Wednesday, May 02, 2018

In Fantasyland, March 1978

It's time for more 70's goodness! This kid chose a good Dumbo to ride; I approve of the green blanket  and would have intimidated many small children to make sure that I got the same one. Thanks to a fast shutter, we get no indication that Dumbo is flying - except that he happens to be about six feet in the air, of course. I've heard that Timothy Mouse no longer waves a cruel whip, but instead brandishes a light saber.

Wow, all of those kids are so lucky! They've run into none other than "Cousin Oliver" from "The Brady Bunch". There he is, on the wall wearing his fake "Adidas" sneakers (four stripes, not three). You'd think a big star like he would own the real thing. The pretty young lady with the red pants looks like Scarlet Johansson, don't you think? It must be her. There's John McEnroe to the right (sans headband), while the pensive young boy is Jeremy Gelbwaks - "Chris" from "The Partridge Family". I'm pretty good at spotting celebrities, you have to admit.


  1. Major-

    After today's viewing, whenever I blink my eyes, all I can see are stripes... 'Cousin Oliver', huh-? Almost the spittin' image.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Love the Dumbo pic. Fond memories. As for the second photo, if you squint a little and listen very carefully, you can hear the girl in bluejeans saying "Marcia Marcia Marcia!" Love the scans, thank you Major.

  3. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Must be a windy day. Not a skyway cabin in sight.

  4. The first pic is nice and colorful.

    I heard that Jeremy Gelbwaks was a problem on the set and didn't get along well with the cast of "The Partridge Family" and that is why he was replaced by Bryan Forster after only one season. Thanks, Major.

  5. So sharp and clear! I hope they got extra prints for Grandma.

    At first glance, I was getting Kate Jackson vibes from the girl in the white blouse. The girl on the end looks like she's enjoying having her picture taken with braces just about as much as I did. I hope the other kids don't eat candy apples in front of her!

  6. Patrick Devlin9:26 AM

    Oh man, those girls are the epitome of the type I'd fall in love with three or four times a day when I was 12 or so. I'd pass one of them time after time in the serpentine for a long wait like Submarine Voyage and my little heart would pine for them the rest of the day. Good times...

    Nice pull, Melissa on the Kate Jackson vibe. I knew she looked like somebody, for sure. It looks like her little sister has fake Adidas on as well. That's the brand of shoe that we'd be stuck in back then. Thanks for the memories...

  7. If those fake Adidas were the kind where half of the shoe was suede, then I had them too. Sears made their own version and I had a pair in brown and beige, and also blue and white.

  8. Nanook, everybody loved Cousin Oliver! He was like John Denver’s “mini me”.

    Jonathan, ha ha, I think that girl might have been hit in the face with a football!

    Anon, it could be, though the pennant on top of that castle turret is hanging limply. Maybe it was gusty?

    K. Martinez, you take that back! Nobody says anything bad about Jeremy Gelbwaks on this blog!! (I still remember the shock that the youngest son was a completely different kid in season 2).

    Melissa, oh man, I loved Kate Jackson back in those “Charlie’s Angels” and “Scarecrow and Mrs. King” days. More than Farrah, unlike every other guy I knew.

    Patrick Devlin, the girl in the red pants totally reminds me of a girl named Susan who I had a crush on in high school. She was nice, but was super popular, so I’m sure she had no idea who I was! You blew it Susan, you could have been married to a powerful and influential blogger.

    TokyoMagic!, I might have had shoes like that. My mom would take us “shoe shopping” at some place that had cheap sneakers. I had one pair that got wet, and the blue turned to purple somehow. I took a lot of heat for wearing purple sneakers!

  9. My mom used to buy those shoes for us from the K-mart in Thousand Oaks. We were there probably once a week.I'm sure you remember that place, Major. I think the brand was "Trax."

    Patrick Devlin, ah yes, I remember those times well. When the Haunted Mansion line used the full outside queue you'd pass cute girls many times...

  10. Major, I felt sad when I found out Farrah died and then later that same day some guy named Michael Jackson had to upstage her by dying only to make the media and public forget about her instantly. Farrah who?

    Now I've said something bad about Jeremy Gelbwaks and Michael Jackson. I guess I should've added allegedly at the end of my comment about Mr. Gelbwaks. Oh well!

  11. Chuck2:33 PM

    Ken, if only Farrah had made a 3-D spectacular with George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola, things might have turned out differently...

  12. Chuck, Ha, ha! Yeah! If she wore a single white glove she might've been immortalized.

  13. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Why do I get a feeling that the kids in that bottom photo are going to start breaking out in song and dance by singing "C'mon Get Happy!"? LOL!

  14. We were more of a Keds family, but we did have roller skates in that style.

  15. Steve DeGaetano, I think that might have been the place! My mom also took us to the local beauty college to get our hair cut at a low low price. Sometimes the results were pretty embarrassing. I still remember one girl desperately wanting to give me a curly perm!!

    K. Martinez, gosh, I didn’t recall that Farrah died the same day as Michael Jackson. So Strange. Reminds me of when a notorious punk rocker named Darby Crash killed himself (supposedly thinking it would make all the headlines), and by the time it hit the news John Lennon had been shot.

    Chuck, it’s hard not to think of Farrah at her peak and not be dazzled.

    K. Martinez, you mean if that were ALL she wore??

    The Magic Ears Dudebro, do you think they arrived at Disneyland in a multicolored bus?

    Melissa, I don’t think I have *ever* owned a pair of Keds. I did have something called “Red Ball Jets”, and I still remember the plastic decoder whistle gizmo that I got.

  16. Patrick Devlin11:24 PM

    Wow, Red Ball Jets, I remember those. I always wanted a pair of Keds with the invisible wedge in the heel that let you "run faster, jump higher" but we had a bunch of kids and didn't get either...

  17. Chuck7:48 AM

    "Farrah at her peak..." I have an original copy of THE poster. You guys of a certain age all know the one I'm talking about.

  18. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I thought it was PF FLyers with the special wedge. I never got any of those shoes. Sears or Wards, or Kmart for me.

    @Chuck, I know exactly the poster, I had one too, and I think it was disposed of in the first move after marriage.


  19. Ken, I remember that very well. Farrah's passing was all over the news that morning, but after M.J. passed away several hours later, she was all but forgotten.

    Chuck and JG, I had that poster. I had won it in the amusement area at the Los Angles County Fair. I also had...and still have the "button" version of it, which I think was purchased at Spencer Gifts: Farrah Fawcett 1948-2009

  20. My cousin had *that* poster hanging over his bed.
