Saturday, December 15, 2018

Knott's Berry Farm

Some of you may recall our good friend Corinne (see her HERE) at places like Jungleland U.S.A. and Pacific Ocean Park).

Corinne is at Knott's Berry Farm again, enjoying the antics of a tiny capuchin monkey.  She looks a little tentative shaking his hand, and I don't blame her. Monkeys will suddenly go berserk, leap onto your shoulder, and chew your ears off. I SEEN IT! This photo is from 1964, but I dressed exactly like that monkey in the 80's. 

Hoo boy, this one (from 1962) is so non-PC as to be potentially problematic, but it's history, so... I'm going for it. Besides, we've seen this "fun photo" from Knott's before - it's a billboard for Gold Dust Washing Powder (a real product dating back to the 1880's). Their ads featured two African American children (the "Gold Dust Twins") sitting in a pile of dishes. "We clean everything" implies that the washing powder could be used for dishes, your weekly bath (or monthly, in my case), clothing, dentures, Vermeers, and whatever else you have that needs cleaning.


  1. Who is that in the second pic, with little Corinne? Her sister Eunice, perhaps?

    I wonder if that capuchin monkey ever guest starred in one of the "Our Gang" comedies? I'm also wondering if Vincent van Gogh could have had a capuchin monkey?

  2. Major-

    What's the old 'Infinite Monkey Theorem' regarding assembling enough monkeys at enough typewriters and given enough time, they'll end up writing all of Shakespeare's plays-? Little Corrine is wise to play it safe.

    The Gold Dust Twins image is just so spectacular-looking with its colors, contrast and composition. What a beauty-!

    Thanks, Major.

  3. Chuck6:59 AM

    I love Knott's photos from this era.

    On my last Iraq deployment, a co-worker at a previous workplace that I turned on to GDB sent me a photo of her with this monkey taken in 1964. I had it hanging on what my co-workers called "The Wall," which was an ever-growing collection of photos taped to the wall behind my desk. There were a few GDB reminders of home amongst the images of family and friends that I could look at when I needed an attitude adjustment.

  4. Chuck, I too love KBF pics from this time. That is one well dressed monkey, I don't think I ever looked that good. Old time adverts can be a bit awkward, but they are products of their time, not ours. History is as it is, you can't go back and change it. Believe me, if I could, the Peoplemover and the Mine Train would still be there. And a certain new land would be located in a parking lot somewhere in Pacoima. Thanks to Major and Corinne for the great scans.

  5. Melissa10:01 AM

    Hey, I have a hat like that monkey's, only in red. Today he's serving as Grand Marshal of the Parade of Sensible Shoes.

    Gold Dust - you can even use it to wash other soap when it gets dirty!

  6. TokyoMagic!, that is a good question, since I don’t recall seeing that girl in any other photo with Corinne. It could be Eunice, but I think it also could be Gertrude. It is my belief that there has only been one capuchin monkey, and that he is eternal, AND that he has appeared in many TV shows and movies.

    Nanook, if there was a room full of infinite monkeys, it would smell terrible! I guess I didn’t appreciate the aesthetic choices for the Gold Dust Twins photo, but it is pretty good, in spite of its problematic subject matter.

    Chuck, it’s too bad you don’t have this photo anymore. Or do you? I could blur out her face if you are willing to share it, but don’t have express written permission from Major League Baseball.

    Jonathan, the early 60’s are a bit before my time as far as visiting Knott’s ( I was a mere toddler ), but I have no doubt that this was a wonderful time to go there. And I am definitely all for talking about history as it really was and not sweeping things under the rug. But we also need to put things into their proper context - that doesn’t make icky things less icky, but it rounds out the story.

    Melissa, you are a marketing genius! Who ever thought of soap made to wash SOAP? Let’s make this happen.

  7. Major-
    Without wanting to pass-up an obvious [cringe-worthy] pun, let’s just say the Gold Dust Twins image has unintentionally ‘white-washed’ some of the more controversial aspects of not only this brand, but so much of America’s unwillingness to address racism. It played a not inconsequential part in the founding of this nation, but a great deal of that history seems to have vanished from its teachings. We would be much better-off as a nation if we discussed it head-on.

  8. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I think I gave that monkey some money too.

    I remember a monkey, and his grotty little fingernails when he took the coin, but can't remember where or when. He had clothes like that too.

    Given my family's history of visiting KBF, it's more likely it was this monkey than some other one.

    Thanks Major.


  9. I came across this picture while reminiscing about Knott's Berry Farm. I still suffer post-traumatic stress from being bitten by Shorty in the 1960s. I was on a class trip and gave the monkey a penny. The organ grinder told the monkey to shake my hand and when he did, he bared his teeth and sunk them into the back of my hand! There was blood everywhere and I screamed my brains out. The organ grinder snatched that monkey up. I had to go to first-aid. What a terrible memory. That damn Shorty …
