Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! The past 20 months or so have been crazy, and I'm sure many of us have been through some trying times; but it's always useful to sit down and remember all of the good things we have in our lives. Friends, family, enough food to eat, a warm bed to sleep in and a roof over our heads, and of course, Disneyland photo blogs to entertain (?) us. Can you believe that there are people out there who have never seen GDB? I know!

I have a single vintage slide scan from Thanksgiving, circa 1962, with a nice family posing for a portrait midway through their feast. There's plenty of turkey left if you want seconds! It's yet another tiled kitchen, I guess that was a thing for a while. Gramps (to the left) looks like he realizes that you are the werewolf that he saw by moonlight a few days ago. "I need some holy water. Or was it garlic? Criminey!"

I couldn't just share a single photo with you today, but Sue B. (and her father, Lou Perry) came through and found a series of photos from one of Lou's office parties, from 1977. I've never had an office party where the company provided several large turkeys (though there have been some jive turkeys), roast beef, and a whole selection of sides. 

The two men charged with carving the turkeys spent years in Japan, learning how to wield their weapons. After today, they will continue to wander the Earth, helping to right wrongs and help the needy (like Kwai Chant Caine in "Kung Fu"). 

The lady in red is very happy that today's spread includes whatever is in that chafing dish. It looks like tamale pie to me (yum), but I guess that's not very Thanksgiving-ish. 

Herding cattle on the plains can be a solitary life, and these ladies (feeling a little awkward being indoors with city folk) are still happy to be getting some quality grub. You get tired of prairie dog stew and beans every day.

We've all heard the stories of how the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims to survive for that first Thanksgiving. They might have had some second thoughts not long afterwards!

The roast beef was a popular option; my grandma and grandpa liked to have turkey on Thanksgiving, and roast beef, or sometimes roast goose, for Christmas. I remember being intrigued by the idea of eating goose, but thinking that it was too greasy.

What are you doing, Gladys?? Corn and baked beans? I guess sometimes we just want to eat the same thing over and over, we are creatures of habit. A single purple balloon has been Scotch-taped to the ceiling, a festive touch that makes all the difference.

"Wherever we go, whatever we do, we're gonna go through it together. We may not go far, but sure as a star, wherever we are, it's together!" I'm not crying, you're crying.

I hope everybody has a warm and wonderful day! Many thanks to Lou and Sue for helping to make today's post more fun.

I am still out of town! Just for a couple more days.


  1. Major-
    More tiled walls in kitchens, please. I predict it to be the next 'on-trend' trend, following the current grey/white fetish.

    Those are some big-ass turkeys and roasts-! No wonder there are so many happy faces. (And the cans of Tab and Fresca-!) Love the occasional "theming", including the bucking bronco and 'chuck wagon' pictures. Definitely helps make the cafeteria feel more like a dude ranch. And do I spy a 'Hallmark Plans-a-Party' honeycomb paper Pilgrim standee adjacent to that steam tray of yams-? I sure hope tomorrow's celebration is decked-out with similar decorations.

    Thanks, Major. And thanks to Lou & Sue. I hope everyone has a great holiday.

  2. Major, I think that first pic was actually taken in a bathroom. They must have wheeled the refrigerator in there just for the day. That would also explain why it's askew. There is even a shower door on the far right, which someone left open. And that pic must not be as old as you originally thought. The date on that wall calendar is MM. ;-)

    That blond cowgirl in the fourth pic looks familiar. I wonder if we have seen her in other hospital employee pics, taken by Lou. Either that or the familiarity is because she looks a little bit like Cathy Rigby.

    Thank you Lou, Sue and the Major, too! I hope all the Junior Gorillas out there have a very happy Thanksgiving!

    - Thanksgiving Magic!

  3. (Some of this is gonna sound familiar. Nanook and Thanksgiving Magic! beat me to it while I was writing.)

    Interesting curtains in that 1962 kitchen. A combination of coffee pots, maybe teapots, creamers, maybe gravy boats, flowers and fruit?. And oh yeah, chickens and cuckoo clocks.
    It's kinda strange that everything on the wall has to be attached above the tiles. Seems kind of impractical. I do like the color of the tile though, and those contrasting strips of tile. I also like how the fridge is sitting at a 45 degree angle in the corner.
    Not sure what that stuff is in the bowl to the right of the turkey, doesn't really look like stuffing. On the right edge of the table looks like a big bowl of pasta salad. That must be the rolls/bread in the tinfoil. I don't see any plates, Gramma must have already cleared them while Mom made coffee.
    Grampa is gonna give me nightmares.

    In Lou & Sue's first photo- Those are some HUGE turkeys! 24 pounders, at least, or my name isn't Horst Schnuffleblatt. I wonder what that image is on the octagonal piece of paper hanging from the garland. Looks like a cowboy, but why? Ah! Now I see a bucking bronco on the right edge of the photo. And the gal is wearing a cowgirl outfit. Glancing ahead at the other images, there is definitely a western theme here. I guess the two guys are Ninja Cowboys. The guy on the left has Spirograph designs glued to his shirt.

