Saturday, July 13, 2019


Everyone loves a good vintage airport photo. My knowledge about airplanes is basically "zilch", but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate them for their beauty.

This first picture is from 1959; there is nothing to indicate the location, but I am guessing that it might be San Francisco International Airport (SFO). But it could be LAX, or probably any number of other places. If one of you has a different idea, keep it to yourself. JUST KIDDING! I'd love to know anything that you might be able to add, including what sort of planes we are looking at. They don't have jet engines, which is kind of neat.

Speaking of SFO, here's an undated photo of the control tower, along with a nice DC-7 Mainliner sitting on the tarmac. The reflections from within the building where our photographer was standing add an interesting layer. Let's all fly to Las Vegas to see the Rat Pack!


  1. Major-

    That 1st plane looks like a DC-7 to me - but I'm hardly an expert. From the days when flying was actually fun.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Major-

    It would appear the 1st image is also at SFO - me thinks.

  3. No idea how you knew that's a DC-7 in the second photo or that it was even at SFO... :-)

    In the first photo, the two four-engine airplanes closest to the camera are DC-6s. The next two, parked facing our left, are Convair CV-340s. The one in the background is too indistinct to tell for sure, but my gut tells me it's a DC-4. It could be a DC-6 or DC-7, though. My gut is also telling me that that that photo was taken at SFO as well.

  4. The first pic is of SFO because of the body of water (San Francisco Bay) and the mountain range and landmass (Oakland/East Bay) in the distance.

    Thanks, Major.

  5. Fun Fact #4532.7: SFO was used to launch bombing runs into Oakland. Thus was discontinued when it was discovered that the 49ers were better than the Raiders anyway...

  6. If you had wings, you could do many things,
    You could widen your world, if you had wings.
    If you had wings, had wings, had wings,
    If you had wings, had wings, had wings, had wings, had wings…

    “You do have wings.
    You can do all these things.
    You can widen your world.
    Eastern: The wings of man!”

    (I know the plane in the picture is United, but it's still put the song in my head. If You Had Wings is one of my top favorite extinct WDW attractions.)

    in spite of all the hassles of flying in the 21st century, I still love it. It feels like magic. Maybe if I had to do it all the time for work or something, I might feel differently. But pictures of planes and airports always make me happy. I wonder where all those people were headed?

  7. Sweet pics today. Those were the days when people would dress for flights. The stewardess would offer you drinks and goodies for free, and the seats were big and soft and you had plenty of leg room. Big smoke belching radials, and a cockpit large enough to play handball in. Now that was flying. "The captain has turned off the no smoking sign and thanks Major P. for the great snaps."

  8. Melissa,

    Once you've taken a Dreamflight,
    the Earth's an inspiring sight.
    There's adventure. There is romance, sailing the sky so blue,
    Delta's Dreamflight is your best chance for a passport to dreams old and new.

    I always found it interesting that the two best sites covering vintage Walt Disney World, "Widen Your World" and "Passport to Dreams" got their names from the lyrics of the Magic Kingdom's two "air travel" attractions; "If You Had Wings" and "Delta Dreamflight". And both occupied the same spot at different times.

  9. "Lou and Sue"11:46 AM

    Melissa, Eastern's "If You Had Wings" (later, Delta's "Dreamflight") was my favoritie WDW Magic Kingdom ride. (Thanks for bringing it up!) Taking a plane to WDW for vacation and then riding that attraction made airplanes and flying - extra special! It was a fun, quirky attraction.

    Nanook & JC Shannon, I agree. I miss flying on planes that were only partially filled. Now, every seat is taken and you have to eat your $10 mini-bag of pretzels with your knees jammed into the seat ahead of you and both of your elbows scrunched together, in front of you. I'm 5'8" - so I don't know how taller people can be very comfortable. Very awkward.


  10. @ Melissa, Ken & Sue-
    Another vote for “If You Had Wings”.

    The projectionist in me from a former lifetime had little trouble ‘honing in’ on the mid-frequency “purring” from all those [38-!] 16mm; one, 35mm and three, 70mm projectors - with their attendant film cabinets. And I’m sure folks remember the Eastern Airlines Reservation Desk - fully staffed with reservation agents - conveniently placed at the exit queue-!

  11. I used to be weirdly fascinated by the old airplane-themed darkrides that were at Magic Kingdom, but I had never heard the songs before. Catchy and very original too!

    Airports are a never ending cavalcade of fun.

  12. @ Andrew -
    You can thank Buddy Baker and X Atencio for that ‘catchy song’. (If’n you’re not familiar with those names and Disney, check it out).

  13. @Nanook, I certainly am familiar, and I wouldn't expect anything less from Buddy Baker! It's a shame that X Atencio died recently.

  14. Who couldn't know Buddy Baker and X. Atencio? I like their work on the other side of the park even better!

  15. If You Had Wings was my first experience with an Omnimover. That seemed like another bit of modern magic, even before we got to the illusions of the mirror room and speedramp.
