Friday, July 05, 2019

World Clock and More, October 1963

I'm getting down to the last few scans from this 1963 batch - there are some interesting examples remaining, but I think that today's photos are pretty darn nice.

Like this first one, for instance! Every time I see this lady I think of my grade-school teachers. She just has that "look". Notice the triangular guided tour tag hanging from her... um... button. It's neat to have this angle looking from inside Tomorrowland out toward the Plaza, with the entrance to Frontierland (and even the sails of the Columbia) in the distance. The Clock of the World is a wonderful piece of mid-century design. And oh yeah, how about those posters?? Identify them all and you might win a new Ferrari. Not from me, but Chaos Theory says that it is possible.

Next is the Monsanto Plastic Home of the Future - fantastic as always, especially when juxtaposed with the fairytale castle nearby. For some reason I am amused by the chimney atop the Plastic Home - fire seems so "caveman". Nowadays we all warm ourselves by the glow of uranium fuel rods.

Hello, Flying Saucers poster, I don't see you very often!


  1. Major-

    Your "grammar school teacher" does look wonderful - with her sensible shoes and matching purse. Definitely, she's a fashion plate.

    As for that chimney on the House of the Future, it's actually connected to the crematory - which all homes in the future will have as standard equipment.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. If the House of the Future had managed to remain standing until today, I wonder if by now it would have been painted hot pink and electric blue, with it's windows painted over in gold? I'd like to think so.

  3. Love that first angle simply because it's so rare. My initial thought before reading the text was "hey - where's Tomorrowland?" The shots we normally see don't show how darned many attraction posters were on display there.

    Note the photographer in the HotF image. Interesting that the only female in that photo wearing a skirt or dress is the little girl obscured by the woman in red knee pants or diggers or whatever you call them. Just a few years earlier and you'd be hard pressed to find a female wearing anything but a skirt or dress. The times they were a changin'. [harmonica solo]

    TM!, don't forget the glass beads.

  4. I love the tile work on the base of the Clock. Plus, it coordinates with the lady's blue and green dress.

    Chuck, I was thinking the same thing about the lack of skirts!

  5. Wow, it's amazing at how just turning around to take the picture changes your perspective on everything! I literally have never thought about how everything looked from that angle! Bravo!
    Fun Fact #3245! The Clock of the World ultimately failed when it became clear that having the whole world check this one clock was not practical. The policy was discontinued and planes have been late ever since.

  6. @Melissa, sometimes, when I see pictures of the Clock of the World like this, I think of how cool it would have been to have a fountain at its base over those tiles.

    I had no idea the House of the Future had such a cool marquee! And the design at the top of that Flying Saucers poster always reminds me of the Nautilus submarine from 20,000 Leagues - the circle looks like that big, round window, and the whole image just has the shape of the sub.

  7. Our lovely in front of the clock, does kinda remind me of my 4th grade teacher Mrs Elkins. It's funny, the Monsanto House, cool as it was, looks nothing like the houses of the future. The Moonliner looks nothing like the Saturn V that actually brought men to the moon. But for a short time, anything was possible, and it was all so cool! Thanks Major.

  8. Nanook, I hope she’s a nice school teacher and not one of the mean ones who yells. I guess all future homes will need a crematory to go with their suicide booths? (Man, this got dark in a hurry).

    TokyoMagic!, there is NO way that the House of the Future would have been left a pristine white. I can almost guarantee that it would have been painted gold for the 50th anniversary, and who knows what other indignities it would have endured.

    Chuck, I’m sure I must have other photos of the Clock of the World from this side of Tomorrowland - but I can’t think of any at the moment. I have also noticed the abrupt change in women’s fashions through these photos… in 1955 and into ’56 you see mostly dresses, but shortly afterward pants became much more common on ladies, to the point where almost no dresses are seen. As you pointed out!

    Melissa, I like the tiles on the clock’s base too, especially the occasional golden tile for accent.

    stu29573, I always wondered why the Clock of the World failed, and now I know! I thought it was because of a nuclear accident (the clock had to be nuclear powered, right?), but clearly I was mistaken.

    Penna. Andrew, I thought that early concept artwork did show the clock in a pool of water with fountains, but after a brief Google search, I must be wrong about that. It seems like such an obvious idea! I can see the resemblance to the Nautilus’ oculus on the Flying Saucers poster, it never occurred to me before.

    Jonathan, as far as I can tell, the main drawback to the Monsanto house is its size, which is rather small. But I’ve seen plenty of tiny post-WWII bungalows in parts of L.A.; and besides, the Monsanto design was modular, so it could be customized into a much larger space, I think I saw one layout that was over 2000 square feet. I think that most people just wanted a traditional home because that’s what they’ve always thought of growing up.

  9. If House of the Future hung in there long enough it would've been considered retro cool today. Love the reverse view of "World of the Clock". Thanks, Major.

    Chuck, forget the glass beads. It's gotta be done in sixties love beads.

    JC, The woman reminds me of my 4th grade teacher too. Mrs. Goodberry was her name.

  10. Ken & JC, mine, too. I think all 4th grade teachers used to be standard issue before Common Core.

  11. Joining the chorus of school teacher look-alikes. Mine was third grade, Mrs. Youngman. She was a really nice person and a good teacher.

    This is a splendid collection of attraction posters. I'm going to study up to win that Ferrari.

    I have no doubt the clock planter was intended to be a fountain, and my support for this position are the fountains at the base of the buildings on each side of the concourse. It's too much of a 50's trope not to have been in the program before budget reconciliation.

    The House of the Future would have been a great spot for a Character Meet-&-Greet, especially with the pink and gold trim and the sequined shingles to house Pink Darth Vader.


  12. JG, Princess Pink Vader-?! Now that is one cool and creative costume.

  13. @ JG-
    I suddenly have a strong urge to play 'dress-up'. (Don't give Disney any ideas...)

  14. @Ken and Nanook, you guys...


  15. Dean Finder6:03 PM

    If it had survived a few more decades, the HoF would absolutely been re-purposed for a meet & greet, a retail location, or a "preview center" for coming attractions.

  16. K. Martinez, I agree, after a slump (like the one that the Tiki Room experienced), people would realize how wonderful this feature was. It’s all moot, though…

    Chuck, I think this woman reminds me more of one of my brother’s teachers, or maybe a lady who worked at the preschool that I went to.

    JG, the Flying Saucers poster is one that has eluded me several times, mostly due to the price; I’m still beating myself up over an example that sold for $1400, a ridiculously low price even then (20 years ago at least). I’ve seen photos from some ComicCon featuring a Chewbaccas made with hot pink fun fur, it’s actually kind of cool.

    K. Martinez, I like the idea of taking a traditional (and overdone?) cosplay and turning it on its head, even if it’s messing with the color.

    Nanook, sounds like you need to go to your next ComicCon!

    JG, it’s all good.

    Dean Finder, yes, I have no doubt that you are right.
