Sunday, May 01, 2022

Jungle Cruise, 1973

I'm sharing two of Mr. X's wonderful photos today - even he wasn't immune to the sights of the Jungle Cruise. "I'm not made of STONE!", he exclaimed with his charming Castilian accent. 

By now most of you know that "Hippopotamus" translates into "River Monkey" (from the Latin), which seems odd to me. This is why I don't speak Latin in my daily life, it's nothing but trouble. Harvey the Hippo is showing us how well he flossed, and you have to admit that he did an impressive job. No gum disease for him. And his breath? Minty fresh.

This next photo shows the famous Bathing Elephant, but his cloaking device (made by Klingons) was activated just as the shutter was snapped, so he almost completely blends in with the rocky cliff behind him. 


  1. Major-
    You ain't kidding about Harvey's superior flossing work. Talk about having that healthy glow-! (I wish my results were half as good).

    Thanks to Mr. X.

  2. Major, I have two questions:

    1. Why are Mr. X's pictures posted on a Snoozer Sunday? His pictures are never snoozers.

    2. Aren't we supposed to dance around a maypole, today?

    (Thank you, Mr. X!)

  3. Harvey the Hippo (or Harvey T. Hippo when he's at a formal event) looks kinda fierce here with his gaping mouth all ablaze. Rather striking, too. And I can see equal parts, horse and monkey, in Harvey. Which is to say... next to none.
    Are the hippos mouths always open? Even when they're underwater? I would guess, yes, because it seems like there would be too much wear and tear (literally) on the mouth parts if they moved every minute or so.

    It took me 4 or 5 seconds to find the elephant in that photo. I've never seen it so camouflaged like that before. Pretty amazing, actually.
    Major, are you sure the elephant wasn't using the Predator's stealth technology?

    So. Mr. X has a Castilian accent?

    Sue, I was wondering the same thing about Mr. X and Snoozer Sunday.

    Thanks M. P. and Mr. X.

  4. If you actually read today's post, there is no mention of the word "snoozer".
    That must mean that today is an Un-Snoozer Sunday. Rare! But it does occur from time to time.

    Love me some hippo pics. My favorite animal of the Jungle Cruise. Thanks, Major.

  5. Hungry hungry hippo!

    Happy happy pachy (derm).

    Jungle Cruise is so much fun!

    JB, maybe KS will chime in today to explain the hippo mechanism. I know some of the effects re-set periodically and were triggered by the passage of the boat, but the details are unknown to me.

    Thanks Major and Mr. X!


  6. Grant8:25 AM

    I always thought Hippopotamus was Latin for River Gorilla. Now I find out they are mere monkeys. Oh well, I still love 'em.

    Sue, for some reason, when you mentioned dancing around the Maypole, visions of Pachyderms on Parade popped into my head.

    Happy non-snoozer Mayday everyone!

  7. Nanook, it is well known that hippos have the best dental hygiene of any animal; we could all learn a lesson.

    Lou and Sue, this is certainly a Sunday, but these aren’t “snoozers”! I just get a little jaded toward Jungle Cruise photos I guess, but as far as those go, these are quite nice. And I guess today IS “May day”. Makes me want to bail out of an airplane.

    JB, are you telling me you’ve never seen a monkey swimming in a river with its huge mouth wide open? I guess you don’t get out much. Here in SoCal they are everywhere. I believe that there are some hippos that don’t have open mouths (but their ears wiggle!), while the gapers DO have their mouths open all the time. Maybe. I guess I could look for a YouTube video or two, but that would require effort.

    K. Martinez, YEAH! But I admit that most Sundays are snoozers here, so it’s only natural that one might assume that today is a snoozer too.

    JG, remember when there were rumors that The Rock would be added to the Jungle Cruise? Then that movie came out, and everyone realized that it was a forgettable movie. I’m glad that those plans seem to have been nixed.

    Melissa, that’s easy for you to say.

