some loud pants! I’ll bet golfers loved them. The shirts look way nicer by comparison!

    JG, I’m sure you’ll see them, ha ha.

    Bu, embroidered crabs or lobsters? And here I am wearing my lobster-free pants like a schnook. My life has been meaningless, empty! I’ve never understood the “no socks” thing, and when I went on a student trip to Europe, I had a roommate who didn’t wear socks. Let’s just say that his shoes had to go outside at night. It was disgusting. Luckily we weren’t roommates for too long. I don’t have a butter-yellow sweater, but I do have a sweater with a lot of butter stains. Does that count? As for Hang Ten shirts, trust me, we were not fancy kids, I came from a Navy family, and my mom and dad would not lavish money on our wardrobe. We went to the discount shoe store for cheap sneakers. Yet somehow I had at least three or four of those shirts. Maybe more, it was a long time ago now.

  15. My Dad's swim trunks looked like a short version of those trousers. Probably designed to scare the sharks away.

    Maj, Ensign O'Toole was a bit like a sitcom version of Mr. Roberts. There are a few episodes on YouTube.
