Sunday, January 02, 2022

Friendly. Indian. Village. October 1967

There's nothing wrong with the Friendly Indian Village, but today's photos are less than ideal. In this first image, our photographer jumped the gun and pushed the button before there was very much to see. If I work really hard to say something nice about it, at least it's kind of an unusual angle.

Normally folks loved to capture a picture of the shiny boy on the overturned canoe, and this person did - barely. The view of the actual village isn't bad, though the long (morning?) shadows make it a little harder to appreciate the details.


  1. Major, the first shot actually IS kind of interesting because it (sort of) establishes where the Village is amongst its surroundings. (I too, am working hard to say something nice about it.)

    In the second shot, it took me a while to locate even one of the two papooses curing in the sun. It's on the very left edge, next to the pillar on the Mark Twain. At least I think that's one of 'em. The other one must be farther to the left.

    Major, thank you for these awe inspiring and life changing photos... sorry, my snark engine got stuck in 4-wheel drive there for a second. ;-) They're actually not bad... not great, but not bad either. And like Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day!" And like Annie said, "The sun'll come out... tomorrow!" And like Rex Allen said, "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow!" And like... OK, I'll stop now. I get kinda goofy past midnight.

  2. I just noticed something I’ve never noticed before—and maybe it’s because of the screwy angle we’re on...that really tall, skinny plant in the first picture—to the right and towards the back. Ugly, goofy tree of some sort??

    JB, you really are sillier after midnight.

    Thanks, Major.

  3. Add the papeese to Fudgie and Dentie. This all may be a conspiracy. Why oh why would the papeese ever be moved ever? It's not like they are moving about pirate skeletons in Pirates of the Caribbean...right? And why would papeese ever been solely be needed for rehab if they were taken away? This is madness. Shiny boy looks more matte today. Must be using a different moisturizer I speculate. That tree is a "thing" would have to look it up in the Disneyland Flora manual- however in the early days of cell phone towers certain communities had them disguise the towers as trees and they look like this one as to "not draw attention" to it. It just turned into "what is that weird tree"? rather than "look at the ugly cell tower". I'm not sure anyone cares anymore. I am surprised that very curious guests back then were not compelled to find this area on thier own and create havoc. And I've seen those chain link fences in the early days...not too hard to get in to swipe a papeese or two. In my naughty days, my motley crew and myself would consider it a high honor to abscond a papeese and perhaps place it inside somewhere like the finale scene in Mr. Toad. Surprised I just thought of that now. Too many cameras today- a missed "nannigans" moment. Thanks for a nice start to a quiet Sunday Major.

  4. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Not much to say today other than I think Shiny Boy's dog is named Toto...or maybe Tonto...

  5. Nice Indian Village pics today. All it needs for a little added excitement is to have a giant alligator leap from the river and snatch Shiny Boy away, dragging him deep into the dark murky waters.

    Thanks, Major.

  6. Shiny Boy needs a new coat of varnish, but his greeting remains unchanged.

    He will be interviewed later as a source for the forthcoming Hardy Boys’ “Mystery of the Missing Papeese”.

    Any view of the FIV is fine by me, Major. I was cleaning my desk recently and found a B&W photo of me with the FIV in the background, only a year or two older than these views.

    Sue, I’m pretty sure that plant is a pine tree of some kind. Now I kind of want to go back and see if it still appears in later views.

    Bu, is that a fence we see in the background? There is a suspicious horizontal line that might be the DLRR grade. We have a “tree” cell tower near our home, trying to keep Sonoma Valley scenic, I guess.


  7. JB, it really IS pretty hard to find anything nice to say about these photos! I’m not sure the papooses were always there, perhaps in the earlier views they would be missing. I know what you mean about today’s photos - they are like so many Disneyland pix… perfectly fine in their way, but boring. That’s why they appear on Snoozer Sundays!

    Lou and Sue, hmmm, that looks like a really thin evergreen of some sort, I wonder if it eventually filled out to be nice and chunky?

    Bu, I think a lot of the props (including the papooses) were moved around periodically, if it wasn’t so much effort it would be sort of fun to compare photos from year to year. A friend of mine has told me about an acquaintance of his who is trying to keep track of notable trees and rocks from Disneyland, especially if they’ve been there since the days of the Dominguez ranch. It’s interesting! Wow, I wish we had a photo of one of the papooses (maybe it IS “papeese”??) inside Mr. Toad, that would be amazing.

    Stu29573, it’s OK, sometimes there’s just nothing to say! Imagine how I feel when I am posting my 15,000th photo of the Mark Twain, and I have to write something.

  8. K. Martinez, well, I like Shiny Boy, but that alligator scenario is pretty exciting. Maybe the gator could just grab a piece of venison out of Shiny Boy’s hand?

    JG, the missing papeese were taken by Old Man Terwilliger, he’s keeping them in his barn! Something about gold mines. I was mostly watching cartoons so I don’t know the details. Very cool that you found that photo of yourself, I wish I had more pictures of me at Disneyland! I can only think of one or two, and they are from the ‘80s. Remember, 1967 was just after “It’s a Small World” was built nearby, which explains the fence. It does look awfully out of place, though.

  9. I want to say that is the DLRR grade. And on the right of the first picture, is that the Pack Mules trail? (I stumbled across this call and response at DLP recently... don't know if Disneyland does the same.)

  10. The boy is shiny;
    The shadows are long.
    The focus is weak,
    But the sun is strong.
    My shutter's too early -
    My shutter's too late.
    But any picture
    Of Disneyland's great.

    "Why oh why would the papeese ever be moved ever? ... And why would papeese ever been solely be needed for rehab if they were taken away?"

    Maybe their faces fell off. Anything can happen at The Face-Falling-Offest Place on Earth!

  11. Andrew, I think you might be right about the Pack Mules, it didn’t even occur to me. Maybe I need to spend a Christmas in Paris, and of course I would have to go to DLP! Thanks for that video link.

    Melissa, I like your lyrics, or is it a poem? I feel like you’re referring to a song and I’m not picking up on it, as usual. Do faces fall off a lot at Disneyland??

  12. No song this time, just a little doggerel. I’ve never SEEN a face fall off at Disneyland, but who knows what craziness goes on when I’m not there to stop it?

  13. Andrew, we’re glad you’re on school break! You have time to comment with fun links. Hope school is going good for you.
