Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Pair From 1956

I have a somewhat random pair of images from 1956 - ordinarily I like to post two photos from the same "land" or attraction, but these were the leftovers.

This first picture is nice, showing a boatload of guests returning from their harrowing trip through the jungles of the world. Most of them now have special souvenirs - malaria, Chagas disease, schistosomiasis, and even leprosy. "Hard facts", you know. Walt warned them - he warned them all!

The little girl is hoping that she will be allowed to fire the revolver, but doesn't know that you have to be at least four years old to qualify.

I guess I should have posted this one back in December, but I forgot. It's another view of Town Square (it belongs with the photos seen in this post), with white-collared chorus singers milling about. Notice the Christmas decorations. 


  1. Major-

    I think you just about covered all the "special souvenirs" accompanying returning passengers - save for these: mastitis, dengue fever, mange, Toxoplasma gondii and psoriasis.

    And i'm gonna guess the 'Mueller Co.' being welcomed on Main Street, is the same one responsible for fire hydrants, gate valves, and other water distribution products. We can also spy [probably] wooden cut-out Xmas figures placed above the corner entrance to the Emporium. Definitely a part of the "less is more" club, so completely absent from the Disney parks of today.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. That little girl that wants to fire the revolver looks a little out of place in the pic. I guess it's the completely empty dock that is making me think that. I hope she doesn't run over to the edge and fall in the river!

    Nanook, those plywood figures definitely needed to be outlined in sequins and then studded with rhinestones. Too bad the Bedazzler hadn't been invented yet. They should have also sprayed the hell out of the Castle with some canned Christmas tree snow......and then dipped it in glitter.

  3. Fortunately for the little girl, in 1956 they were still allowing children under four to operate crew-served weapons with a parent or guardian over 48" in height. Hopefully they allowed her to man the forward 50-cal as the craft slowly slipped into the jungle's heart of darkness. "Never get off the boat!"

  4. You're darned right, Chef: never get off the boat. There's tigers out there!

    Well, TM!, the castle treatment you describe would have to wait 59 years to be implemented.

  5. Nanook, there are all kinds of diseases and parasites that guests can enjoy! I personally enjoy the bot fly. I concur re: the Mueller Company - in the comments of my first post months ago I said the same thing!

    TokyoMagic!, that little girl is a world-class swimmer who has killed over 40 crocodiles with her bare teeth. She’ll be fine. And I think you have a real knack for tasteful decor!

    Chuck, I can just imagine her smearing camo makeup on her face and waving colored smoke bombs around while playing "Satisfaction" on her portable tape deck.

    Patrick Devlin, I was recently looking at photos from Disneyland’s 50th - I’d forgotten how awful the castle looked with all of the tacked-on junk and gold paint. The 60th version is awful in a completely different manner.

  6. Major, at least they've never repeated anything as bad as WDW's 25th anniversary castle overlay.
