Thursday, September 03, 2020

Black and White, 1963

Here's a pair of black and white photo prints from 1963 - as I think I mentioned before, I finally scanned all of my Disneyland snapshots - there were quite a lot of them.

We'll start with this view of a family (Grandma and the grandkids?) posing in front of the flagpole. Mom must be taking the picture, so granny has to hold the baby. Look at that very large bag that junior is holding! It doesn't really look like a paper bag from one of the shops, but what in the world could it be? 

This next one is neat, three of the kids are posed in front of the Pablum Baby Station, where mothers could feed and change their babies while Dad smoked a cigarette or something. I like the "parking spaces" for strollers. Almost out of frame is an aerial photo of the park, mounted to that striped wall. I feel like I've seen a better image of that photo (or one like it), maybe even with Walt Disney standing nearby. There are call-outs added - probably indicating future additions to the park.

The girl to the left is holding a box camera, while her sister leans against the lamp post in her calico outfit. The baby seems interested in something to our right. She probably wants a cigarette.


  1. Major-
    The 'middle' daughter definitely gets the award for "best" outfit. I'd love to see what it looks like in color-!

    Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Thanks, Major.

  2. Junior looks like he’s tangled up in a parachute?? a pillow??

  3. That map with the call outs in the last picture was part of a much larger display of Disneyland’s future. There were even windows with artwork showing the exterior elevations and maps of EDISON SQUARE “coming soon”

    Several years ago the West Center Street bathrooms were completely remodeled and both the men’s and women’s restroom entry’s feature Imagineering art ( reproductions of course ) of EDISON SQUARE street elevations. They are still there today or were at least up till March of this year.

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I wonder what adventures they had that day? Did they talk about them for years afterward? Did that stroller have four wheel drive? Why was middle daughter wearing her PJs? Was it all....a dream???
    I just realized that the kid in the stroller would have been just slightly older than me at the time. Wow. Mind blown. I gotta sit down...

  5. To me it looks like junior got stuck with schlepping all the supplies the family needed for the day. Including an Acme portable shower and tent. And there's those cuffs. Wonder if they'll come back in style.
    Thanks Major, these old looking pics are relatable. I can picture my Dad smoking a Lucky by the Fire Station while us kids ran around.

  6. My bet is, Junior is carrying the picnic lunch. Either that or the accessories for Baby Snooks there.

    I love the pose Big Sis is striking in the stroller picture. Very spokesmodel. “Yes, Hubert Pinckney of Bangor, Maine, today you’ve won this fabulous 1963 HUMAN BABY! Human Baby comes with all you see here!”

  7. You're probably right Melissa. There were several times back then that Mom would bring in cookies and candy bars for us. I don't really remember it but my older sister tells me that once on the Marineland day, Mom brought the whole lunch, which included homemade Lasagna.
    Man, I do miss her Lasagna.

  8. Nanook, I wonder if her shirt is home-made? That “flower petal” cut at the bottom of the shirt is unusual!

    Lou and Sue, I have no idea what is going on with whatever that kid is holding. The ropes are a real mystery.

    Mike Cozart, I think Daveland has a really good shot of that map. I wish I had the actual map!! “Edison Square”, it’s always so intriguing to imagine what it would have been like if that had been built. I know that the “Carousel of Progress” had the same concepts, and I love the old Carousel Theater, but having a whole finished street parallel to Main Street would be neat.

    Stu29573, I wonder many of the same things that you do! Why didn’t I think of going to Disneyland in my pajamas? They are flannel with a tasteful firetruck design that is good for work or play. It’s always a little surprising to think of how old people in these vintage photos would be today.

    DrGoat, I think we’ve all wished we could take a nice shower while at Disneyland. Set it up in a tree over in Frontierland, wait for the sun to warm things up… everyone will be so jealous. I’ll be that boy grew another foot over the next year or two! I can picture HIM smoking a Lucky, ha ha.

    Melissa, it could be a picnic lunch, though we’ve seen signs at the entrance, “NO PICNIC LUNCHES”, which always seemed kind of mean to me. What are we supposed to do with this paper bag full of warm sandwiches? It looks like it might have been windy, take a good look at the closeup photo, hair and clothing is blowing all over. If I won a human baby I would trade it in for a donut.

    DrGoat, people have been sneaking food into Disneyland since day 1, and I’m sure there were no security bag checks back then. Homemade lasagna! Thanks, now I’m going to wish I had lasagna all day today.

  9. stu, I must have been 12 at the time those pics were taken. I gotta lie down. To be honest, it does seem like it was all a dream.
    Major, Mom's Lasagna was to die for. She came over from Italy at a very young age with the rest of the family. We ate very well growing up. We do have the recipes and my sister has come very close with the lasagna, but it's missing the one thing we cannot replicate.

  10. Cool pictures, Major. I have no memories of Disneyland in black & white.

    Stu, I'll bet that kid is still just slightly older than you.

    Dr Goat, wait - you mean pants cuffs are out of style? Uh, oh...

  11. Anonymous12:46 PM

    A family ready for a day of fun.

    I think Junior is getting ready to climb the Matterhorn.


  12. JG, I bet you’re right! There’s probably lederhosen and an alpine hat in his “package.”

  13. DrGoat, it’s funny, I’ll talk with an old friend about a concert that we saw that was especially cool, and then we’ll realize that the concert was 35 years ago. How can that be? I’m sure that even though your mom wrote down a recipe for the lasagna, she made all kinds of adjustments and additions because she could do it blindfolded. I wonder what the secret ingredient was?

    Chuck, you don’t need memories of Disneyland in black and white, we’ve got the old TV shows to prove it! They used color film when they shot them, but there was no color to record. Pants cuffs are still in style, as are argyle socks.

    JG, it’s true, the boy does have that determined look that mountain climbers have when they begin an ascent!

    Lou and Sue, do people - even Swiss people, wear lederhosen when they climb mountains? Their legs would get chapped.

  14. Major, ‘what’s the secret ingredient?’ —Love

  15. Major, I certainly can relate to your story about concerts that we thought were cool. I really have only one friend left from the 60s-70s and when we do run into each other, we laugh, reminisce and realize how long ago that was.
    I think the missing ingredient in those recipes was the presence of Mom and Dad.
    Really enjoying the comments, as always. Thanks everyone.

  16. Lou & Sue, Thank you.

  17. Wow. That first picture must have been taken during the great “cootie” outbreak of ‘63. They aren’t 6 feet apart, but they sure don’t look like they want to be closer.....
