Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Two From Fun Dad, August 1967

Here are two miscellaneous photos from Fun Dad! Enjoy them while they last. 

I don't personally remember ever seeing the cute little Surreys on Main Street, though they might have still been running when I was a child. At that age I sure wouldn't have appreciated them, except for the horsies! The little girl with the mouse ears makes this very nearly "postcard worthy". The Plaza Inn (in the background) opened in July of '65, upgraded from the Red Wagon Inn.

The lady with the long scarf hanging from her hat is in danger of doing an "Isadora Duncan".

"It's a Small World" opened in May of 1966; over 50 years later, it's still going strong. You can clearly see Rolly Crump's trees on top of the IASW building (removed long ago). I'm still kind of amazed at the amount of acreage devoted to the area in front of this attraction, considering Disneyland's limited potential for expansion.


  1. Major-

    I'm shocked the lady with the long scarf hadn't read-up on all those now infamous scarf-surrey accidents. Just who does she think she is, anyhow-? Note... Matching outfit alert, far right.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. The lady with the long scarf is in danger of doing an "Isadora Duncan". Ha, ha! That was funny! I was thinking the exact same thing myself when I looked at the pic. Thanks, Major.

  3. Those huge lampposts in front of It's A Small World are a sorry substitute for the Tower of the Four Winds! I wonder if they ever thought of having aerialists or even "pole dancers" perform on those lampposts, for the crowds below?

  4. I've always wanted to be a horse-drawn surrey driver. It's probably just because of those sweet fringed tops, but there's also the excitement of knowing that at any minute, a horse could run away, hurtling the vehicle at breakneck speeds into the Penny Arcade!

  5. Used to love the potted "plants" on top of the IASW show building....from this vantage point, it gave the impression that it was all just a facade! Anyone know when those disappeared?

  6. The trees were cool. They need to come back....but they won't.

  7. Nanook, nobody realizes just how dangerous a surrey ride can be. But WE know!

    K. Martinez, boy, that would be a terrible way to go. Quick though, I suppose? I can’t help thinking that if the woman had been in a different vehicle, maybe a Horseless Carriage, she might have been even closer to a wheel.

    TokyoMagic! I don’t know, those lampposts fill me with joy and wonder! They look like the kind you might see in a stadium parking lot. As far as I’m concerned, they can’t have too many pole dancers at the park.

    Penna. Andrew, they only hire retired test pilots to drive the surreys. It takes nerves of steel, quick reflexes, and a thorough knowledge of aerodynamics. I would be upset if a surrey plowed into the 1967 Penny Arcade, but these days… not so much.

    steve2wdw, I guess those trees do betray that the facade was just that; I think Walt thought that it made it look as if there was no giant show building, which is sort of the same thing. I don’t know when they were removed, unfortunately.

    steve2wdw, yes, I would not hold my breath expecting the trees to return.

  8. That's quite a veil on that hat, maybe even un-a-veiling.

    I'll bet that was a Disneyland purchase.

    Fun Dad always comes through.

    I love IASW, with or without trees. I think I might like it slightly better without the trees, not sure why.

    It's a good point, Major, why was IASW pushed so far back? It's not like they have done anything organized with that big area, no plaza, no landscaping etc. Just a lot of paving, and now, of course, a gift shop. Even now, it's seems quite wide for the parade route.

  9. I loved this area of the park as a child. I knew a boat ride around the world was just steps away. I love this photo more without that stinking merchandise shop blocking the left side of the photo and the original "entrance."

    As for the surrey... bring 'em back. At minimum, bring back the Horse-Drawn Streetcars at night. I have the most wonderful memory of sitting and listening to either Rod or Johnny play the Coke Corner Piano at night... with the blinking red and white lights, the rag time piano, and the clang-clang and clip clop of the horses walking by. I was immediately "transported" to the mid west and a warm summer evening.

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle

  10. JG, I think they had to push iasw that far back to get to a space large enough for the show building. Note that they also pushed the DL&SFRR right-of-way about a hundred yards north, too, to be able to integrate the railroad with the facade and avoid an overpass, underpass, or grade-level crossing (although we now have an underpass to get to Toontown).

  11. @Chuck, I had forgotten the train ROW was relocated too, and it is a huge show building. It still seems like a lot of room to remain paving. Fortunately they have fixed that with the parade risers and seat walls. It doesn't seem as formless today as in the photo.

    I have yet to see the IASW queue improvements in person, but saw some photos on-line. The queue has been rearranged on the east side to increase space so the line doesn't cross the parade route any more.

    Not sure what is happening with the walkways overlooking the old motor boat lagoon. Maybe this is just more parade-watcher space.


  12. The wheels are yeller, the upholstery's brown,
    The dashboard's genuine leather
    With isinglass curtains you can roll right down,
    In case there's a change in the wea-ther!

    The long pink veil us distracting us from the 1960's goodness of the fuschia-trimmed bucket hat to the left.

  13. JG, I am quite sure that the “death veil” hat is a Disneyland purchase. Maybe you like the “without trees” look just because it’s cleaner and shows the silhouette of the façade? The only thing I can think of as to why the building was set so far back is that they wanted the train to be able to run past the front of it.

    Matthew, I so agree, that merch shop is an abomination. It reminds me of the giant sorcerer’s hat that used to block the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood Studios - totally out of place, with NO consideration as to what served the look of the park best. With Disneyland being so crowded so often, I would not be surprised if they phase out the Main Street vehicles altogether at some point. I don’t WANT it to happen though.

    Chuck, it seems like your theory is pretty much in line with my theory!

    JG, jeez, I didn’t even know that they’d put in parade “bleachers”, etc. It’s been too long since I’ve been there! And I was also unaware of the queue changes. How can I keep up when there are so many cartoons to watch?

    Melissa, that song is one of my “top 25 songs that mention isinglass” selections!

  14. I LOVE those Tomorrowland pictures - especially the one with the rockets in motion. Tomorrowland always just looks so much more “tomorrow-y” at night. Thank you!!!!!

  15. @Major, maybe I mis-described the riser feature, I recall these something more like the broad steps along the River facing the Fantasmic show. Just enough so the people in back can see a bit better, not full-on bleacher seating. More like standing on a curb.

    There is also a wall, with a seat on the outside, that defines a walkway behind the parade viewing area, so foot traffic can continue pass behind the crowd while the parade is going on, or while the crowd is camping out waiting. They need this in Main Street, but of course, there is no place to put it.

    Sorry to be confusing, but it is my natural state.

