Friday, November 04, 2016

A Slick Hipster in Town Square, 1957

Hey folks! Once again, Photobucket (my horrible photo host) is "down for maintenance". Or is it just plain "down"? What's the difference? It's getting ridiculous. Here are some rules to live by: Love your children. Get plenty of sleep. Never use Photobucket ever ever ever.

I have a nice bunch of Kodachrome slides from 1957, following a family as they explored the Disneyland on a beautiful day. Dad did all the picture taking apparently; we see Mom, and two boys. 

Man oh man, that kid has gone HOLLYWOOD! How often do you see a 12 year old (?) boy in a jacket and pressed slacks? Dapper day indeed. I've never looked this cool in my life. Meanwhile, in the background is a wonderful shot of an Omnibus, jam-packed (and lot of other people waiting for the next one). 

There he is again. I'm not so sure about the blue pants, but he's still pretty slick. I love the sign for the Horseless Carriages: "Ride the Ultimate in Luxurious Motor Cars". Don't mind if I do. A gaggle of Girl Scouts awaits the next Horse Drawn Streetcar.


  1. That kid is too cool for school. The second image right now is a GIF of a cat hanging by it's front claws, with the caption "Hang In There!" Seriously! Photobucket is saying they are down for maintenance right now. But that doesn't explain why I'm able to view that first pic.

  2. TokyoMagic!, I think Photobucket has something to do with the running of Knott's Berry Farm, too.

  3. I'm getting that hanging cat picture (I'll call him "Chad" in honor of the imminent election), too.

    Can't wait to see the Omnibus packed full of jam. I hope it's boysenberry!

  4. Dangling Chad is cute. It takes the old motivational still shot of the suspended cat and brings it to a horrifying sadistic animated gif kinda thing. "Step right up and watch kitty struggle" whilst we figure out whats wrong with our photo hosting site.

    @Chuck, I vote for boysenberry too but a crowded bus it's more likely to be toe. yuk.

  5. The kitten claws (shudder). We just recently acquired two kittens. I'm not sure why they feel the need to scale your legs like little demonic lumberjacks when you are trying to scoop their breakfast into their bowls... good thing they're cute.

    Looking forward to seeing the actual awesome pics later! Really, Photobucket! You can maintain some other time!

  6. @Tom, they only kill and feast on the blood and flesh of those they love! You should be flattered. Now that my youngest cat (coincidentally also named Tom) has outgrown his "I am a poor starving waif" phase, he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. So, enjoy it while it lasts!

    The kids in the pictures I'm seeing are incredibly stylish in their white suits with white shirts, ties, hats, and accessories. They're rocking a very "David Bowie in Antarctica" look.

  7. @Chuck JAMNIBUS 4EVA

  8. Always loved the "Hang in There" cat. Guess we'll have to hang in there. Thanks, Major.

  9. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I can't see any pictures... :(


  10. 'Dad' must have taken his pics at night with no flash.
    I only see black.

  11. Chuck, I was going to call the kitten "Baby" in honor of the 1970's "Hang In There, Baby!" kitten poster, but I like "Chad" much better!

    Now I'm not seeing either of today's pics. It's weird that last night I was seeing the first one, but not the second. I am seeing select pics from older posts, but not all of them.

    Major, I think you are right about the Knott's/Photobucket connection!

  12. Well, homies, here it is, after noon - Photobucket's maintenance was supposed to end at 2 AM this morning. There are plenty of complaints online from people with blogs and websites. It might be just a bit less frustrating if they updated their status, but so far it is silence from them.

    I hate that cat.

  13. Don't be mad at the cat, be mad at the dirt! I mean, Knott's.....uh, PHOTOBUCKET!

  14. Oh-! Major-

    It WAS worth the wait-! Just check-out that dude-!! (Or is he a dandy-?) Who cares. Even when I was his age, I never would dress like that for casual fun. Such is the pity, I suppose. Many GDB-ers now have a first-hand look at my so-called Disneyland "fashion sense".

    And speaking of 'fashion sense', that gal in the second picture is not to be outdone, as she has worn her biggest red dress for all to see. A girl has to look her best, after all, as a certain 'someone' may just ask her to dance - such as that young Mr. Fashion Plate...

    Thanks, Major.

  15. It looks like Mr. Cool was even trying to match his pocket square to his pants.

    And that Girl Scout with the red hair looks a little pigeon-toed!

  16. Nanook, I have to wonder if the family was visiting on a Sunday, hence the fancy duds. Or was this just the way that kid dressed every day?! That girl's red skirt is interesting. Not quite a tutu - but its own thing altogether.

    TokyoMagic!, when carrying a pocket square, always be sure that it matches something. ANYTHING. As for that girl's feet, you know how kids are. They're just spazzes! That's what makes them fun.

  17. Major,

    Why are you still using Photobucket?

    I'd say leave now and don't look back...

  18. Ah, a mere 24 hour wait. But it's the SHADES! Serious coolness in the house.

  19. So much richness in these shots! It would be amazing if you could get ahold of all of the pics in this series: slick kid in front of the castle, slick kid in front of the petrified wood, slick kid in front of Frito the Kid... then do a quick-cut slideshow set to Uptown Funk.

  20. Chuck8:50 AM

    Love seeing the Girl Scouts in uniform. Note that two are wearing white cardigans and two are wearing Kelly green ones. I have no idea what that signifies other than the fact that neither are red.

  21. I love dressed up kids, and these two pictures did not disappoint!

  22. I love dressed up kids, and these two pictures did not disappoint!

  23. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Now that I can see the pics, they are wonderful. That kid probably made it big in show biz.

