Saturday, July 01, 2017

Old Autos!

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I have not been able to scan much stuff lately, so today I am going to share some photos of old cars - scans that I made quite a long time ago.

Let's start with this shot of a neat old automobile - one that I can't identify (what a surprise!). The license plate says "Illinois 1947", so it's an oldie. I wonder if it was brand-new in '47? This might have been the first new car for this fellow in a long time, since WWII put a damper on such things. 

Besides the lovely green landscape, I like the ramshackle barn (workshop?) in the background.

Here's a REALLY old scan - I sold the slide years and years ago. And in spite of the slightly weird quality of the scan, it's still a fun look at this old Cadillac - possibly a 1957 model? That lady looks very proud of it. 

This next one is dated "1965", and shows a happy young man sitting behind the wheel of a dragster, in Somewheresville, USA. The Chevy behind him has a price on it (I wonder how much it was back then!), perhaps this was a car show & sale. I'm trying to figure out the purpose of that wooden plank that seems to have either been a part of the dragster, or else bolted to the front of the Chevy. Any ideas?


  1. Ah! Now this is a post I'm clueless about. Nanook will certainly know this stuff. I can say that I like the first pic with the shack and old car which sort of reminds me of the old Chicago gangster movies. Thanks, Major.

  2. Major-

    I'm not at home, so I can't 'cheat' while identifying these cars. So I'm a little lost on that first one. But I know there are other car buffs out there who can probably figure it out.

    And, yes, that lady does seem to be looking rather proud of her 1957 Cadillac. We'd need to see the rear to determine if it was an Eldorado.

    And that piece of wood is most-assuredly attached to the rear end of the dragster, as they do not have starter motors - at least back then. The cars are either push-started, or at "fancy" racetrack the dragsters would drive-over electrically-powered, rotating steel "wheels" located at ground level, behind the starting line, equivocating the action of an on-board starter motor.

    Thanks, Major.

  3. I'm with Ken on these, but I am wondering why the tires don't have any tread in that last pic? I'm also curious about that red and white sticker in the corner of the windshield of the car in the first pic. And I love the women that appear to be either "growing" up out of the lawn, or buried up to their chests in it (background of the second pic).

  4. Okay-

    The car Gods have divined me with an extra dose of car wisdom. The car in the first image is a 1936 Dodge.

    @ TM!-

    The tires are 'slick', as eliminating any grooves cut into the tread, those tires provide the largest possible contact to the road, and maximize traction. Also - those women are human lawn ornaments-!

  5. Nanook, thanks...I knew you would have the answer to that tire tread question! Lawn ornaments? Like this one? Garden Sculpture

  6. Chuck5:05 AM

    I am strangely drawn to that aggressive lawn terracing in the second photo. I wonder how the concrete fared over the years?

    Just to add a little clarification to Nanook's excellent explanation of the block of wood in the third photo, the "push-starting" he refers to was done by another vehicle; the Chevy's positioning is evocative of that operation. The block of wood prevented damage to either the dragster or the pushing car.

    TM!, that red-and-white sticker identifies the car in that first picture as an Autobot.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Hi, as for the number in the Chevy's windshield, my guess is that it also raced in lower amateur classes. My uncle used to do it in early 70s and would proudly drive by our house afterward still with his number

  8. Okay - again...

    The red Chevrolet [presumably] push-starting that dragster is a 1965 Chevelle. AND the logo on the dragster is for Howard's Power & Racing Equipment, with a Los Angeles address - maker of camshafts, naturally - back then. Also featured are Mickey Thompson valve covers (M/T).

    And that's the rear end of a 1964 Chevrolet partially-obscured by another dragster.

  9. K. Martinez, I tend to be more into cars from the 1950’s, but it’s hard to not love that beauty in the first pic!

    Nanook, people turn the color of an avocado, when they see her driving ‘round in her El Dorado. (Lyrics from a song from the 80’s). Now the tie between drag racing and “Big Lumber” has been revealed!

    TokyoMagic!, I see that Nanook already answered your question - one of the few I actually know the answer to! Those poor ladies, there are probably ants on their eyeballs.

    Nanook, 1936, wow. I’m sure the gas mileage was amazing.

    TokyoMagic!, I have seen that garden sculpture (online), I always think that somebody would probably just steal it.

    Chuck, that lawn terracing became popular due to the fact that it would repel Commie tanks. I was pretty sure that Nanook meant that the pushing was done by another vehicle, and not some old grandma! :-)

    Anon, doesn’t that big painted number block some of the visibility? Maybe it didn’t matter.

    Nanook, thanks for the info; after reading the other comments, I was wondering if that other red car might have been another “push car”.

  10. Anonymous8:27 PM

    The 1965 Chevrolet push-starting the dragster may be an El Camino. Looking thru the windshield,
    it appears the back window is right behind the seat & the side rail of the pickup bed is seen as well.

  11. @ Anonymous-

    You ARE good-! I was so busy focusing on the bumper and grille I failed to notice that little, but important detail. A 1965 El Camino it is-!

  12. The push bumper is mounted to the front bumper of the red Chevy, not to the dragster. If there was a wood push bumper mounted to the back of the dragster, then the chute would not open. The number may be for the team number for the dragster.
