Monday, July 19, 2021

Around Main Street, October 1981

Let's all wish DrGoat (real name: Peter) a very Happy Birthday! Sue B. wants to pass along her own special birthday good wishes too!

Today I have six wonderful photos from Lou and Sue. You know them, you love them, you might owe them some money. First up is this nice image of the Flower Market as it looked when it was moved from West Center Street to East Center Street (it moved in 1977). Not that different, really, but still interesting! Where are all the people? There's a lonely female CM, and that man in white who might be a sweeper, it's hard to say for sure.

I wonder if the displays featured more red, orange, and yellow than usual because Halloween was near? Or these are the colors people want in Autumn? It could just be a coincidence of course. 

Over on this side it's pinks and reds and lavenders, so my theory is worthless! Somehow I'll still manage to sleep well tonight. I tried to find the date when the Flower Mart was eliminated, and found one site that said it went away in 1979, but Lou's 1981 photos disprove that date.

A fourth photo of the Flower Mart! I think you can handle it. Notice the Hallmark Store to the left, which in that location for 25 years (1960 to 1985).

Next is this different view near the end of Main Street, looking toward the Coca Cola Refreshment Corner.  I'd like to go in there and order a Moxie. Or a Nehi. Or something else that they don't have, because I'm a li'l troublemaker. There will be tears! You can see that some of the trees along the sidewalk are surrounded with barriers, and one of the trees looks pretty small. Did they replace all of the old, out-of-scale trees with new ones in 1981?

And finally, a very nice look at Sleeping Beauty Castle, without the "bold colors" of later years. It's so unbold! The flowerbed right in front of us would eventually be the home of the "Partners" statue, installed a dozen years after Lou took these photos.

THANKS so much to Lou and Sue for more beautiful photos!


  1. Major-
    After yesterday's 'outing', I feel as if a gauze has been lifted from my eyes-! Not only are these images sharper, but so colorful and nicely composed. Just the tonic needed for a speedy recovery. (Thank you Lou-!)

    The Flower Mart was given the heave-ho some time in 1983. [So much for those "reliable sources" we so often have to contend with on the internet].

    And if I have my dates right, the Main Street U.S.A. trees were all replaced in October, 1981 - as Lou's images would attest.

    Again - thanks to Lou & Sue.

  2. Happy Birthday, Dr. Goat (Peter)! I hope you enjoy your B-day!

    Great colors on the Main Street buildings, back when the Disneyland color palette seemed more subtle and warm. Thanks Lou and Sue!

  3. Happy Birthday Peter DrGoat !!! Major: that man in white is a sweeper as you can see his broom and sweep “can” near his feet. The guest walking into “flower alley” looks apprehensive like she feels she’s walking into a trap!!

  4. That sweeper is talking on a cell phone, which he is holding in his left hand. He is also holding one in his right hand, and texting. He will be fired very soon. Or sent to Florida.

  5. Of course, I forgot to thank Lou, Sue and Major!

    And a great big beautiful birthday to you, Peter!!!


    We wish you the Happiest Birthday ever!

    These two are for you:


    Happy Birthday from your favorite dynamic duos ;o)
    Laurel & Hardy
    Lou & Sue

  7. Thanks to Lou and Sue for all the colorful flowers and Happy Birthday to Dr Goat (Peter). May you have a mild, sunny, Monsoon free Tucson day!

  8. Happy birthday, Peter! I hope you celebrate your birthday in style. I know I will! ;-)

    Thanks again, Lou & Sue!

  9. Happy birthday Peter!!

    Maybe this was established before, but was that window (which was later used for ice cream) where you payed for your flowers? I also like the payphone sign to the left - looking at Street View, the phones are gone, but you can still clearly see where they were.

    I never noticed the green shading on the "Notre Dame steeple" on SBC. Thanks Lou and Sue!

  10. Happy Birthday DrGoat!

    Who doesn't like flowers?

    Thanks Major, Lou and Sue for today's display.

  11. Happy birthday, Dr. Goat! Many happy returns of the day!

    I love these Flower Mart pics, thank you Lou and Sue!