    In the next pic, the lady next to Mrs. Red looks to be at least 10 months pregnant. Didn't Sue say this was in a hospital? I wonder if Ms. Expecting gave birth during this party?

    In the fourth pic, is that Julia Child on the right? Major, they're trading prairie dog stew and beans for grubs? Quality grubs or not, I'm sticking with the stew and beans.

    In the next photo, I can see a couple of nurses wearing traditional nurse's hats. I'm surprised to see that as late as 1977.

    Like you said, Major, this is some fancy spread for an office/staff party. I wonder if it was catered or if it was whipped up by the hospital kitchen staff?

    In the last photo, the clock on the wall says 12:00. I suppose that's 12 noon, not 12 midnight. Although in a hospital, traditional hours don't mean much.

    Tokyo, I laughed at the "MM" date. Wait! That means it's Y2K! No wonder they're eating in the bathroom, everything has gone haywire!

    Thank you Lou and Sue and Major for some fun photos. I hope Lou got in on some of that tasty food.

    - Joyful Bird (the one that got away) Gobble, gobble, everybody!

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    The Lady in Red is not gobbling (subtle Thanksgiving reference) tamalie pie, but, rather, baked sweet 'taters! I'd kniw that bit of marshmellow on top anywhere! It helps that the wife is currently making some. Yum!
    By the way, we had tamalies a couple of days ago. The "Tamalie Ladies" always come out around the holidays! It's a great perk to living in Tejas!
    Thanks Lou and Sue and Major too!

  5. I think that first photo is actually a Christmas dinner based on the calendar illustration, but who cares? It’s awesome.

    Note the bowl of fruit on top of the fridge that probably normally lives on the table. And that’s just where we keep our coffee urn, too. Nothing like a shower of scalding hot coffee to get you going in the morning.

    The Littlest Cowgirl wore that hat specifically to provide a thematic bridge to the next series of photos. How considerate!

    I love the party photos. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this isn’t a Thanksgiving party - the cowboy decorations don’t make sense (I think that honeycomb paper figure is actually a cowboy holding a revolver) and I don’t see any turkey - but again, who cares? I’m thankful for these photos, and every day can be a Thanksgiving if we take the time to count our many blessings.

    TM!, that blonde looks familiar because it’s Amy Poehler. Time machines rock.

    JB, don’t knock grubs. They’re the poor man’s escargot.

    I am thankful that I stumbled upon this community about this time of year some 12 years ago. You all bless me with your stories, your photos, and your wonderful senses of humor that have helped me get through some really rough days. I’m sure many (if not most) of us have had a similar experience, although your mileage may vary. May God grant you and yours a happy Thanksgiving and many more to come!

  6. Major, Lou and Sue, thanks for these photos! Great stuff. I definitely want some tamale pie with prairie dog.

    Among the many things for which I give thanks every day, GDB is high on the list. Chuck has expressed my sentiments concisely, the community here is credited with helping save what scraps of sanity I still retain.

    Best wishes to everyone for Thanksgiving, I hope for all of us to have many more.


  7. Holy flashbacks, Batman! That turquoise tile wall treatment is the EXACT SAME as my Grandma have in her bathroom my entire life. So, like TokyoMagic! I'm having trouble not seeing it as Christmas Dinner in the john! Grandma would have walked a thousand miles for those turquoise cats-eye classes (I'm sure I've mentioned her love of the color here before). Nice catch on the Christmas calendar, Chuck!

    The 1977 pictures are adorable; everybody looks like they're having a great time. I wonder if some of them are having something a ittle stronger than Tab! One office I worked in had a sit-down turkey dinner the day before Thanksgiving break, usually catered by Wegmans (sort of an East Coast Trader Joe's). Sometimes there would be wine for those who wanted it.

    Going to my sister's later for dinner woth Mom and two cousins. Sure is nice to be able to have a small gathering again! Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate, and my thanks to the Major and all the Junior Gorillas for the wonderful fellowship all year 'round. Safe travels to our fearless leader.

  8. Happy thanksgiving to all. Wonderful photos. Thanks Lou & Sue, Major, all the people who share their photos, and all the people who comment on this oasis of a blog. I've got deviled eggs to make so I just checked in, like every other day.
    I've got lots to be thankful for. Peggy's coming along fine with her physical therapy, and I'm hanging in there too. Hope you are all doing well.
    So, thanks everyone, you all make my day every day.
    So one complaint. I don't know why they even bother to call the TV coverage of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. 90% Broadway show tunes, celebrities I've never heard of, gibberish from the hosts, and advertisements for products that suck. Oh yeah, there is that last 10% of the actual parade. I have fond memories of getting up and watching the parade on TV till about 1980 something. Then it evolved into too what you see today.
    On that note, have a wonderful day all.

