Sunday, January 08, 2017

The Jungle Cruise, 1957

Well, today's photos aren't going to be making any headlines (except here, of course) - these are kinda dull pix of the Jungle Cruise. 

First up is this view; I suppose the photographer was interested in that little grass shack, and at least this is an unusual angle. But it's still not that thrilling. The jungle itself looks pretty lush, though some of the palms have a "just transplanted from the path of a highway" appearance. The skipper is probably singing Dean Martin's version of "Sway".

There's a mysterious little temple, with a mysterious little bronze statue of Buddha (I think). Not long before this photo was taken, scruffy twitching monkeys could be seen in the branches, but they went to heaven at some point. Trust me, they're better off there.


  1. Major-

    I was always partial to Bobby Rydell's version of Sway, but then again, it's kinda hard to beat 'ol Dino. (I wonder just how much thought the Imagineers gave to 'singing' hippos-??)

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Wait. Mom and Dad said that the monkeys went to a farm upstate to live, where they'd be really happy frolicking among the open fields. They didn't lie did they?

  3. Patrick, your parents didn't lie. The monkeys are all still frolicking there....right alongside Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy! ;-)

  4. Nanook, BOBBY RYDELL?!? Compared to Dino? I don’t even know what to say.

    Patrick Devlin, those monkeys went to NASA to participate in the space program. They are all heroes!

    TokyoMagic!, I believe you.

  5. Major-

    It's all in the arranging...

  6. You still, after all these years, leave me sitting here, scratching my head and wondering, "Is he kidding about the monkeys?".
