Monday, August 22, 2016

Moose, No Squirrel, September 1963

I like this unusual low-angle photo of Mr. Moose, attempting to blend in with his surroundings (and failing miserably)! Perhaps it was taken from the lower deck of the Mark Twain, or from a Keel Boat. Moosey is hoping that when he sheds his antlers, they will wind up on the roof of one of the Frontierland buildings - it's the critter's version of a window on Main Street. Hopefully he will not be turned into mooseburgers before that happens. Delicious, yummy mooseburgers. With extra pickles.

Here's a lovely shot of the Mark Twain in the afternoon; crowds were light this day! I love the way the steamboat gleams, and the way it is reflected in the river.


  1. A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist,” "Fillings of Passion,” "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink”... Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti.

  2. Melissa wins the Monty Python - Ikea mashup comments contest!

    I've always heard it's unhealthy to stare into this moose's eyes. His unblinking gaze will drive you to madness. This is why there was that big rash of reports of people jumping over the side from the top deck of the Mark Twain back in the 1970's.

    1. Ah, yes, the ol' Møøse Sluice.

  3. Major, I'm curious - how do you know how much the crowds weighed?

    Melissa, be careful - JG and I almost got put in time out once for injudicious moose banter.

  4. ...Meeska Mooska Mouseketeer...

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    @Melissa & Chuck... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    I had forgotten that exchange.

    We've been doing this a long time.

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM


    Also, the BWAHAHAHA post was me.


  7. You are all so amoosing to me this morning. That MT photo is post card worthy!


  8. JG, good point. I wonder if we can negotiate a longevity raise for our contributions to GDB commentaries. You think the Major will be willing to give us a 25% increase over what he's paying us now?

  9. Anonymous12:50 PM

    @Chuck, wait, you're getting paid?


  10. Yaa-hooo! I'm gonna sail this moose all the way to Storybookland!

  11. JG, I sure am. The salary is based on what I make as a Scoutmaster.

  12. Anonymous1:18 PM

    @Chuck, it's all becoming clear to me now.

    GDB is taking it's place in my retirement portfolio.


  13. Melissa, I can’t believe that you are admitting to watching all of those erotic Norwegian movies. For shame!

    Tom, your comment makes me think of a Simpson’s gag; there is a store that appears to be based on IKEA, only it’s called “UGLI”.

    Chuck, because I have “Jason’s Disneyland Almanac”. I do my research!

    Melissa, they need to serve an alcoholic beverage at the Norway pavilion in EPCOT and call it the Moose Sluice (too lazy to figure out how to put slashes through my o’s).

    Nanook, If you say that three times while looking in a mirror, Roy Williams will appear.

    JG, you’ll notice that you and Chuck shaped right up when threatened with discipline. Somehow “BWAHAHAHAHA” seems so “un-JG”!

    David Zacher, more ungulate humor, please.

    Chuck, I’ll double it! As soon as I get paid anything at all.

    JG, Chuck gets paid, but he has to buy all of his stuff at the company store, so it comes right back to me.

    Melissa, sometimes I wonder about the GDB readers…

    Chuck, isn’t it enough to just wear a big yellow sash with the word “SCOUTMASTER” on it??

    JG, I need to know how that will work.

  14. Correction: "Ugli" was a restaurant. Selma and Troy McClure go there.

  15. Major-

    I believe SHØP is what you were thinking.

  16. Nanook, you are correct! I don't know if my memory is playing tricks on me, but I seem to recall that there really was an IKEA-type store called (wait for it...) STØRE. Don't know if that was a local thing or what.

  17. It wasn't as good as a Møøse Sluice, but the last time I was at EPCOT I went in the snack shop in the Norway Pavilion right before IllumiNations and got their little shot glass of Aquavit. The Norwegian Cast Member rang me up and then hurried outdoors. When I joined my sister outside, we saw all the Norwegian kids in a big knot with their arms around each other, watching the light show and swaying back and forth to the music. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen at the parks. Even though the drink came in a plain plastic shot glass, I kept it with my souvenirs from that trip because it was such a special memory.

  18. Major, I remember STØRE. Weren't they here in So. Cal. before IKEA was? I think most or all of them became IKEAs after that company bought them out.

    Now I want some lingonberry jam.

  19. Anonymous12:16 PM

    @Melissa. That's a great story and memory. Thank you.

    @Major, I say BWAHAHAHAHA all the time, just not here, I want you all to like me.

    I am figuring that I will spend my retirement time constantly commenting on GDB threads.

    Chuck is making a BSA insider joke which goes sort of like "Do you get paid to be a Scoutmaster? Yes, I recently got a 100% raise, twice nothing is still nothing". And you're right, wearing the uniform is generally compensation enough.

    Also, I saw Injudicious Moose Banter open for Cheap Trick back in the '80's. Great band.