    Major, I know that seasonal displays were made up, but apparently colors were grouped when there was no special holiday near.

    East Center Street has again become a Flower Mart, but smaller, simpler and with more food & drink sales, so a little bit of the Old Park has been somewhat restored. It’s not like it was but still makes me happy.

    Thanks all!


  12. A big thanks for all the birthday wishes! Since we always made sure to visit the flower mart back then, this is really quite nice. Mom loved the flower Mart, so we all loved the flower mart...till we were back on Main Street and the rest of the park beckoned.
    Thanks Sue! You know I love Laurel and Hardy so that was very sweet.
    Had a great, rainy weekend, which is something we really needed in Tucson. I've always bought myself something cool to amuse myself with on my birthday, but this year it's a new Sonic-care toothbrush. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
    Thanks for the lovely pics Major, and thanks to everyone for the well wishes.
    Sue, you are a caution, and a lovely person. Thanks.

  13. @ DrGoat-
    Yes - a happy birthday to you. I completely forgot to send you birthday wishes.

    @ JG-
    I’m so happy you’re happy-!

  14. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Happy birthday, Peter!
    Geez, now I gotta eat another cake. You guys are making me FAT (that's my story and I'm sticking with it)
    The pics today are something that Disney Parks seldom are any more: charming. Thank you, Lou and Sue for the bittersweet look at a section of the park NOT designed to rake in mega bucks, but just to be there for atmosphere (of course they would take your money if you insisted.)
    1981 was my first trip to WDW. There was only the Magic Kingdom at the time, so we went to Busch Gardens too. It was this trip when I was 18 that cemented my love for Disney (My 1973 DL trip was very nice, but didn't have as much impact). I've been back many times, but rather rough times have gotten in the way of my return (even though I have 6 7 day Park Hoppers, plus a ton of extras- I was assured they will never expire...long story)
    Anyway, I'm just rambling on (and parenthetically interupting myself- how rude of me...)
    Thanks again everyone !
    Btw, I have a new post. ;-)

  15. Grant8:59 AM

    Happy Birthday to our own Dr. Goat (Greatest Of All Time) Have a great one Peter!

  16. Happy birthday Goat (Peter)! Great photos from the master, once again. Thank Heaven for Lou and others documenting lost attractions, so we can visit them long after they are gone. I can just hear Oliver now..."Well Stanley, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into." Thanks to Lou and Sue and Major.

  17. Nanook, yes, these are so bright and clear! It really is a stark contrast with yesterday’s disappointments. 1983, OK; I really did look and look, and was surprised that the info about the Flower Market’s demise wasn’t easier to come by. Thanks!

    K. Martinezz, the colors seemed more subtle because they WERE more subtle! That doesn’t mean that Main Street was monochromatic, by any means, but “subtlety” is a four letter word with Disney these days.

    Mike Cozart, ha ha, once again I am foiled by my laziness (not viewing the photos at full size when writing my text)!

    TokyoMagic!, it’s amazing how many people had cell phones back then. Maybe he was texting to his bosses, to inform them of some mess that needs to be cleaned up (YOU decide what kind of mess). He won’t be fired, he’ll be promoted!

    Lou and Sue, my buddy Mr. X (who I saw on Saturday) is the biggest Laurel and Hardy fan! Or maybe you love them more. This can only be settled by a thumb wrestling match.

    Alonzo and Chuck, I hope Peter is going to check in today!

    Andrew, that is an interesting thought - I have no idea, though. As usual. This is the kind of detailed info that you would know about if it was a little park on the east coast. Good eye on the green paint on that “Notre Dame” steeple, I think that must have been recent.

    zach, flowers are one thing, but what about FAKE flowers?

    JG, it’s mostly that that one particular group looks so autumnal, I figured it probably wasn’t a coincidence. I know they’ve had an ODV cart over at East Center Street for a long time (need a $5 bottle of water?), it would be nice if they still had some flowers for sale just as a tribute.

    DrGoat, there you are! I’m glad you checked in today. So glad also that you had rain in Tucson, we sure could use some here. Once in a while we get gray clouds that look like a monsoon is coming in, but at most we get some drops that evaporate in seconds. I would have remembered your birthday, but Sue made sure I didn’t forget!

