Monday, September 06, 2021

Characters On Parade, September 1968

Let’s  wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our friend Melissa!

Critters! Disneyland is full of them. Mice, rabbits, dogs, birds, heffalumps, tiggers... all sorts of real and definitely not imaginary animals. Sometimes they stand quietly, hoping some fans will stop by to say "hello". And other times they go marching!

Today's photos are from September, 1968, obviously from a summertime parade of some kind. Perhaps it was the lucky 13th Anniversary Parade, seen years ago on Daveland's blog (he has several posts covering that parade, but you are all smart and resourceful and can figure out how to find the other related posts - I BELIEVE IN YOU). 

Well hey there! It's chipmunk Dale, waving happily next to his pal, Chip. I guarantee they are thinking about how to mess with Donald Duck, in spite of their innocent expressions. Who's your favorite of the two 'munks? Or maybe they are like your children, you can't possibly choose. I think I preferred Dale when I was a kid; he was the more childlike of the two.

The Practical Pig started dating Porko Ono in 1967, and tensions arose between the three pigs. It was inevitable, I suppose - the public loved them too much. So it was rare to see all three of them together, as in this photo. Rumors of  the trio getting together to jam in secret years later supported the idea that they still loved each other, in spite of all that had happened.

EXTRA! EXTRA! Sue B (of Lou and Sue fame) wanted to share some fun photos for Melissa on her birthday... these pictures are from some office party that Lou preserved for all posterity. Thanks, Sue!

I'm not sure if these nice ladies were the "lunch ladies" of the cafeteria staff, but their pink uniforms seem to imply that. Either that, or they are nurses. Just look at all those beautiful cakes! Enough for everyone, and if you want a piece with a rose on it, just ask. At least three of the women appear to be wearing hats made out of paper cups. Any idea what those cylindrical things are in the lower right?

Lou took a second photo for good measure, some of the ladies look less prepared than in the first one!


  1. Major, it may be Memorial Day on the West Coast - but here in the Midwest it’s Labor Day, I think.... ;o)

    Happy Birthday to our beloved Melissa!

    Major, those are stacks of paper plates.

  2. Well, first of all, "Happy birthday, dear Melissa....happy birthday, to you!

    It looks like several of those ladies in pink, have "Happy Birthday "somebody"" written on their makeshift hats. You gotta love the hat that looks like it is made up of a wax cup, a bowl, a plastic cup, and a little plastic condiment cup on top!

    Major, I think those cylinders are actually stacks of styrofoam plates.

    Thanks for the 'monks and piggies, Major. And thanks for the bonus pics, Lou, Sue and Major!

  3. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Major- Cool pictures for today- by the way it is actually Labor Day not Memorial Day... ;)

    Happy Birthday Melissa!

    Thanks to Sue B for the extra photos. Major- you mentioned the cylindrical things on the right, are you referring to the stacks of plates?

    Porko Ono... :)


  4. Major-

    Let's see now... I had to consult my calendar for verification, but generally speaking the first Monday in September goes by the name of Labor Day, Major. I know, I know - this is what happens when the posts are 'put to bed' months before 'air date'. And besides - it's Melissa's birthday, so she's entitled to that piece of cake with the rose on it-!

    Those "cylindrical things" are stacks of paper [or plastic] plates. Gotta love those homemade hats-! Extra points for the use of spoons standing-in as ears.

    Thanks, Major.

  5. Everybody, I just got home at 12:15, and need to go to bed (after a 3 hour drive), but I know I made a real dumb mistake! More response to comments later.

  6. Anonymous12:28 AM

    It looks like Sue B crossed the finish line 1st & I tied with TokyoMagic! for 2nd... ;)


  7. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Make that a 3 way tie with Nanook as well...


  8. Hi, all! I hope you all have a nice relaxing holiday!!

    Major, get your rest...we’ll see you in the morning!

  9. On second glance, it looks like several of those makeshift hats have "Happy Birthday, Sam!" on them. And one of them looks like it reads, "Happy Birthday Good Sam!" I also just noticed that there is a "1" on the very top of the tiered cake, and a "1" made out of frosting, on the sides of all the cakes.

