Sunday, March 29, 2020

Bad Pix, June 1974

You should probably just move along and not waste your time on GDB today. These pictures are REALLY BAD. But it's Sunday, and that's how it often goes.

I always enjoy a nice graveyard, and Tom Sawyer Island had at least two of them. One was behind Fort Wilderness, but the Native American's had their own burial ceremony in the form of these mortal remains placed atop an elevated platform. A circle of bison skulls adds a noble but spooky touch. 

And here's a dark and murky picture of the Matterhorn, without so much as a single bobsled to bring joy and laughter to us. 


  1. Major-

    Thanks, Major.

  2. But THERE IS(!) a bobsled!! At the top, left side of the Matterhorn! See the bit of red?!

  3. And the first picture is NOT a bad picture, Major. You just posted it on the wrong day. It's perfect for October 31.

  4. �� "IT'S THE MUMMY!!!" ♫ ♪

  5. Holy Matterhorn major! These pictures are............boring.
    But thanks for posting anyway.

  6. Love the Matterhorn pic because is shows the bobsled track and the base of the mountain. Thanks, Major.

  7. I like these. OK, so they aren't exactly works of art. But hey, it's Sunday and nobody in this town is going anywhere. I say bring on the Disneyland photos, it beats binge watching Miami Vice in your PJs. Keep 'em coming Major and thanks.

  8. Well....huh.....I got nothin'.

  9. Check out the sunlight; it's beaming down, hitting the burial and the teepees just right. It must be a SIGN, and it makes these pictures 1000x better! (Seriously, though, I'm with everyone else - not going anywhere today, so we might as well make the most of it). I bet you love all of these thrilling comments, Major. ;-)

  10. Chuck7:58 AM

    Used up all the good stuff on Post 5000, eh?

    Well, it was a good run while it lasted. I'll miss you all.

  11. Nanook, exactly!

    Lou and Sue, I think that might be a red light that you sometimes would see inside the Matterhorn tunnels. But I could be wrong, it’s so blurry and hard to tell!

    Lou and Sue, eh, it’s not a good picture! Maybe it would have been better to post it at the end of October.

    TokyoMagic!, Greatest. Movie. Ever.

    Budblade, ha ha, you tell the truth, Grasshopper.

    K. Martinez, I have to hand it to you, you always find a silver lining, even if I can’t!

    Jonathan, that’s the deal with Sundays; I figure that people know by now that they can either skip today entirely, or just look on Monday and get two posts in one day. Miami Vice, jeez, I haven’t seen that in forever, I wonder if it holds up at all.

    stu29573, as you can see, I don’t either!

    Andrew, I appreciate any comment, it takes effort and time, and most people would rather just not bother! So thank you to those who DO bother.

    Chuck, I’m happy to say that while there is plenty of mundane stuff left, there are some really good pictures to come!

  12. The first picture is full of bonely goodness. A similar Native American burial place is a plot point in one of my favorite Maverick episodes.

  13. Sunday Night11:26 AM

    Look how perfectly landscaped the flowers and hedges are around the bottom Matterhorn track. Outside of that. Er...have a nice day!

  14. @ Melissa-
    Who is the tall, dark stranger there?

  15. As for the first photo, I don't remember this scene from any other photos, so it's interesting to me. Are there other shots of this scene?

  16. Bryce, there are several photos that the Major has posted over the years, but for some photos, context, and a really comprehensive discussion, head over to the Long Forgotten blog and check out this post:

  17. Melissa, “bonely goodness”, ha ha! I may have already mentioned it, but I have never seen a single episode of Maverick.

    Sunday Night, ha ha, you did good!

    Nanook, Is that from the theme song?

    Bryce, I was going to link to some other photos, but I see that Chuck has linked to a better example in the next comment!

    Chuck, thank you, that “Long Forgotten” article is fascinating!

  18. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Dark or not, these are wonderful.

    Especially the Indian burial scene. Good to see the reference to Long-Forgotten too. That Blogger, HBG2 has promised some more information about the cemeteries of Disneyland will be in a forthcoming post, so we have that to look forward to also.

    Thank you, Major.

