Sunday, March 05, 2017

Snoozable Sunday

It's Sunday, and that means it is time to use more of those troublesome scans that are not good enough to appear on the other days of the week. 

Like this uninspiring example, with the photographer aiming at the waterfall from which a Submarine just emerged. It's just sort of dark and muddy, poorly composed, an abomination before the eyes of mankind. 

But... I do miss the original Sub lagoon!

This one would be a "top shelf" photo if it was in focus. It's mostly the (moving) attraction vehicle that is blurry though, so we can still get a pretty good look at the old mural, looking down on London from up in the clouds.


  1. Major-

    The Peter Pan's Flight image was just *this close* to being great, except, as you say, for that blur of the pirate galleon. But the blur does indicate the galleon has just been 'launched' and is about to fly above the streets of London, etc. And Mother & Daughter-? seem rather excited at that prospect.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Big smiles at Disneyland. I'd love to see more.

  3. That top photo isn't bad, it's just in need of some cropping and straightening.

  4. Me likey Sunday shots. Me thinking about a drive to Anaheim to get an AP. What madness have you inspired in me, Major?

    Little know fact: The barrier guarding the submarine holding pen didn't move and the subs actually had to fully submerge to pass under it. Well I guess we know what sort of madness I'm now afflicted with.

  5. Nanook, yeah, that Peter Pan image got me all excited when I held the slide up to the light. It wasn’t until I scanned that the blur became apparent. Boo.

    Debbie V, oh there are always more!

    Scott Lane, cropping and straightening would definitely help, but it’s still kind of a dull photo, imho…

    Patrick Devlin, wow, THESE inspire you to get an AP?? And thank you for that “little known fact”, those are the best facts of all.

  6. While these photos aren't quite good enough to publish in Collier's, they aren't without value. The first one shows us just how perfectly-proportioned and balanced the original waterfall entrance & exit to the show building was before they extended the entrance for the Nemo relaunch, and Mom's smile on the second one - even through the blur -just made my day.

    Thanks for sharing your pile of culls with us, Major!

  7. Whoops - as Collier's ceased publication in 1957, they weren't going to publish these photos anyway. Let's make that "Life magazine."

  8. Oh I'm expecting more ;) What I was referring to was the smiles. Many pictures with people show them looking around but not really smiling like the lady and her daughter on Peter Pan.

  9. Patrick, just getting an annual pass isn't enough. You must rent a $650 cabana for the day and do the $15,000 dinner in the Dream Suite! And then give us a full report about both experiences, please! ;-)