    Those pink outfits look like they could be hospital uniforms. Could these have been taken at the Good Samaritan Hospital? And on the hospital's 1st Anniversary, perhaps?

  10. Sue....gee, I feel like a regular Sherlock Holmes....or maybe an irregular one. I see that the Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital, located just 22 miles outside of Chicago, opened in 1976. Since the photos have "1977" included in their file name, I'm assuming that this must be the place!

    Happy 45th anniversary, Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital!

  11. TM! “Spot on!”
    Fortunately my dad snapped lots of pictures at the company’ll be seeing more. Haha!

  12. Great comments so far :-)

    Thanks, Major and Sue, and happy birthday Melissa! How wonderful your birthday is on a Monday that you (hopefully) have off!

  13. Anonymous6:24 AM

    "Happy birthday, Melissa
    We likes hanging withyas
    In Gorilla land here
    So go have a beer!*"

    * or celebatory beverage of your choice.
    Offer good on birthdays only.
    Void where prohibited by law.

  14. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Little known fact:
    Yoko was actually named Porko, but she changed it for obvious reasons.

    Major, I could have swore this was Grounghog Day! (The day where we all dress up in groundhog suits and eat groundhog pot pie. I sure felt silly when I got to the grocery store to buy mine and didn't see any other "groundhogs."l

    Incredible work, TM! You nailed it!

    Thanks Lou and Sue!

  15. Wonderful post, Major! Take the holiday off and rest your eyes!

    What are the odds of identifying that picture? Apparently pretty good now, with google maps etc.

    I do like the characters in costume. The pigs especially. Porko Ono, I’m weeping with laughter, Stu. Those pig suits with obvious eyeholes are the ones I remember the most clearly, along with Worthington Foulfellow and the Cat (whose name escapes me, was it Gideon?).

    Thank you, Lou, Sue and Major and Happy Birthday Melissa. Many Happy Returns of the Day.


  16. Lou and Sue, wow, things must really be weird in Chicago! Stacks of paper plates, ha ha, I’m batting 0 so far. Time for that brain replacement.

    TokyoMagic!, I never realized what an amazing singing voice you have. Yes, those ersatz birthday hats are pretty great, I’m surprised I’ve never seen anything like those before. Yes, Lou and Sue also think that those are paper plates. Once again, I should always look at the full-size image before “wondering” what something is.

    DW, Listen just because everyone else took that paper plate course in school and I didn’t…! And yes, I am now well aware of my brain fart.

    Nanook, I blame drugs and alcohol, both of which I saw on TV one time. It scarred me for life.

    DW, you have to get up pretty early around here…

    DW, silver medals for everybody. Except for Sue.

    Lou and Sue, I didn’t get a lot of rest, it’s so hot here compared to where I was. I already miss that cool, foggy weather.

    TokyoMagic!, you are a regular Columbo!

    Lou and Sue, as Hans Landa said in “Ingorious Basterds”, “That’s a bingo!”.

    TokyoMagic!, it’s like you are Kojak, Matlock, and Barnaby Jones all rolled into one.

    Lou and Sue, should I show all those photos of the parking lot constructions?!?!

    Andrew, I’ll try to make more mistakes in the future. Should be easy.

    Stu29573, I hope Melissa checks in today, she’s missing out on all the birthday wishes. What if the beverage of my choice is Yoo-Hoo, the watery chocolate drink with a dumb name?

    Stu29573, maybe the reasons are obvious to you, but not to me. Luckily, tomorrow is Christmas Day, which will help me to get back on track.

    JG, I was back in the land of otters! There were about 15 of them floating near the Rock. I actually think those 3 Pigs costumes are quite nice, though I am always disturbed by their useless arms hanging at their sides. Yes, “Gideon” is right!

  17. Major, haha, no! Those slides are boring. I was referring to all of the holiday “party” ones I’ve sent you, so far. And more to come...

  18. Happy birthday, Melissa! I’ll bet Labor Day has an extra layer of meaning for your mother.

    Thanks again, Major & Lou & Sue!