    Grant, some translations from the Latin do say “gorilla” rather than “monkey”, so you aren’t wrong. And I admit that I prefer the idea of a river gorilla, personally. No surprise there, I guess!

  8. I like the quality of the sunlight in the first photo, very cozy. I also spy a second elephant hiding in the other pic, among the leaves to the left. It has an even better method of camouflage -- misdirection! Thanks, Major.

  9. Ees a rover minkey

  10. #1: Please. No Rock in the Jungle Cruise. Just real fake rocks. I don't understand the Rock fascination, but I suppose I am not the target market. Again, I'll say, that in 1955 this must have been something to see. These days it can be entertaining kitsch- especially some of the whimsical scenes. Although like Pirates, the JC shouldn't be messed with, it's been messed with...but still...for the most part holds up. Bring back the stripe boats please. These things do come around some day, but probably not in my lifetime. Hippos in stuffed animal or animatronic form are cute. They are not cute in person. Nor does their size make them "slow". They will eat you without a thought. I had to stare at the Elephant for a while like one of those 3-D pictures to finally see it. There looks like two baby elephants drinking water on the left and right...but after staring those are Back to rocks. Maybe I am the target market?

  11. Kathy!, it’s true, Jungle Cruise photos are often kind of dark, I guess it’s that lush canopy overhead. Somehow Mr. X got a bright sunny photo! And you’re right, that other elephant is really well camouflaged!

    Melissa, if only I could put in the “rubbing my chin in puzzlement” emoji.

    Bu, I like The Rock just fine, he seems like a nice guy, but I don’t feel like he (or his character) belongs in the Jungle Cruise. Not that the Disney folks have a clue about anything anymore. Judging from the number of photos that were snapped back in the ‘50s, the Jungle Cruise really was a sensation. Folks wanted all of their friends and relatives to see how great it was. I’m grateful that the Guillermo Del Toro Haunted Mansion movie never happened, you know that the “suits” are just itching to add some movie IP to that ride. I feel like it will happen someday, but hopefully it will be later rather than sooner.

  12. Major, speaking of one IP superseding another, Disney has announced that Tarzan is being evicted from the treehouse (selah!) but no word on what or who will take over.

    They also announce they are taking my advice and re-making the Swiss Family Robinson (although Disney did not name me as inspiration, I have been calling for this repeatedly for years). It is possible that SFR may return to residence in the tree. If so, I shall play the Swisskapolka on repeat for seven days and nights straight.

    Also, that JC movie had potential, but was ruined by over-reliance on effects and an unnecessarily complex story. OK for one watch, but not a keeper. Disney needs someone who can edit and say no to too many ideas.


  13. Kathy, you have terrific vision! I wish I had your eyes. You must eat a lot of carrots.

    JG, regarding the Disneyland treehouse, HERE'S one possibility. (Thanks, Mark!)

    Fun day on the river - thanks, all!

  14. The Del Toro Haunted Mansion movie isn't getting made, but a Haunted Mansion movie is getting made.

  15. Melissa, I can’t wait! I hope Eddie Murphy is in it!

  16. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Very late here. I've been gone transporting our new Belgian from OK home to OR. All 19 hands of him...and the resulting activity will take me away from you for a while. Just too busy.

    That hippo mechanism is actuated by the front boat guide which sits on a rail going over a photo cell which trips the least back in my day. Being a skipper, you learned the speed of the animation and got the timing right with the boat speed. This would have been one of the two we would "shoot". It was on its own short rail to give the impression it was going forward as it rises and opens. Of course when drained the hippos only were partially skinned...just the very top while all the mechanism was on display below the water level. KS

  17. KS, thanks for the info. No wonder those hippos were so hungry, only skin and bones!

    Congrats on the horse, he sounds magnificent.

    Sue, I have heard this rumor too, I’m betting they will cheap out on SFR and do something bigger for Encanto… but I’m wrong about something every day, so…