    Nanook, I’m sure he forgives you.

    Stu29573, oh man. Cake sounds so good. And warm rolls with butter. And a big cheeseburger with bacon. Can you tell I’m on a diet?? Also, I added a link to your blog over in my blog roll, just so you know. I suppose one could argue that the “Fantasy Faire” is not entirely designed to make money, since it’s more of a princess meet and greet, but still, it’s not just a pretty area to hang out and enjoy one’s self. You need MORE parentheses! I once had a guy accuse me of using too many exclamation points. He can go to HECK!!!!

    Grant, ha ha, love it.

    Jonathan, I never saw much of Laurel and Hardy growing up… I think I was more of an Abbot and Costello fan. They were on TV a lot!

  18. Happy Birthday, Peter.

    I have only one real memory of the Flower Market and it's of frustration. A 12 year old me trying to get my parents to keep moving. You can get plastic flowers on your way out of the park. THE PIRATES AREN'T GO TO WAIT ALL DAY.

  19. Happy happy birthday, DrGoat! The flowers are pretty, but I'm buying the ocean-themed mobile, with the shark and lobster and sand dollars. I tried to make out what was in the window of the Hallmark Plans-a-Party store in the third photo. My mind turns the rectangular leaning thing to the left (a puzzle?) into a Halloween picture of Donald Duck in a wizard or witch costume, with a lion(??). Thanks Lou and Sue and Major.

  20. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Thanks for the link, Major!

  21. Major,
    Who doesn't love Laurel and Hardy? That dance at the end of Way Out West is something that never ceases to give me joy.
    Thanks all, and Yeah, MRaymond, couldn't get out of that flower mart fast enough. The rest of the park beckons, like the white whale, and can't be ignored.
    Never get out of the boat and never ignore Sue. I'll put my bonafide affidavits on it.

  22. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Happy Birthday Dr. Goat! That first shot...he's either a sweeper or other custodial CM. Love shots of the not so old 'good old days' of the past which look to me as modern...except for the crowds. KS

  23. Nanook, thank you. I'm a simple guy, doesn't take much to make me happy.

    Grant, I have only good memories of the flower mart because Mom only stopped on the way out. She and Dad were in a hurry to get to the Pirates too. These photos today remind me of her, so that's good, now.

    Andrew, that feature on the castle is a spire with "crockets" and the old ones were usually stone carvings, but were also often made of copper, gaining a green patina with age. I'm not sure if the SBC crocket is copper, or if the green patina is a paint. Hopefully this feature will not be "plussed" by the gargoyles presently in charge of finish selection.

    I only saw the East Center location in this version twice, and Mom was not with me, so I don't know if that was the cash-wrap station or not.


  24. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Fun fact, the crockets on SBC-Paris are snails, in gold.

  25. MRaymond, I have NO personal memories of the Flower Market! If I hadn’t seen photos of the place, it might as well have never existed. Yes, I was way more interested in “Pirates”, the Haunted Mansion, Adventures Thru Inner Space, and so on!

    Kathy, I think your ocean-themed mobile sounds pretty cool. All of the best crafts use sand dollars (although pine cones are a close second, and pipe cleaners a distant third). And I just can’t quite decipher what that thing in the window is.

    Stu29573, you’re welcome! Glad you’re back to posting. I’ll comment later tonight.

    DrGoat, while you, me, and MRaymond did not enjoy the Flower Market, isn’t it nice that your mom liked it so much? I guess she can have a few minutes, and then the rest of the day can be all about US!

    KS, I thought that a sweeper WAS a “custodial CM”. No? And yeah, look how good the park appeared, even in the 1980s.

    JG, stopping on the way out is a good plan; plus she can browse to her heart’s content while we go into the Emporium and look for cool stuff that mom and dad can pay for. Boy, I have never heard the term “crockets” before. I guess my experience with medieval architecture is pretty limited, ha h.

    Anon, snails, eh? An inside joke from the folks at WDI?

  26. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Major...I was thinking of those who cleaned restrooms and such. Sweepers were part of the department, but we always differentiated based upon the function. KS