  19. Happy birthday, Melissa! I’m wearing my best babushka for your special day. I never really cared for Chip n Dale because they bothered Donald, my favorite, so much. But I do like the cartoon with them and Clarice, maybe because it’s free of plots to get revenge on Donald. I thought the party hats said Happy Birthday 3000 Sam and wondered who could be so old. I do enjoy that paper cup and spoons bunny? puppy? party hat, I should try to make one!

  20. Happy birthday, Melissa! Those cakes are making me hungry.

  21. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Major- I agree that the arms on the 3 Pigs are somewhat disturbing. Also, although their hats provide some shade, they should probably put some sun screen on the lower parts of their faces...


  22. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, everybody! It really means a lot. Chuck, I’ve been making that Labor Day joke for years, and nobody ever laughs!

    A fine crop of pictures today! Of all the great details, I think my favorite is the cake lady who’s given her hat two plastic spoons for ears.

  23. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Chuck, Melissa: Augh, labor day.

    Major, hope you had a good time up there. I love that place. It would be fun to find some vintage pictures of that spot. I might have some since we visited 4-5X a year.


  24. Chuck, I’ve been making that Labor Day joke for years, and nobody ever laughs!
    We didn't laugh at Chuck, either. ;o) Just kidding!

    Major, I just looked at the link you have in your narrative for today - to Daveland's post - and I chuckled at your comments to Dave, back then!

    FUN party, Melissa(!) - I'm glad we have your birthday to celebrate!

  25. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Happy Birthday Melissa...and we won't ask which one it is...promise!

    Major...the next time you travel in your DeLorean...I'll be your sidekick. Let's go back to the opening of Disneyland. We'll make quite a scene in our arrival in the parking lot. Maybe they will put the car,(and us?),temporarily on display in Tomorrowland. KS

  26. Happy Birthday Melissa. Gone all day, just got home and I missed the party. Well, hope you had a great birthday!

  27. There’s still lots of cake left, DrGoat!!

  28. Lou and Sue, I don’t understand. A parking lot is BORING? The next thing you’ll say is that watching grass grow is boring!

    Chuck, oh man, why didn’t I think of that Labor Day joke? Time to weep.

    Kathy! I’m with you, I never liked that Chip and Dale were such a pain to Donald. Granted, Donald often overreacted, but still. Also my grandparents in Minnesota had neighbors whose attic was destroyed by chipmunks. Until then, I had always just considered them to be cute little critters! I vaguely remember Clarice - gosh, there was a time when I knew so much about all of the short cartoons!

    K. Martinez, I KNOW! I’m on a diet, I’d love a big piece of cake.

    DW, I wonder if enough sun made it through that mesh to actually burn (or tan) those performers? Sometimes you can see the people inside actually squinting!

    Melissa, there you are! I was worried that you wouldn’t check in today. I also love those kooky hats, probably cobbled together that very morning when they realized they didn’t have any “real” party hats.

    JG, I have some vintage pictures of Morro Bay, but 95% of them are photos of the rock. I may have to go through them and see if any are worth sharing.

    Lou and Sue, I created this post so long ago that I honestly had forgotten about the link to Daveland’s blog. At the time, the thought of going up to 1400 posts seemed impossible. Little did I know!

    KS, you and me, we’re heading right to the shops to load up on all the best Disneyland souvenirs! I’ll buy a bunch of cels with the original hand-painted backgrounds. And for a while you could get the posters in the Art Corner for a few bucks apiece! I’ll have to keep taking armloads out to the parking lot (getting my hand stamped of course) and coming back in.

    DrGoat, the party is still going! Have a cupcake!

    Lou and Sue, this party is going until at least 4:00 AM tomorrow morning.

  29. Major, I would love a vintage MB post. It’s one of my favorite spots, and one where I can visit the “exact” spot I stood with mom and dad.

    At the Philmont Scout Camp, chipmunks are so destructive, they are called “mini-bears”.

    I just read the Daveland post, sad to read some lost voices.


  30. JG, the main issue is that I don't know if the slides I have are interesting enough to bother with. While there have of course been changes to MB, I have some shots from the 1960s that don't look much different! And as I said, most of them just show the rock anyway. "Mini bears", love it. I know what you mean about lost voices, sometimes I'll go back and refer to an old post and see names in the comments that are long-gone.
