Sunday, August 18, 2019

More "America On Parade", September 1976

I'm so, so sorry, everybody, but it's time for more bad photos from "America On Parade".  Did I mention that I am sorry?

It's hard to tell from this terrible picture, but that's supposed to be none other than Benjamin Franklin, inventor of the 100 dollar bill. "This man carried the word from the Colonies to the King of England that this new land, America, wanted its independence". That's cool and all, but not as cool as flying a kite during an electrical storm.

There's the disco Liberty Bell! "Let freedom be heard, let the Liberty Bell ring out across the land!". By golly, I'll do it.

There are two of the many cannons that were used in the fight for freedom. The bright colors struck terror into the hearts of the redcoats.

Aw yeah, there's Betsy Ross. When the country was fallin' apart, Betsy Ross got it all sewed up!

"Pushing across the frontiers into the west, pioneers made their way in covered wagons. New land was being explored; America was expanding". When did this happen? I never got the memo.

Yes, there will be yet another installment of photos from "America On Parade". So very, very sorry.


  1. Major-
    A history lesson. I learned so much I never knew before. Poor Ben Franklin... in this image it looks as though he bought himself a 76%-off bolt of fabric from JOANN and mistakenly sewed together a dress for himself.

    I don't know about how battle-worthy those cannons are. They look a bit 'frilly' to me; and perhaps would be more at-home as part of a tablescape for a 4th of July celebration. Ka-Boom-!

    Enjoy those fireworks, Major.

  2. And then there's Maude......

  3. That uncompromisin', enterprisin', anything but tranquilizin',
    Right on Maude!

  4. The photographer must have been a big fan of this parade! And I wish we could see Ben Franklin's kite in that one picture.

  5. Nanook, Ben was a famous dandy. His outfit was made of upholstery fabric! The cannons look ridiculous, but they made the British laugh so hard that they were easy to defeat.

    TokyoMagic!, huh? ;-)

    K. Martinez, Maude… Flanders?

    Penna. Andrew, unfortunately a lot of people used most of their rolls of film on the parades…

  6. I love a parade, so I'm lovin' these shots. Taking pictures of moving objects at night is a tricky business. Thanks Major.

  7. "Lou and Sue"4:05 PM

    I loved watching Maude! Those loooong sweeping vests and all.

    As you may recall from the previous AoP post comments, I can't say the same thing about AoP. But I would like to "call a truce" (to those of you who love AoP). I told the Major that I will scan and send him all of Lou's daytime pictures of this parade, sometime in the future (next year?) for my gorilla friends to enjoy. I'll just close my eyes.

    Those canon wheels look like those "sparkler things" that you would hold and rapidly pump/push-in - making lots of sparks. I don't remember what those were called . . . did they even have a name?!

    Major, I accept your apology. I know how bad you feel.


  8. Pfft. If it ain't a robot that walks up stairs, it ain't Ben Franklin.

  9. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Ben didn't own a plumb bob, apparently.