  9. Grant9:00 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Junior Gorillas, our esteemed leader Major and all your families. Hope y'all have a nice one!!

  10. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I was admiring the tiled wall as well! We are having a house built right now and I went with the trendy grey/white (sorry Nanook) but tiled would have been awesome. Happy thanksgiving to everyone here! I’m thankful y’all let me pop in and out of the community, and for all the info and insight you provide on a regular basis.


  11. Love the 50s/60s kitchen! And I love the little mermaid on the kitchen wall. Looks like it was supposed to be a hook for hanging things, maybe.

    Chuck, I'm sure my dad's photos aren't Thanksgiving, but my guess is it's May 26 - a celebration of John Wayne's birthday - which explains the 'pilgrim with revolver' Hallmark table decoration...and even the one turkey carver (2nd photo) is wearing a revolver. ;o)
    I'll ask my dad if he recalls what this party was all about, when I see him later today. (You'd be surprised what he sometimes remembers...he can still rattle off every car he ever owned - and in the exact order.)

    DrGoat, it's wonderful to hear from you, and to hear that Peggy is doing better!

    Happy Thanksgiving, to everyone! When I count my blessings, I include you.

  12. At first, I thought that was our Sue as a teenager in the 3rd pic provided by Lou and Sue. Perhaps not.

    I'm very traditional when it comes to my Thanksgiving meal (turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, candied sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie), but all kinds of food are welcome including tamale pie if that's what that is. I know Asian and Hispanic families who serve their own cultural dishes alongside the turkey and stuffing. Every family has its own traditions and variations on Thanksgiving.

    Every bit of food in these Thanksgiving pics looks delicious except for those damn pickles on that family's table!

    Thanks, Lou & Sue and Major too!

    I'm grateful to be here and to have so many blessings in life.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  13. DrGoat, I forgot to mention that my dad taped a number of Disneyland (WDW?) holiday parades - back in the 1990s. How about if I grab one of the tapes and head over to your house - we can watch a GOOD parade, together. I'll bring dessert, too.

  14. Ken M., I just saw your comments....nope, I’m not in any of these photos. Maybe, one of these days, I’ll include a photo where I’m ‘hiding’ in the background.

  15. Sounds fine Sue. I'll bring my deviled eggs. I'm heading over to my sister's for a quick meal and probably a game or 2. Then heading home with all kinds of leftovers for Peggy and I to feast on at our leisure.
    I'm much like KM. Traditional stuff except I must bring my own can of jellied cranberry sauce. Chris makes her own but it's not Thanksgiving unless you have jellied cranberry sauce. The kind you have to puncture the other end of the can you just opened so it will slide out in one piece.
    Good health to all.

  16. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Nice pictures today- thanks Lou, Sue & Major.


  17. Sunday Night12:05 PM

    I just can’t make up my mind on the first photo – Thanksgiving or Christmas? I guess Christmas because of the calendar. But maybe they flipped the month early? It could happen. At first I thought that dish at the right was potato salad but now I think it’s ambrosia and it’s about to be served as everyone has a full cup of after dinner coffee.

    Now that’s what I call an office party! “A single purple balloon has been Scotch-taped to the ceiling, a festive touch that makes all the difference” Now that is FUNNY. GDB - come for the pictures, stay for the captions.

    Happy Thanksgiving all. I’m thankful for all of you, Major and GDB.

  18. Chuck, I also noticed the "December" on the calendar but, like you said, "who cares?" Even though my obsessive-compulsive self wanted to scream it from the top of that fridge. (That's me next to the bowl of fruit and the coffee maker. I'm a little hard to see.)
    And here I thought that escargot was the poor-man's oysters.

    Melissa, "Safe travels to our fearless leader. " Also Moose and Squirrel. It was just the 3 of us here (my 90 year old mom, one of my brothers, and myself) for T-Day. No stress, no worries. Everything turned out great. Hope your day went well.

    DrGoat, that's a wonderful progress report. About the Macy's 'parade'- YOU READ MY MIND!

    Celeste, Pop in more often! Shoulda went with the aqua tile. ;-)

    Lou and Sue, Oh, is THAT what that thing is? I zoomed-in and still couldn't tell. Good health to you and your dad.

    K. Martinez, That's what the day is all about- mixing and matching. Make it your own. And togetherness.
    I was wondering about that jar of pickles, too. Maybe they didn't have any cranberry sauce.

    DrGoat, Make sure you keep the 'ring' impressions from the can intact!

  19. Dr. Goat, thank you for the encouraging update, an answer to prayer.

    Wishing you, and all GDB, best possible holiday.


  20. I was tickled by the Tulsa marching band in the Macy’s parade that played “Oklahoma!”
